"Die, little brat!"

Igarashi Amane also raised his fist and swung it heavily.

There was no beauty, no technique, just a pure explosion of physical strength!

The scorching purple flames shuttled through his bones, greatly increasing his speed and strength.


The air let out a mournful cry in mid-air.

The two fists collided heavily in mid-air, bursting out a terrifying wave of air.

The fierce wind made Hengshan's expensive suit crackle.

The yellow sand suddenly rolled up from the ground, and countless flying sands flew all over the sky.

Sato, who had been observing everything from a distance, suddenly widened his eyes and looked shocked.

This kid…..When I went there a few times before, I had very little magical power, how come it is so strong now... Facing Hengshan, a famous level 1 sorcerer, I didn't show any fear at all, I really decisively... Attacked!

Igarashi... is just a waste of the old times, you'd better disappear honestly.

In the yellow sand, the boy looked determined, with a heroic smile on his lips, and the wind wave blew his hair in front of his forehead.

Like a beast, he tore through the yellow sand!

"It's just a piece of mud, get out of here!"


Countless flames erupted from Igarashi Tenye's fist, and instantly enveloped Hengshan.

Igarashi Tenye put his other hand on Hengshan's fist, used the force to turn his body in the air, and kicked out directly.

The next moment.


Hengshan's figure flew out like a missile, and hit the ground dozens of meters away at a very fast speed.

Sato looked at the big hole smashed by Hengshan, and was a little panicked for a while. She quickly hid in a corner and started to dial a phone, ready to seek reinforcements.

But just as she hurriedly opened the lock, a heat wave swept over, and a layer of sweat instantly appeared on her forehead.

""No shaking, Ms. Sato."

A frivolous voice sounded from above. Sato's body stiffened. She swallowed her saliva and looked up cautiously. She saw Igarashi Amaya with flames burning on her body looking at her with amusement. He was her plaything a few days ago, but now the situation is completely reversed. This feeling made Sato feel humiliated.

But her reason told her that the other party was just a country bumpkin who had just awakened his technique and happened to have the surname Igarashi. Thinking of this, she was no longer afraid. She stumbled to her feet and looked directly at Igarashi Amaya. She said proudly,"Do you know who my father is? He is Sato.…."


But before she could finish her words, a finger with scorching heat stopped beside her lips, and the temperature emitted from it instantly made her cherry lips swell up like a fire bubble.

"You have to ask your mother who your father is, but according to my analysis, it shouldn't be me, after all, I am older than you, so it's useless for you to tell me, you know?"

Sato was ashamed and angry when she heard what Igarashi Amano said, but the pain on her lips told her not to act rashly, otherwise the guy in front of her would really kill her!

Her face flushed, and she said vaguely:"yes... yes."

Igarashi Amano nodded with relief. He took the phone from Sato's hand, looked left and right and said:"I will confiscate your phone. Go, go play somewhere else, don't worry, I won't kill you, after all, you are still pretty and worth a lot of money."

Sato was stunned when he heard it, and began to ask in disbelief:"What do you mean, what do you mean by valuable, what do you want to do to me?"

"Well, to put it simply,….."

""Asshole, stay away from the young lady!" A voice shouted angrily.



Igarashi Tianye stretched out a hand without looking back, caught the flying giant tree, shrugged at Sato, and then turned back to Hengshan.

"Hey, you stupid dog who can play with mud, do you guys whose skills are related to stones have thick blood bars? You are so resistant to beatings."

Hengshan was stunned when he heard Igarashi Tianye call him, and then the veins on his forehead began to jump uncontrollably, and he gritted his teeth and said,"Asshole, I must tear your mouth apart"


Hengshan stretched his arms backwards, veins popped out, and curse power erupted from his body. With a roar, he swung his arms forward fiercely.

Boom! Boom!

A stone pillar as big as a tall building rose from the ground and crushed towards Igarashi Tenye.

Igarashi Tenye's eyes condensed, flames surged all over his body, and whoosh! He disappeared from the spot, leaving only a trace of sparks

"Don't even think about running away!"

Hengshan swung his arms, and the stone pillar suddenly accelerated and rushed in the direction of Igarashi Tianye.

"Wearing a padlock? It's not that simple."

Igarashi Tianye paused, and the flames on his arms burned wildly, instantly forming two protective blades that wrapped around his arms!

"Since you can’t dodge, I’ll split you in half! Ah! Heh!"

The stone pillar collided with the blade, and with just a pause, the stone pillar was cut in half, like a piece of tofu, stirring up a gust of flying sand, so smoothly that it seemed a little unnatural.

"No!"Igarashi Tianye's heart moved, without hesitation, he immediately crossed his hands in front of his chest and began to defend.

Sure enough, bang!!

The flying sand was torn apart, and a huge fist made of rocks rushed towards him.

Even though he had made a defense, Igarashi Tianye was still blasted away directly, hitting a huge tree, holding his chest and began to cough and spit blood.

Hengshan did not give him a chance to breathe, and flashed in front of Igarashi Tianye in a flash, and began to hammer with both fists!

""Ah, Ola, Ola, Ola, Ola!"

Fists like a storm fell on Igarashi Amaha.

"I see, the reason why the stone pillars are faster is because their quality has been reduced... You are good at using a sleight of hand. If you continue like this, you will be completely dragged into the opponent's rhythm.…."

Igarashi Tianye, who was desperately resisting, quickly thought about Hengshan's fighting style and the trajectory of his punches, and quickly made a decision.…..Stab left! Swing right!

After thinking about it, Igarashi Tianye no longer defended with both hands, and grabbed out fiercely.


"What… What?! ? ?"

Hengshan's pupils trembled, and he looked at his fists that were tightly grasped with shock,"This…..How is this possible!! ? ?"

Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

Two shackles extended from Igarashi Tianye's right arm, tightly binding Hengshan's arm.

Before Hengshan could come to his senses, he heard a cold voice accompanied by a burst of piercing pain.

"Nothing is impossible, I am a genius."

Please give me everything, thank you very much

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