
Seeing this, Geto Xiayou in the distance immediately became excited,"Here it comes, super cursed cannon, my Satoru, welcome the cannon, hehehe."

Seeing Geto Xiayou like this, Nishiko felt a chill.

Is that necessary?

On the other side, Gojo Satoru's pupils shrank when he saw this, and he cursed directly,"Asshole Tianye, you are fucking sick."


He shook his hands, and a blue vortex began to condense in his hands.

——————The black beam and the blue energy ball collided, making a huge roar! The hurricane caused by the explosion bent all the trees in the distance!

Yega Masamichi and others in the distance were also using their magic power to defend themselves.

"These two guys are too reckless."

Boom boom!!! The explosion is still going on!

Gojo Satoru gritted his teeth and tried to cope with it, cursing in his heart:"You bastard Tianye, you just stepped on his face, it's not bad, is it necessary to be like this, bastard, if I can comprehend the reversal of the technique, I will definitely beat you, the bastard smoker, to death."

Seeing this, Igarashi Tianye curled his lips and smiled: the goal has been achieved.

His figure flashed and disappeared from the spot. Because of his departure,"Si" only lasted for a few seconds before it completely dissipated, but these few seconds were enough.


Tianye, who suddenly appeared behind Gojo Satoru, said firmly:"Now you can't use the maximum output"Cang" and open the limitless at the same time."

As soon as the words fell, Igarashi Amano's long legs lashed down fiercely at Gojo Satoru's chest.



Gojo Satoru, who was kicked away, stabilized his body the moment he hit the ground, and then he exerted force with his feet and rushed forward suddenly.


The two men's fists collided, raising a cloud of dust. Gojo Satoru did not pause, and his body leaned back to the side, and then another punch was stabbed at Igarashi Amano's face.


Igarashi Amano grabbed Satoru's fist with one hand, and sparks began to scatter from his hand. He forcibly moved Satoru's fist away, revealing his serious expression:"Satoru, to be honest, facing you before the awakening of the reversal technique, I can really crush you in all aspects!"

Then the veins on his forehead bulged, and he exhaled a breath of white air from his mouth, shouting loudly:"Red, Owl!!"


The scorching heat that erupted from Igarashi Amano's body directly sent Gojo Satoru flying.

Then he raised his arms, shook them downward, and the whole person turned into a stream of fire and rushed towards Gojo Satoru from the side.

Igarashi Amano stretched out his palms and chopped Gojo Satoru's neck directly and fiercely.


A ball of fire shot up into the sky and directly swallowed Gojo Satoru completely.

In the distance.

Glass, who was fanning himself with one hand and holding a mobile phone in the other, said in a lazy tone:"I have found all the information about Amano."

"What did you say?" Xia Youjie asked curiously.

But Nitsuko didn't respond to him, but stared at the phone screen.

After a long time,

"You can see for yourself." Naoko was silent for a while, and handed the phone to Xiayou Jie.

Xiayou Jie looked at Naoko strangely, took the phone and looked at the information on it and said word by word:"The last descendant of the Japanese noble Igarashi, Igarashi Amano, the only genius who has the opportunity to surpass the six eyes in a hundred years, the most evil sorcerer in a hundred years, and the youngest richest man in a hundred years."

"No, what is going on? How come the richest man is here?" Xia Youjie was confused.

Ye Mo Zhengdao and Nanami Kento and others beside him also looked over curiously.

"Keep watching."

After hearing what Nishiko said, the confused Xia Youjie looked at his phone and continued,"In 2004, during the Beijing Olympics, the 14-year-old Igarashi Tianye killed four first-level Portuguese sorcerers by himself, and fled to Spain surrounded by Portuguese sorcerers. Since then, Igarashi Tianye's name as a genius has spread throughout Europe."

"With the rise of Igarashi Amano, everything about him became popular. At the same time, his past growth was exposed, but everything that happened in the middle was shocking. By the end of 2005, the number of ordinary humans who died at his hands was conservatively estimated to be more than 20,000.…."

"It's fake, it's fake." Xia Yujie looked up at Nishiko and murmured


"How is it possible! ? If it is true, he would have been wanted internationally long ago. How could he still be a first-class sorcerer and study here safely! ?"

Yomo Masamichi was also in disbelief. He didn't know about this news. The information he received did not contain this.

Nitro shook his head,"Keep reading." Xia Yujie turned his head stiffly, looked at the phone and continued,"This news caused an uproar in the international community, but it was quickly suppressed. The people who investigated this news disappeared overnight and are still missing."

"On the morning of the second day after the incident, the Aoki Group, with a market value of 100 billion euros, issued a notice in Madrid, Spain, that Mr.

Igarashi Amanoha officially became the top decision-maker of the Aoki Group on December 24, 2005.

On the afternoon of the same day, Igarashi Amanoha donated 5 billion euros to the local J party as strategic funds on behalf of the Aoki Group.

However, on the second day, the Madrid J party began to arrest some ordinary people and executed them for various reasons.

The number of people was conservatively estimated to be 5,000, which caused a lot of panic in the local area.


"During this half year, all the crimes committed by Igarashi Amano were replaced by various reasons. Later, all the sorcerers who tried to investigate the matter died mysteriously due to various unnatural phenomena. Up to this point, the most evil sorcerer Igarashi Amano is still at large!"


Everyone fell silent

"Where did these things come from? Why didn't I find any of them?"Ye Moth Zhengdao asked with a gloomy face.

"I bought it from Senior Mingming for 500 million yen."Shōko said

"It seems that the information I got was blocked."


"Hey, what's going on? Everyone looks so gloomy."Igarashi Tianye walked away with a cigarette in his mouth, and Gojo Satoru did the same behind him.

Several people raised their heads at the same time, staring at the person who was talking with extremely bad faces.

Seeing this, Igarashi Tianye's smile also faded, replaced by an indifferent look.

"Come with me, Igarashi Tenha, I have something to ask you."Ye Mo Zheng Dao stood up and walked towards the teaching building. After a few steps, he paused, looked back at everyone and said,"You guys come too"

"What's going on? Why are you all so serious? Gojo Satoru, not knowing the reason, was confused.

Xia Yujie said with an unpleasant expression:"We... made a mistake."

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