Hearing what Igarashi Amano said, as a mother, she was immediately happy:"Hahaha, you are worthy of being my child. You must work hard and buy a big house in Tokyo when you grow up to honor me and your father.""

""Okay, mother."

After dinner, the two returned to their respective beds to rest without much conversation.

About two hours later, the door opened and Igarashi Amano's"father" came back. As for why he came back so late, it was certainly not to work. For such a lazy person, only playing cards could make him forget about food and sleep.

He didn't say anything. After a simple bite at the stove, he went back to bed to rest. If nothing unexpected happened, the two idiots would make a noise again.

Not long after, the inferior bed board made a protesting sound.



Igarashi Tianye was bored and started counting the time







The panting stopped. Igarashi Amano was not surprised by this. However, he seemed to be in good shape today. He actually reached 129 seconds. Haha.

The farce-like day ended here, and Igarashi Amano fell asleep with mental fatigue.

The next morning, it should be said that it was close to noon. Igarashi Amano, who came back from exercising, looked at the two people on the bed helplessly. It was a miracle to live to this age. Sure enough, once human thinking changes, his survival needs will also be aligned with livestock.

Igarashi Amano simply washed up and began to walk towards the kindergarten. Along the way, he looked at the people in the distance working hard to farm, and sighed a little. There are still normal people in this village, not all of them are idiots.

Over and over again, Igarashi Amano lived like this day after day. Although the quality was a little unsatisfactory, it was fortunate that it was safe at present. Of course, this was the previous view. The previous assembly line was broken today.

July 2, 2000

As usual, Igarashi Amano walked home for 20 minutes, did disgusting rules, and said disgusting words

"I'm going to start eating." Igarashi Tianye said with his hands clasped together.

At this moment,"father" came back. Unlike usual, he looked very depressed. Although he would be depressed when he lost all his money before, he didn't know when it started. His condition looked worse day by day, as if his energy was sucked away.

"I'm back." Ishii Ichiro said in a weak voice

"Come and eat."

Igarashi Tianye didn't look at him much, just ate his muddy ramen, but when he looked up and spoke, he was stunned.

"I finished eating………Strange...monster………"Igarashi Tianye was stunned for a moment when he looked at the one-eyed lizard on his"father's" shoulder, and he spoke out uncontrollably."


The sound of chopsticks falling sounded, instantly pulling Igarashi Tianye back from shock. He suddenly looked at his"parents" and found that they were looking at him with fierce eyes.

"Bad luck."


Igarashi Tianye didn't think too much, he just overturned the table and ran out the door. He used all his strength to run into the jungle. The couple who reacted no longer concealed their faces and ran outside and started shouting.

"Come quickly, this noble kid is an"unlucky person" Come quickly!"

The man's rough voice sounded particularly harsh in the quiet evening. All the men in every household ran out and ran towards Igarashi Tianye.

"Catch him, quickly! We can't let him get away, quickly!"

Igarashi Amano's face darkened as he watched more and more people gather behind him:"Damn it, years of planning have been ruined." He cursed his own stupidity, and at the same time picked up the guillotine beside him, ready for the final life-and-death struggle. Now that some villagers have ridden motorcycles, he can't outrun the gas-guzzling machines no matter how fast he runs.

As he stopped, the crowd quickly surrounded him."Run, bastard, why don't you run anymore? I didn't expect you to be so good at pretending. I didn't even notice it for so long." His"father" pointed at him and cursed.


As a voice fell in the crowd, everyone rushed forward.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

"Ah, my hand, ah ah ah." Igarashi Tianye cut off a man's hand and looked at the motorcycle beside him. As long as he could grab the motorcycle, he could run away. His eyes became firm and he held the knife in his hand tighter.

"Damn kid, come at me together.

Even if he has a knife, I wonder how he can dodge it." Igarashi Amano relied on the judo he learned in his previous life and the weapons in his hands to defeat the crowd one by one.

After less than 10 minutes, everyone including Igarashi Amano was injured, but in the end, he gained a short victory at the cost of a broken arm. He dragged his aching body towards the motorcycle. This kind of small motorcycle could be driven even by his short legs. He started the motorcycle happily and prepared to leave.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The huge engine sound was just like his heart. He began to look forward to the outside world. He began to plan his plans after getting out. He began to think about the name"unknown person". It was very unfamiliar. It seemed that it was not the"imaginary world" I mentioned. Things were getting troublesome.

"Strange, why am I getting sleepier and sleepier, what's going on."Igarashi Tianye felt more and more tired while riding, his eyelids closed uncontrollably, he began to bite his tongue to control his sleepiness and started to think about what went wrong, could it be that bowl of noodles? No! It's impossible, they couldn't have known that there was something wrong with them before, so what was it?……..


The motorcycle crashed into a tree uncontrollably. Igarashi Tianye felt his body flying up. In the last moment before he closed his eyes, he saw a needle inserted into his broken arm. Is that what happened?……..


When he opened his eyes again, he saw an unfamiliar environment. It was extremely quiet with only a few candles flickering. He raised his hand to rub his head, but he felt pain in his arm and the sound of chains.

"This is……."He endured the pain and slowly climbed up. He felt a little desperate when he saw the chains all over his body. His neck, hands, and feet were all shackled.

He began to hate himself, hated his stupidity, hated his carelessness, hated his weakness. If he hadn't said it out loud, if he had noticed the tranquilizer, if he had been stronger, damn it, all his years of calculations were ruined in an instant, damn it.

"You also have magical powers, right?"

At this moment, a sudden voice appeared behind me.

Please help me, thank you very much.

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