(Aoki is a huge foreshadowing, stop scolding him!)


" Who!?" Igarashi Amaha turned his head suddenly and looked behind him.

The harsh sound of chains rang out, and the candlelight illuminated the face of the person in front of him.

Igarashi Amaha saw the person in front of him clearly, and even his pupils shrank suddenly despite his strong psychological quality.

The person in front of him was extremely thin, no, it was not thin anymore, his chest was completely sunken, and only the bones could be seen, he was really skin and bones. His hair had grown to the ground, and so did his nails, like a beast. It was hard to imagine that this was a human, a living human.

No! What did he just say? Curse power! Could it be?

"What do you mean by cursed power?"Igarashi Tianye looked at the person in front of him warily and asked a question that he had been thinking about for five years.

Igarashi Tianye controlled the muscles of his body and was ready to attack at any time. Even if the person in front of him wanted to eat him, he would not be surprised at all. It has been three years since he first heard the screams in the basement. Three years is enough to turn a person into a beast, and this world is even more so.

"Are you still a novice? It seems that you don't know why you were caught, welcome to hell, my name is Aoki, Aoki Agawa, and it's my eighth year in hell." Aoki Agawa spoke absurd words in a hoarse voice.

Igarashi Amano frowned, eight years! After staying in this dark space for eight years and not committing suicide, things became troublesome,"My name is Igarashi Amano, I'm 10 years old, I know why I was caught, because I am an alien to them, and what I want to know is, what exactly is an alien, and what is the meaning of cursed power, please help me answer"

"Oh? Only 10 years old? I really can't tell, Igarashi... a noble surname."A wave of emotion rose in Aoki Achuan's dull eyes. What an incredible child.

Igarashi Tianye didn't say anything, waiting for Aoki Achuan's next words.

"Ah, cursed power, let's talk about it, it's been a long time since I talked to humans, yes, yes."

Igarashi Tianye frowned even more tightly, what do you mean, it's been a long time since I talked to humans, that is…..The negative matter of this world can.

Aoki Achuan sat down on the ground and said somewhat dejectedly:"Let's talk about it, cursed power, it's shit, it's the power from human negative emotions, the reason why we are called aliens is that we have cursed power and can become sorcerers, but those monkeys can't.

Igarashi Amano has confirmed that this is the"virtual world" [Jujutsu Kaisen]. Although he has not thoroughly understood this world, he has seen simple plots. What he just saw was the curse spirit, but why has he only seen that one curse spirit in all these years? There can't be so few curse spirits in such a village.

"I have a question, Mr. Aoki, can you tell me?"Igarashi Tianye asked his question

"Ah, it's been a while since anyone called my name. I miss it so much. Tell me something, smart kid."

"There should be a lot of cursed spirits in this village, but why have I only seen one in all these years?"

Qingmu Yachuan was stunned. This kid didn't even know about cursed power just now, how come he suddenly knew about cursed spirits? But he just thought about it and didn't ask.

"Because I exorcised them all."

"What?" Igarashi Tenye looked at Aoki Achuan with some doubt. It was not his fault that he looked down on others. The prerequisite for exorcising the cursed spirit was to defeat him. But how could he possibly do it in his current state? Besides, if he had that kind of strength, he would have run away long ago.

Aoki Achuan saw Igarashi Tenye's doubt and explained with a smile,"It's my technique"Evil Attraction" that can attract cursed spirits of a certain level. Don't look at me like this. I'm actually very strong. Some weaker ones won't be my opponents."

"But if you have such strength, why are you still here? Why don't you run?"

"That's a long story, let's talk about it later. Give me your arm, I'll take care of it for you, don't be afraid of what I will do to you, although I look like I'm about to die, but I'm still very strong." Aoki Achuan didn't explain much, but looked at Igarashi Amaha's arm.

Igarashi Amaha didn't refuse, raised his arm and walked towards Aoki Achuan, because the other party was telling the truth. If it was true as he said, then it would be useless even if he resisted. If it was false, then he didn't have to be afraid of him, he still had some physical strength now. Click!

A crisp sound rang out, Igarashi Amaha shook his arm, although it was a little painful, but it would not get worse.

"Many thanks"

"We may die in the same place again, there is no need to be so polite."

After a brief acquaintance and the treatment of the arm, the two of them became familiar with each other and began to chat.


At this moment, the sound of the iron door rang, and they saw who was coming. It was the village chief.

The village chief walked to Igarashi Amano with a torch and said in a cold tone:"I originally wanted to find your parents to make some money, but I didn't expect it to be a monster, you bastard, it's all because of you monsters that my son died."

After the village chief finished speaking, he kicked Igarashi Amano in the face. He just wanted to dodge, but he forgot that his feet were handcuffed with chains, and he took the kick alive.


Igarashi Amano, who was kicked to the ground, felt a salty taste in his mouth, and stared at the village chief.

"You still dare to glare at me!" He kicked Igarashi Amano in the face again.

He seemed dissatisfied when he saw the blood flowing from the corner of Igarashi Amano's mouth. He then pulled out his belt and started to whip him fiercely.

The face, neck, chest, arms, thighs, all were his targets.

The belt swung down again and again with the sound of breaking wind. Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

I don't know how long it had been. The village chief looked at Igarashi Amano, who was lying on the ground covered in blood and had fainted, and spat, muttering something like"You're really not resistant to beatings."

"You, keep an eye on him and don't let him die, or you'll be the one getting beaten."The village chief raised his belt and said to Aoki Yachuan.

"" Okay."

The village chief nodded with satisfaction and turned to walk outside.

"Get up, that stupid monkey is gone." Aoki Achuan said to Igarashi Amano who was lying motionless on the ground.

Igarashi Amano moved and slowly sat up. He did not feel resentment or curse, but calmly began to check the wounds on his body.

"You don't seem angry, are you an M?" Aoki Yachuan asked curiously.

"If anger could solve problems, I would be lying on the bed in a five-star hotel watching my favorite comedy."Igarashi Tianye said in a calm tone.

"Haha, you are really interesting."

"Same here."

Please give everything, thank you very much

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