Igarashi Tianye knocked Sato unconscious with a knife again. He raised his right hand and a shackle emerged from his palm, tying Sato up.

""He then picked up the unconscious Sato and jumped away.

Not long after, he landed on the top of a tall tree. He looked into the distance and was suddenly stunned.

It was noon at this time. The warm spring sun shone directly on the ground, making the mountains and rivers bright. The surging spring tide of the Kuye River overflowed the riverbed. The water was gurgling and rolling. When it was illuminated by the sun, it sparkled like rolling thousands of silver beads and gold grains.

Summer, afternoon, sunshine, and flowing water are all synonymous with beauty and warmth, and now they all appeared in front of Igarashi Tianye.

""The summer stripes are already densely green, and the red vase is bright and fresh, it's really nice." Igarashi Tianye sighed from the heart.

He jumped down and stopped by a river. The clear river water reflected the boy.

"Ah, if I hadn't taken a picture, I would have almost forgotten that I'm only 10 years old." Igarashi Tianye looked at the handsome boy on the river. Now at the age of 10, he is more than 1.5 meters tall, with a good body proportion and a flawless face. Even child stars can't compare with him.

"Tsk tsk, this little face is almost as good as my previous life."

Igarashi Amano boasted, and then jumped into the river, but the strange thing was that he did not fall into the water, but stood upright on the water, and ripples appeared on the water.

Without pausing, he continued to run into the distance.

Time flew by, and Igarashi Amano ran tirelessly for about an hour, and finally stopped on a big tree.

He squinted his eyes at the small village with white smoke coming out of the chimney in front of him, compared it with the memory in his mind, and finally came to the conclusion:"This is it, my good village chief, he runs pretty fast."


Igarashi Amano appeared in a yard. He looked at the various women's clothes hanging horizontally in the yard, and black lines appeared on his forehead. He was speechless in his heart: Can't this guy do anything else besides women?

"Hey, who are you from? Don't you know you are not allowed to come in here? Who let you in? Go play somewhere else."

Igarashi Amano laughed at the arrogant voice behind him, then he turned his head slowly, looked at the village chief and said with a teasing look on his face:"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you forgot about me so quickly. I walked a long way to find you, village chief~"


The village chief collapsed to the ground after seeing who was coming. His brain was dominated by fear, fearing that his head would be blown up by Igarashi Amano in the next second. After all, he really liked to do this:"Five, five, Igarashi, Igarashi Amano!! ?"

"Grandpa is here."

The village chief would recall the scene of Igarashi Amano's brutal killing, and he immediately knelt down, wailing with snot and tears:"Master Igarashi, please let me go, I really didn't mean it at the time, I beg you, wuwuwu~ Master, Master….."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, why are you like this? Stop howling. I came to you to make a deal with you. If the reward you offer can satisfy me, I will let you go. Igarashi Tianye interrupted his spell and said quickly.

""Eh?" The village chief was stunned. What did Igarashi Amanoha just say? Not kill himself? He suddenly became excited and said quickly:"Lord Igarashi, whatever it is, just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Igarashi Amanoha threw Sato, who was tied tightly behind him, to the ground, removed the chains and said:"Don't you like to buy? Well, I'll sell you one too."

After seeing Sato's face, the village chief was stunned on the spot, his face full of shock, but he quickly came back to his senses, replaced by a face full of excitement and evil desire. This was the person he dreamed of playing with, but now he got her easily, how could he stay calm?

"Sir, please name a price."The village chief suppressed his emotions and said to Igarashi Tianye

"Um…..1 million yen, Igarashi Tianye said.

"How much!! ? ?"The village chief yelled out loud and was about to curse, but after seeing who said it, he held back his words. He could only whisper:"Sir, even if I sold myself, I still don't have 1 million yen."

"So how much do you have?"

"I only have 50,000 yen left on me now, and I've spent all my money, sir. I'm not lying to you."

Igarashi Tianye said awkwardly,"Okay then."

The village chief was relieved immediately after hearing Igarashi Tianye's next words, but he was dumbfounded.

"All right then, 500,000 is 500,000, go get the money"

"Huh!? Sir, I just said 50,000, not 50….."The village chief was a little confused and hurriedly explained.


A ball of scorching fire suddenly ignited in the palm of Igarashi Tianye's hand. He looked at the village chief impatiently and said,"How much is it?""

"5….500,000 yen……."

"Go get the money"


After a while, the village chief ran out of the house trembling with a suitcase. Looking at the painful expression on his face, you can tell that he is in pain at the moment.

Igarashi Tianye took the suitcase, weighed it, nodded with satisfaction, and then he said to the village chief who was groping Sato's body:"There is one more request"

"Lord Igarashi, I really have no money, really, if you don't believe me, go and search for it yourself."The village chief was immediately scared when he heard the word"request".

"It's not about money, it's about something else. I hope Sato can be as happy as possible here with you, you know."

The village chief immediately understood what he meant and laughed, as evil as he could be."Don't worry about that, I will definitely let her experience what real"happiness" is, hehe, hehe"

""Yeah." Igarashi Tianye responded, picked up the money and disappeared.

In the evening, in a taxi on a highway in Shibuya, Tokyo, Igarashi Tianye, wearing a black children's clothing, was staring at the night view outside the window in a daze.

Beep! Beep!

At this moment, a sound came from the children's watch on his wrist.

‘It is now 8:00 PM on August 23rd, Tokyo time.’

‘It is now 8:00 PM on August 23rd, Tokyo time...........

Igarashi Tianyi's forehead was black. Damn, he didn't even need to look at the store to know where this thing was made.

It's really everywhere........

Igarashi Tianji retracted his gaze towards the window and thought to himself: It's eight o'clock, we can start.

Snap! Igarashi Tianji turned around and snapped his fingers in the direction behind him.


Ask for everything, grateful

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