April 11, 2006, Madrid, Spain, 29 days before the Astral Plasma Event.

On a main road in Madrid, a black Ferrari fxxx with a license plate of"green" was speeding away like an arrow.

But what was strange was that no one stopped the car at this abnormal speed. The red light that had just switched to green in the next second, and the vehicles in front of it were also making way for the car in an orderly manner, as if the whole city was serving this car.

20 miles ahead, several police officers were turning on the warning lights at full speed to let the vehicles behind them make way.

"(Move faster.)"

"(If we stop that car, our lives will also stop. Those who don't want to die, hurry up.)

A Spanish police chief was shouting at his men.

Soon, a passage was made in the originally blocked road, and the black Ferrari drove past at the same speed, which made several police officers breathe a sigh of relief.

A young police officer walked up to the chief breathlessly and asked in confusion:"Señor, ¿I'm still in the coche? ¿CóWhat if I was the first to be elected? I was the first to be elected, ¿(Sir, who is that person in the car? How can he have such great authority? Even our president doesn't have such power.)"

The old inspector took a puff of his cigarette, looked at the Ferrari, which was only a small dot left, and said calmly:"The president only has a certain say among ordinary people in this country, and this man is between ordinary people and extraordinary people. He has absolute power. Remember, it's not just Spain, I'm talking about the whole of southern Europe.)"


The person in the Ferrari was none other than Igarashi Amano. He was wearing sunglasses and a black loose-fitting half-sleeved shirt, and was driving recklessly.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated. Igarashi Amano took out his phone and looked at the caller ID, then pulled the car over and slowly picked up the phone.

"Moshi Moshi, what can I do for you?" Igarashi Tianye took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and said lazily

"Igarashi Amaha! Where have you been again?! Didn't we agree to go on a mission today?!"Yogae Masamichi's angry roar came from the phone.

Igarashi Amaha held the phone away and said pretentiously:"I am just killing the cursed spirit, Mr. Yoogae. I will be sad if you wrongly accuse me like this."

"You're talking nonsense! Don't think I don't know that the person who is helping you to carry out the mission now is the curse master you hired! Are you still a curse master? You paid a curse master to help you to carry out the mission! What are you thinking! Huh! ?"

"Oops, I've been discovered." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Igarashi Tenye's face.

"You bastard! Either you don't do it, or you do it in a more covert way. Now even that idiot Gojo Satoru knows about it! He's also clamoring to learn from you, saying that it's a good opportunity to take down the Curse Master as well! Look at what you've done, get back here now!!"

"Hi, hi, I'll be right back." Igarashi Tianye threw the cigarette butt away and responded weakly

"Hurry up! There is something important...…..beep……."

"There are not so many important things. No matter how important things are, nothing is as important as getting cigarettes."Igarashi Amaha hung up the phone, threw the phone on the passenger seat, and drove away.

10 minutes later, in front of the Aoki Building, Igarashi Amaha was playing Snake with his feet on the passenger door, and behind him were several strong men in black suits, carrying luxury gift boxes engraved with cigarette patterns, and placing them one by one in a truck bed connected to the back of the Ferrari.

After a few minutes, the small truck bed at the back was filled to the brim.

"Lord Igarashi, I have finished packing, but there are still some left. The leading black-clad man bowed respectfully to Igarashi Tianye and said

"OK, you've worked hard, I'll share the rest with my brothers." After that, without giving them a chance to thank him, he drifted towards the private airport with a tailspin. The cargo box behind the car spit out a few more boxes of cigarettes under this inertial drift.

Inside the private airport, Igarashi Amano successfully drove the car into the plane, walked to the lounge area, opened a bottle of champagne and watched Tom and Jerry. Then all he had to do was wait. After all, Spain was quite far away from Japan.

His purpose of returning to Spain this time was obvious, that is, to get cigarettes. Since his cigarettes were all customized, he could only come to get them in person. As for why he didn't ask someone to deliver them, the reason was very simple. Every time he smoked the last pack, he would find that there was no stock. In order to keep the food supply going, he could only arrive in Spain before the last pack was finished.

Igarashi Amano took a sip of the champagne in his hand, looked at the white clouds outside, and had an intuition in his heart.

"Interesting, it seems to be starting"


Tokyo, Japan, May 3, 2006, 8 days before the astrophysical event.

The sky was gloomy, drizzling, and the rain was interweaving, forming a misty curtain of mist and rain, hazy and indistinct.

Squeak! Squeak!

"Supernatural events always spread very quickly."

"Especially this���As time went by, with the popularity of the Internet, similar news spread at an incredible speed, causing our sorcerers’ workload to increase."

"In addition, three elementary school students disappeared on their way home from school. Their relatives, friends, supervisors, and colleagues of the supervisors may have been killed while looking for them."

"The source must be cut off as soon as possible."

"Well, the general manager department also made the same judgment, so they commissioned me to investigate this incident and gave me a lot of appearance fees, hehe"

"Are you ripping me off again?"

"I will be sad if you say that. Please call it"the result of negotiation".」"


"Let's go."

Jujutsu Kaisen, Huaiyu, the beginning!

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