"How, how is it possible....to speak,…..It's special grade!"


The cursed spirit punched him in the abdomen, and he immediately felt a sweetness in his throat

"Ugh, cough, etc.….."


Another punch hit him, sending THAAD flying.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

THAAD's body flew backwards and hit a distant building, creating a dense patch of cracks behind him.

After being hit, THAAD's head crashed, his eyes rolled back, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The curse spirit did not let him go, he turned into a meteor and appeared directly beside THAAD, then turned around and kicked THAAD into the air again.


In an instant, he appeared behind THAAD again, holding his hands tightly, and smashed down on THAAD's back.


THAAD's falling figure created a huge deep pit in the ground, stirring up a gust of sand.

The curse spirit walked through a cloud of smoke and came to THAAD's side, looking at the unconscious human lying on the ground, and a voice came out of his body:"Die!"…..Bar…."

Then he raised one foot and stepped directly on Sade's head.


"Huh! ?"

Suddenly, the sound of a lighter being struck came.

"My friend, you are quite angry."

Igarashi Amano said calmly, blowing out a puff of white smoke towards the face of the cursed spirit.

The cursed spirit was startled by the man who suddenly appeared, and exerted force on his feet, but found that his feet could not step down at all.

He looked down and saw that it was the feet of the man who suddenly appeared that stopped him.

The cursed spirit became angry,"Human...."Get out of here!"

Boom! The overwhelming curse power burst out from his body, spreading wildly in all directions.

The sky and the earth suddenly changed color. The world in front of him seemed to suddenly turn scarlet, and the shock from the depths of his soul swept across the entire coast like waves.

In the distance, Aman, who was outside the cordon, also felt this sense of oppression. His expression changed, his eyes widened in horror, and his face was full of disbelief.

"This, this is special grade!"

"Damn it, how could the intelligence be wrong? It's over. If something happens to Mr. THAAD, I will be dead too. What should I do? Damn it, what went wrong?"

Aman muttered in horror, and his serious face turned pale.

"Oh, yes, I'm looking for Mr. Igarashi." He searched his pockets hastily, but couldn't find it.

"Bastard, bastard, where on earth are you!"

But before he could find his phone, another more profound, majestic, and overbearing aura crushed him.

The strong wind blew him to the ground, but he was not angry, but relieved:"It's Mr. Igarashi's aura, great, I'm saved." Aman, with a tired face, lay directly on the ground, with a lingering smile on his face,"I'm saved, hehe." On the other side, at the center of the storm, the cursed spirit looked at the smoking man in front of him with fear, and couldn't believe it in his heart: This human... How could it be possible, to have such evil cursed power, is he still a human being, damn it.

This feeling is just like Shura.

Boom! The aura dissipated.

A cigarette was also burned out. Igarashi Tianye pressed the cigarette butt on the forehead of the cursed spirit and gently extinguished it. He exhaled the last puff of smoke and said lightly:

"I have to give him an explanation for beating my brother like this, right?"


The cigarette butt was bounced into the air like a sharp sword, and Igarashi Tianye gently put his hand on the neck of the curse spirit.

The next second, time froze for a moment.


The two of them appeared in the sky in an instant. Before the curse spirit could come to its senses, Igarashi Tianye casually threw the curse spirit downwards, and then he stretched out a palm and aimed it at the curse spirit.

In the sky, behind Igarashi Tianye, who had one hand in his pocket, a black and white totem-like thing appeared, with a murderous word"cannon" written on it, and it began to flash continuously.

"Then I will reward you with a Kamehameha."

As soon as the words fell, countless red and blue energy points gathered in his palm, compressing and expanding over and over again, and finally condensed into a huge black energy body, suspended in his palm, emitting a terrifying aura that seemed to swallow up the world.

Igarashi Tianye looked at the cursed spirit below and uttered a few words lightly:

——————He pushed forward with one hand, and the power that was compressed to the extreme burst out with a bang. A black beam of destruction several meters wide pressed towards the cursed spirit below. Its terrifying power made the air around it condense. The cursed spirit's blood flowed backwards, and he used up all his cursed power and raised his hands suddenly. The surging waves behind him seemed to receive the order, forming several tornadoes and rushing towards the beam of destruction.

——————「"Swinging Line Strangling"!!


The beam of destruction collided with the swinging line strangling. In just an instant, several tornadoes were shattered and turned into countless raindrops hitting the ground. The unstoppable"Si" roared in the sky, and the heat caused the temperature in this area to rise sharply. Dark clouds pressed down, like thunder wandering in the clouds...

The cursed spirit looked at the light getting closer and closer, and shouted:"….No…..No, I just learned the language...…."


The cursed spirit was enveloped by the light, and under this attack, it turned into ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The aftermath of the attack fell on the sea surface, causing a wave of waves. The turbulent tsunami rolled up and ruthlessly hit the buildings on the coast. Several buildings were destroyed in an instant.

After a few minutes, the waves gradually calmed down. Igarashi Amaha shook his smoky hand, lit a cigarette and said:

"If you can grow up to the point where you can open the domain, it would be fine if you could fight me, but you can't even speak clearly, and you're just playing dumb with me, so I didn't even finish watching the movie."

After saying that, he controlled his body and landed on the water-stained ground, kicked the lying THAAD with his foot, and said nonchalantly:"Get up, the mission is over."

No sound

"The ball you bought won."

Thad sat up suddenly,"Really?"


"I guessed it right, you always lie to me."Thade stood up and wrung out his wet clothes, looking at the ruins around him and said,"Didn't you say that this move consumes a lot of magic power and you wouldn't use it easily? Why did you use it so casually this time?"

Igarashi Tianye scratched his head indifferently and said,"Nothing, I suddenly wanted to show off."

Tade was stunned,"Then the cost of your showing off is really high. You made this place like this, and the high-level magicians in Malaga will not give up. You'd better be prepared for a big loss."

Igarashi Tianye scratched his ears and said in confusion,"What does the matter of your high-level magicians in Malaga have to do with me, a magician in Tokyo?"

Tade was dumbfounded and said in a daze,"Wait, you're not going to run away, are you?"

Igarashi Tianye laughed, touched Tade's bald head and said,"Ah, ah, you're so smart." As he said that, he raised his wrist, looked at the familiar phone watch and said,"The plane will take off in 20 minutes."

"What?! ? ?"The confused THAAD spoke directly in Japanese,"If you fucking leave, then this is my fault."

"Hahahahahahaha, bye."


"Igarashi Tenha, get the hell out of here!!"

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