In the early morning, the breeze was blowing gently, and the towering Tokyo Tower was shining brightly under the sunlight.

April 5, 2006, Tokyo.

In an office of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jujutsu.

The warm sunlight, shining through the dense leaves, became golden spots, imprinted on the desk.

A man with a righteous face was looking at the dozens of pages of information on the desk in distress.

"Alas, why is there another problem teenager?"

New student information.

Name: Igarashi Amanoha

Age: 16

Height: 1.86 meters

Place of birth: Unknown

How to enter technical college: Self-recommendation

Technique:"Daoyuan Wuyou"

Currently known abilities: Can manipulate a purple-white flame at will, with extremely high temperature; Space jump similar to teleportation; Unknown high-strength cursed force cannon; The cursed force is strong and bottomless; Unknown clone ability, only two clones have been found so far, and the strength is initially judged to be 90% of the original body;

Initial level rating: Special

Detailed information: Born in Japan in 1990, he did not appear in society until 2000.

It is unknown where he was and what he did in the past 10 years.

He appeared at Tokyo Narita Airport on August 17, 2000, and went to Huadu Yangcheng with a fake identity.

He went to Malaga, Spain in 2004.

In September of the same year, he went to a local magic gang alone and wiped them out, leaving no one alive.

In November of the same year, the top leaders of Malaga, Spain sent assassins to snipe Igarashi Amano, but he was killed in the end.

At the end of November of the same year, Igarashi Amano used the magic cannon at noon to fiercely attack the Malaga magic high-rise building, resulting in 4 deaths and 11 injuries, and made a bold statement to the entire Malaga top leaders: Right now, I will give you a chance to challenge me, don't worry, I will never use my full strength.

This move completely broke the international convention, and Igarashi Amano became the only magician who directly challenged the magic high-level in a hundred years!

In December of the same year, the angry Malaga high-level officials sent the only special-grade sorcerer in Malaga, Juan Guerrero Santavala, and five level 1 sorcerers to encircle and suppress Igarashi Amane. The situation of the battle has been blocked by the local high-level officials, and no one knows what happened except the parties involved.

There is no sympathy for people without cursed power, but they are extremely bloodthirsty towards cursed spirits.

Kyoto high-level officials suggested: obliterate.

Summary: A genius boy who appears once in a century, he has no shortcomings except in his field, with a perverse personality, but extremely rational.


Ye Mo Zhengdao sighed, took off his sunglasses, rubbed his eyes vigorously, got up and walked out.

In the same corridor, in the second-grade classroom with a house number, unlike other classrooms, there are only a few scattered tables here and there, and there are only three people.

"Hey, Wu, didn't you say that a new classmate would come today? Why hasn't he come yet?"A handsome boy with a black bun, a strange-looking fringe on his forehead, and earrings on his ears said

"Ah, who knows, maybe he was afraid to face me directly, so he ran away." The young man called Satoru said arrogantly while lazily lying on the table. He wore a pair of round-frame sunglasses, but what was more eye-catching was his holy-looking white hair.

Geto Summer shook his head speechlessly, then turned his gaze to the cute girl who was holding a lollipop in her mouth and rapidly tapping her phone in her hand,"Glass, aren't you curious about who is coming? He can be directly inserted into the second grade, maybe he is some incredible guy from the three major families."

Before Glass could speak, Gojo Satoru on the side laughed,"Hahahaha, Jie, what are you talking about, isn't the most incredible person in the entire three major families right in front of you, as for those other scum, just forget it."

Glass nodded in agreement:"That's right, we all know those guys from the three families. They have always disliked our Kyoto High School, let alone joining us. What's more, Mr. Ye Moth will not agree to let them in casually. He hates those guys the most."

After saying this, Glass, who was also curious about the new classmates, picked up her phone and sent an email

"Senior Geji, do you know anything about the sudden transfer student here?"


After a few seconds, the phone rang with a notification sound of receiving an email.

"I only know that guy is very strong, I don't know much about other things, but Principal Leyan Temple doesn't seem to like your new classmate that much. Every time he mentions him, his face is gloomy, hahaha."

Nitsuko thought about the message, then glanced at Gojo Satoru who was shaking his head, and replied with some evil humor:

"Very strong? Is he stronger than Wu? (Looking forward to jpg)"


"That would be the best thing to do. Let that bastard know that there are always people who are better than you. (angryjpg)"

"Ah, Utahime-senpai is really resentful of Wu~ (snickeringjpg)."


"Of course, that bastard who always calls people weak, I get angry when I mention him (angryjpg)."


Just when she was chatting animatedly, the sound of the classroom door being opened was heard.

Ye Mo Zhengdao walked into the classroom, clapped his hands, and said loudly:"Okay, everyone, be quiet. I believe you have already heard about the news about the arrival of new students. Then, let us welcome the new students!"

After that, he swung his hand and pointed to the classroom door, and the three of them looked in the direction of his palm.



A quiet…..

The three of them were dumbfounded, and all looked at Yega Masamichi, who was also a little confused at this time.

What's going on? You just agreed to come in, why don't you come in?


The sound of the door being opened rang out, and the four of them looked at the same time, only to find that the person who came in was not a new classmate, but Mr. Ijichi, who was panting.

"Mr. Yega, Igarashi said he forgot to take something and needs to go get it."Ijichi said, panting.

"Well……."Several people were dumbfounded

"This bastard......"Ye Mo Zheng Dao's forehead veins jumped unconsciously, and he suppressed his anger and said,"Did he say when he would be back?"

Hearing Ye Mo's question, he seemed to remember something. Yi Dizhi slapped his thigh, took out an old-fashioned kerosene lighter with a special mark from his pocket, handed it to Ye Mo Zheng Dao and said,"He asked you to help light it."

Ye Mo Zheng Dao took a deep breath, calmed the suppressed anger in his heart, took the lighter, looked around in his palm, then opened the lid and started to light it.

The three people below were also confused. This new classmate didn't look like a serious person.


The space froze for a moment, and several people felt a flash in front of their eyes. A tall figure with a cigarette in his mouth and a dying cursed spirit in his hand appeared in the classroom in an instant.

Igarashi Tianye used the fire made by Ye Mo Zheng Dao to light the cigarette, took a deep breath and exhaled a wisp of white smoke

"Hey, hello everyone"

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