


"Wait, you just said he gave you all gifts, what did he give you? It can't be a luxurious villa!!"

Glass looked at the message sent by the singing girl and smiled helplessly.

"Unfortunately, it was a cigarette.


The message came very quickly. It took less than five seconds to receive the message from the singer. It was obvious that she was shocked.

"? ? What did you say, a cigarette? ?"

"Yeah, a cigarette, I don’t understand what it means either." (ps During this period, Nozomi didn’t smoke, she had candy in her mouth.)


"He is really a talent."

"Who knows?"

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Ye Moth Zhengdao, who came with two unfamiliar faces, clapped his hands at the three people who were wrestling in a ball and shouted:

"All right, all of you, behave yourself and stand still!"

The three of them were startled and stood still. When Gojo Satoru stood up, he secretly kicked Geto Xiayou and Amano Igarashi, making them angry.

""Okay." Ye Mo Zhengdao nodded, took a step back, looked at the two people beside him and said,"Tianye, these two are first-year students, Hui Yuanxiong and Nanami Kento, both are second-level sorcerers, and are also very reliable juniors. You will go on missions together in the future."

As he said, he pointed to Igarashi Tianye,"This guy is Igarashi Tianye, he just transferred to the second grade yesterday, he is a first-level sorcerer, but his exact strength is still unknown, and he needs to be tested later."

"Okay, the introduction is over. The main purpose of calling you here today is to evaluate Tianye's strength, so that you can make the right choice when going on missions in the future. As a spectator, the first graders can learn about Tianye's skills and combat habits."

"Next, Gojo Satoru, and Geto Xiayou, who of you two will be the opponent of Tianye?"

Gojo Satoru raised his hand instantly, looking extremely excited,"I will, I will, I will beat him up and let him know how powerful I am."

Geto Xiayou smiled, narrowed his eyes and said,"Since Satoru wants to come, let him come, I have no objection"

""Eh? It's strange that you agreed so quickly." Gojo Satoru said

"There's nothing strange about it. I've always been giving in to you, don't you know?" Xia Yujie said softly.

"" Huh?" Gojo Satoru, who had a bad temper, rolled up his sleeves and was about to go up and beat someone up,"Do I need you to give way to me? Get out of here."

Ye Mo Zhengdao looked at Gojo Satoru, the biggest troublemaker in the team, and roared in a low voice,"Gojo Satoru! Get out of here and get to the battle field right away."

Gojo Satoru, who was smart enough to be called, stood up straight, saluted and said,"Hi!"

The group of people walked towards the battle field in a scattered manner. Xia Yujie glanced at Gojo Satoru, who was walking very exaggeratedly in front of him, and quietly walked to Igarashi Tianye and whispered,"Gojo Satoru, you're the one who's the best!"

"Tianye, you must not show mercy later, just use that curse of yours,"Si" to hit him hard with one shot, no, two shots, no, no, five shots, yes, give him five shots"


Igarashi Tianye understood,"I see, you investigated my information, and I was wondering why you were so happy to let Wu fight me."

"Haha, you should always fully understand your friends, right?"

Igarashi Tianye felt embarrassed when he saw the smirking Xia Yujie. He hugged Xia Yujie's shoulders, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and whispered:"Ah, this... is not good.….."

"Tsk." Xia Yujie knocked on Igarashi Tianye's hand and said sternly:"It's okay, just fight. That bastard's technique is a turtle shell, it can't be broken, at most he will be defeated. Besides, even if it is really broken, don't we still have brothers? I will take the blame for you, you just do it."

Igarashi Tianye nodded affirmatively after hearing this,"Okay, let's do it."

"Hehehehehehe." After hearing that Igarashi Amanoha agreed, Xiayou Jie couldn't help laughing out loud.

Gojo Satoru in front of him twitched his ears, turned his head suspiciously, and found that Igarashi Amanoha and Xiayou Jie were arm in arm with each other and grinning evilly. He paused and shouted at them,"Hey, you two bastards, are you saying something bad about me?"

Xiayou Jie heard it and said with a flattering expression,"How can that be? We are praising you. The strongest, hehehe"

"Tsk, it's better to do so, otherwise be careful that I will beat you up after I beat Igarashi Amanoha."

Xia Yujie didn't care and didn't say anything back.

Soon, they came to an open area surrounded by dense woods. The ground was overgrown with weeds and it looked like no one had taken care of it for a long time.

Ye Mo Zhengdao led the others to a bench and sat down. He said to Igarashi Amanoha and Gojo Satoru:"You can start now. Remember, don't affect us."


The two walked to the center and stared at each other.

A gust of wind and sand blew up, as if cheering for the duel between the two.

Gojo Satoru put his hands in his pockets, looked at Igarashi Amano with his nose and said,"Be careful, after all, I am the most……"


A wave of ripples spread outward from Igarashi Tenha.

The dead leaves that were blown up by the wind suddenly stopped in mid-air, but returned to normal two seconds later.

"This ability is really incredible."Before he finished speaking, Gojo Satoru suddenly froze in place, and with his suddenly brightened vision, he looked at the empty battlefield in front of him and said.

A voice suddenly sounded behind Gojo Satoru!

"Yeah, I think so too."Igarashi Amanoha behind him responded while playing with Gojo Satoru's black round-frame sunglasses.

The pupils of the people watching the battle from a distance shrank suddenly.

Nanami Kento put down his hands that were clasped around his chest and murmured in disbelief:"This...what on earth is going on, teleportation! ?"

Yago Masamichi stared at Igarashi Amanoha, shook his head and said:"No, no, simple teleportation can't escape Rokugan's tracking, not to mention taking off Rokugan's sunglasses without him noticing."

Xiayou Jie took the lead���After coming to his senses from the shock, he said in a deep voice:"It is the condensation of time, plus the change of position."

"Time freezes!! ? ?"

"That's right, at the moment of launching the technique, a wave will radiate within a few miles with Tianye as the center, condensing all the space and time within the range, and the time is within 3 seconds, the exact time is still unclear."

This time Huiyuan Xiong was even more shocked:"Huh? How can Senior Xiayou know Senior Tianye's ability so well?"

Gaozi and others were also curious. Xiayou

Jie slumped his hands and said:"Do you really think Tianye is an unknown person? He is a very famous figure internationally. Even his technique can be known by just asking."

"Is this possible?!"Nitrous was a little surprised, and then quickly checked on his phone.

"Interesting." Gojo Satoru, who was a little excited, grinned and swung his fist back.



Igarashi Amano caught Gojo Satoru's punch and said with a slightly apologetic smile:"My Satoru, don't blame me."

He threw the sunglasses in his hand upwards, and then the space froze again for a moment!

When Gojo Satoru regained consciousness, he was already floating in the air.

He looked up and saw Igarashi Amano, who was high in the sky with one hand in his pocket, looking at him with a smirk on his face.


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