The black man was startled when he saw Igarashi Amano leaving, and quickly chased after him and began to ask,"¿Qué acabas de decir? ¿Vas a volver a Japón? (What did you just say? Are you going back to Japan?)"

"Ah, yes, something interesting is about to happen, it's time to go back and join in the fun."Igarashi Tianye yawned again and said in a depressed tone

""Okay." The black man said.

The two walked to the side of the road, opened the back door of a Maybach and got in.

""Sir, your student ID has been processed for you." The driver in the front row handed over a card respectfully.

Before Igarashi Amaha could make any move, the black man next to him took it, looked at the small card in his hand, and said word by word in broken Japanese:"Tokyo… Kyoto Ritsu Jutsu… Technical College student ID, student number… 100006, age 16 years old. Damn, every time I see your age, it feels incredible. You are only 16 years old. It's really strange.""

"Name….Igarashi Amanoha, and…."

But when he read the last word, he exclaimed:"Level 1...Level 1!!?"

Hearing the black man's loud voice, Igarashi Tianye pressed his hands and signaled him to be quiet.

But the black man ignored him and continued to say in surprise:"How can you, who has never been to school, directly reach Level 1? There is no need for assessment. Did you donate two teaching buildings to them!?"

"You know shit. In the past few years, I have independently exorcised more level 1 cursed spirits than you have ever seen. It would be strange if I was not rated as level 1."

After saying this, Igarashi Tianye stopped paying attention to the black man, but found a comfortable posture, folded his arms across his chest, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The driver in the front row also spoke at this time:"The mission this time is to go to the southern waters for investigation. According to intelligence, this cursed spirit has reached the level of level 1. Of course, it may be stronger. Just now when the two of you were watching the game, it is very likely that some fishermen had died."

The black man laughed out loud when he heard the last sentence of the driver:"I say, Mr. Aman, there is no need to say the last two sentences. Do you think Tianye will care about these things? After all, in his eyes, humans without cursed power are just monkeys, hahahaha."

Mr. Aman seemed to have gotten used to it and didn't say anything. Driving and intelligence management were his jobs. Although he couldn't understand why his boss was so indifferent to humans without magical powers, he still had to say something.

The vehicle had been driving for about ten minutes and was about to reach the destination when the drowsy Igarashi Amano spoke up in the back seat:"Stop in front. I have something important to do. THAAD goes first. I'll be there soon.""

""Okay, sir."

The black man, Sad, turned to look at Igarashi Amano, and said in disbelief,"Eh? That's a first-level cursed spirit. I'll die if I go alone, Amano. We're close friends since we were in Huadu. Can you really bear to watch me go and die?"

Sad, whose real name is Hamza Sad, is 23 years old, a Moroccan and a second-level sorcerer. He met Igarashi Amano in Huadu Yangcheng in 2002. Since both of them are sorcerers, they often go out together to exorcise cursed spirits, and their relationship has become close. Later, when Igarashi Amano went to Spain, he followed her and even started his own family here.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"Stop here."

""Okay, sir."

Igarashi Tianye got off the car and lit a cigarette. He walked straight into a movie theater until the car drove away.

"Hello, give me a ticket for Blood Diamond, a bottle of Coke and a bucket of popcorn."

Igarashi Amaha took out a few euros from his pocket and handed them to the counter lady.

The counter lady's eyes lit up when she saw Igarashi Amaha, and she said in a choked voice,"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

""Sir, here are your movie tickets and popcorn."

Igarashi Tianye picked them up, hummed lightly, and walked inside. However, when he was about to eat the popcorn, he touched a piece of paper. He picked it up and saw that it was a room number.


He turned his head to look at the lady at the counter and found that she was also staring at him with a charming face and throwing him a wink from time to time. Seeing this, he knew what was going on.

Igarashi Amaya shook his head and smiled distressedly. The note in his hand turned into ashes and disappeared. Then he walked towards the theater without looking back.

A mere pink skeleton actually wanted to disturb me watching the movie, ridiculous.

When the movie started, Igarashi Amaya was also concentrating on it and didn't notice the vibrating mobile phone in his pocket.

At the same time, on the other side, Aman looked at Igarashi Amaya who was late and sighed helplessly:"He is still so willful. There is no way. Mr. Sad, you go and stop him for the time being. If it goes on like this, the cursed spirit will run away."

Thade, who was about to cry but had no tears, agreed. He turned over and entered the cordon, and began to look around vigilantly.

Seeing this, Aman stretched out a hand, stood in front of his chest, and began to chant:"From darkness to darkness, all filth and repentance must be removed." As soon as the voice fell.


The sound of flowing water echoed in the air, and something like a curtain slowly covered it from the sky.

As the [tent] fell, the originally calm sea surface instantly began to stir up waves.

"It's coming." Thad looked around solemnly. If anything went wrong, he would run away immediately. This was his battle plan.

Wow! Wow!

Waves came up and Thad on the shore was splashed with water.

Roar! A terrifying roar spread from all around.

Thad stepped back and his fists ignited the cursed flames.

"Come out, bastard, don't let me find you."


The sea surface exploded instantly, and a cursed spirit similar in size to a human rushed out with several water columns and rushed towards THAAD.

"I told you to come and you really came, damn it." Thad was stunned, and stepped back, then he stepped hard and appeared behind the curse spirit in an instant. Before the curse spirit could react, he kicked it with a whip kick.

Thad looked at the curse spirit that he had knocked to the ground, and immediately put on a mask of arrogance:"You bastard, let me show you my Huadu Kung Fu."

After saying that, he did not give the curse spirit a chance to breathe, and after making a Wing Chun start, he rushed forward, swung his arms, and the fists that turned into afterimages all fell on the curse spirit, making him scream continuously.

"Hey, boy, let me show you my loving iron fist, ah la la la la la."



Thad's fist penetrated the curse spirit's skin and stabbed into its body.

He suddenly felt something was wrong. Just when he wanted to pull his fist out, he found that his fist seemed to be firmly grasped and could not move at all.

At this time, an unclear voice sounded in his ears, and his blood instantly solidified.


Ask for everything, grateful

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