
"Nothing is impossible, I'm a genius."

The sound of chains shaking rang out, and Igarashi Amano firmly locked one of Hengshan's arms with his right hand.

Then he sank his waist, pulled Hengshan back violently, and threw him directly onto the giant tree behind him.

Without waiting for Hengshan to react, Igarashi Amano kicked sideways again, firmly holding Hengshan's neck.

Then he smiled bloodthirstily and said mockingly:"Say goodbye to your five-finger girl, hehe."

Hengshan's eyes widened after hearing this, and he instantly understood Igarashi Amano's purpose, but just when he was about to use the technique to escape, he found that he was hanging in the air, and was clamped tightly by the tree behind him and Igarashi Amano's legs, unable to touch the ground.

He began to panic, no longer as arrogant as before, and began to beg:"No... No, don't, don't, ah ah ah ah."Unfortunately, his throat was blocked so he couldn't make any sound.

Igarashi Tianye exhaled a breath of foul air, his muscles bulged, the surging flames on his body danced wildly, and he pulled his arms hard,"Hah, ah, break it for me!!"

"Please, please, don't!!!"


Under Hengshan's desperate gaze, his arm was torn off abruptly, and the piercing pain made his face turn pale.

""Here, I'll give it back to you."

The chains fell away, Igarashi Tianye looked at the arm in his hand that was bleeding, and threw it to Hengshan with some disgust.

Hengshan knelt on the ground with a pale face, his eyes filled with hideous bloodshot staring at the broken arm mixed in the mud, unable to keep his mind anymore.

"Bastard... I want you to die! Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

He covered the bleeding wound with his hand and let out a heart-wrenching roar. Hengshan stomped on the ground, and the ground within a radius of dozens of meters under his feet shattered directly. Countless cracks formed the shape of a spider web, and then countless rock spikes shot out one after another and flew into the air, stabbing towards Igarashi Tenha!

"Oh? A counterattack before death? Well, let's stop here, I've almost adapted to my abilities."Igarashi Tianye put his hands in his pockets and said with narrowed eyes.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hands, and bent his body slightly. The power of fire began to condense and compress under his feet. This repeated, and even wisps of white smoke began to rise from the ground.

Hengshan, who had lost his mind, saw this and stopped thinking. He directly controlled the rock spikes to pierce quickly.

"It’s over! Bastard!"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Several rock spikes pierced downwards like lightning.


Just when the spike was only a few millimeters away from Igarashi Tenye's eyes, hum! A wave surged out of his body, and everything around him seemed to have stopped in time, and was frozen in place!

Igarashi Tenye opened his eyes, and a wisp of white smoke came out of his mouth. The moment the earth roared, he also disappeared from the spot, leaving only the still burning flames, and... a broken arm that suddenly appeared?


The spike did not pierce Igarashi Tenye as Hengshan wished, but pierced the ground and the broken arm.

But Hengshan did not see these, because his sight was blocked by a ghost-like figure.

"Yeah, it's time to end.…."A cold voice sounded.

Hengshan looked at Igarashi Tenha who suddenly appeared in front of him, and his brain went into a state of panic. Before he could speak, a dazzling white light completely enveloped him.

——————The poem"Meteor」

——————Maximum power!


Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

The palm on Hengshan's chest instantly burst into a huge flame, and a burst of white light shone, as if to devour everything in the world, and completely obliterated Hengshan and the forest dozens of miles behind him.

A dark smoke rose up, surrounding the whole area.

The black fog retreated, and the figure of Igarashi Tianye also appeared. At this time, the flames and winged feather mask on his body had disappeared, and only a pair of torn pants were left on his body to cover his last stubbornness.

"Is this the power of"horse"... unexpectedly good……"

In the past few days, he has eaten all the cursed spirits within the dozens of miles of Kitano Village. With the blessing of Aoki, who is a first-level sorcerer, he has unlocked the power of"Horse".

I thought that"Horse" would be like"Pawn", just simply strengthening the five senses and strength, but I didn't expect it to be a skill. What a pleasant surprise!

————————Ability explanation:

"Edict",「The extended technique of"Dao Yuan Wuyou" is easy to understand in principle. Simply put, it can be understood as an ability starter, which uses"詔子" to activate the power contained in each chess piece.

Of course, even if you don't use"詔子", you can still activate the technique in the chess piece, but that will greatly increase the pre-swing time of the technique release, which is the so-called pre-swing. However, after the intervention of"詔子", the tedious process of releasing the technique is replaced by it. You only need to mobilize the magic power and think about it.

As for the ability of"马", it is to compress time within a radius of five miles centered on Igarashi Amanoha, and perform"replacement"!

The first is time compression. The principle is to squeeze the time within a radius of five miles, force yourself out of this time node, and appear in the world one second later, thereby obtaining nearly one second of"nothingness", that is, invincibility, and finally replacement. It can be understood as an"unjust game" within a range of five miles, and with one second of invincibility.

No CD, moderate consumption of magic power


Back to the topic, after releasing this attack, Igarashi Tianye was already out of breath. He used up his last bit of strength to instantly move to Sato, who was still in a daze, and knocked him out with a knife.

After doing all this, he fell directly to the ground, looking at the blue sky and gasping for breath

"Huh… Huh… Huh… Damn, it feels like my body is drained. I should have known not to use so much magic power. What a waste."

"However, if I kill someone like Hengshan who has a full cursed power value, I should be able to gain a lot of cursed power from him. Phew… it’s not a waste of effort, hehe."

Half an hour later, in the sun, Igarashi Tianye, who had almost recovered his physical strength, slowly stood up, stretched his muscles lazily, and made a crisp sound of frying beans.

""It's almost time to earn money for the plane ticket."

As soon as he finished speaking, Igarashi Tianye pulled Sato, who was still unconscious, to his side. Then he stretched out a hand, and a flame ignited in his hand. Under his control, the flame began to compress until it formed a round bead the size of a palm.

Igarashi Tianye played with the bead for a while, and then placed it on Sato's forehead. The next second, the bead began to melt like a drop of water and completely merged into Sato's head.

"This power should be enough,"

Sato's body trembled, and then she slowly opened her eyes. Just as she looked around in confusion, a voice woke her up completely.

"What's the matter? You seem to be sleeping comfortably like this?"

Sato turned around and saw the handsome face of Igarashi Amano.

Countless fragments popped into her mind at once.

The last picture was the scene of Hengshan Mountain reduced to ashes.

The fear of death instantly enveloped her.

Her face turned pale and her body trembled uncontrollably.

Without hesitation, she knelt down immediately and began to kowtow vigorously.

Her face was full of tears and her heart almost collapsed.

She kept muttering in her mouth:"Igarashi Amano, I know I was wrong, I'm sorry, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me, I know I was wrong.


Igarashi Amano looked at Sato like this, squatted down, looked at her and shook his head:"You just know that you are going to die."

Thank you for everything.

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