Tokyo, Japan, May 8, 2006, three days before the Astroplasma event.

Bang! Bang!

The basketball landed, bounced, and made a banging sound.

"Tianli, honestly, do you think the"tent" is really necessary? They can't see the spells and curses anyway." Gojo Satoru said while holding a basketball

"Well, I think it is still necessary."Igarashi Tianji, who always smokes a cigarette, sat next to Gaozi and said

"Eh? Tianji is actually wiser than Wu, I really didn't expect it."Xiaoyou Jie was a little surprised to hear Igarashi Tianji's answer. He didn't expect that he, who hated ordinary people so much, would think so.

Igarashi Tianji quickly stopped Xiayou Jie who was starting to imagine,"Okay, the fantasy moment ends here. I'm not doing this for any great cause. I just simply think that in the eyes of monkeys, our battle of wits and courage with the cursed spirits is stupid, that's all."

Imagine that a person is talking to himself in front of you while adding a series of fighting moves, and what's more terrible is that he has to shout the names of the moves from time to time. Excuse me, if this is not stupid, what is it?

Gojo Satoru pondered for a moment after hearing this, and finally slowly raised his head:"It seems that Tianji is right, he really looks like a stupid person."

Xia Youjie sat on the ground and sighed deeply:"What the hell is going on? Listen to me, the main purpose of setting up the"tent" is to calm the people's hearts, so that the curse spirits can be effectively suppressed. For this reason, the threats seen by the eyes must be hidden as much as possible. Are you two listening?""

"Huh? Then wouldn't it be better to make them all blind? It's really troublesome."

Suguru Jie was stunned when he heard Igarashi Tianji's outrageous speech. What kind of brain circuit is this?

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Gojo Satoru began to applaud, gave Igarashi Tianji a thumbs up, and said admiringly:"My dear Tianji, what you said makes sense, and I think so too."

"You are so stupid, just stop watching those stupid TV shows. You are not as good as me."Sugaru Jie's veins popped out and he threw the basketball over.

He pointed a hand at the two people who were leisurely and shouted,"Remember, spells are used to protect people who are not spell casters."........

The two ignored him and drank their Cokes and whispered to each other.

"Here we go again, here we go again"

"Yes, the truth has begun again."

"I guess I was just saying that I was touched, ugh~"



A huge cursed claw slapped the two of them.

"You two, I can hear you."

"Run, run~" Seeing this, Nitro in the distance turned his feet into a whirlwind and fled the scene.

The two looked at the claws around them, but instead of running away, they touched them.

"Wow, it's so big."

"It must taste very choking."...........

A huge black screen appeared behind Xia Youjie, and a series of terrifying roars came from it.

"Come out and talk, Tianji, Wu."

Igarashi Tianji rubbed his head, pretended to be distressed and said,"You can't bear it anymore, there's really no way, sit up by yourself......." boom!!!

"You too, watch less useless movies!!!"

Xia Youjie's face turned pale, and he punched Igarashi Tianji's head, causing a puff of white smoke to emerge.

"it hurts"

"No!" Gojo Satoru pointed his finger at Geto Xiayou and said in shock:"How do you know what Tianli and I were secretly watching, Masaka! You too!!"


Another punch came down, and a trace of unnaturalness flashed across Geto Xiayou's face. He said stubbornly:"Who told you to turn up the volume so loudly?"

"Hey~ If you want to watch it, just say so. We are going to watch the third part of Kamen Rider tonight. Do you want to join us~"


"I won't watch it!"

Gojo Satoru covered his head and pouted,"Don't let me catch you watching it secretly."



Ye Mo Zheng Dao opened the iron door of the gymnasium and asked several people:"How long do you guys want to play?"

Then he looked around again and found that there was no figure of Glass, so he asked the three people again:"Where is Glass?"

"Toilet Bar"

"Going to smoke?"

"I don't know."

The three of them said one after another.

"It doesn't matter, you three come out for a while, there is a mission."

After these words came out, the three of them were speechless.

"What do you mean, do you have any objection to this expression?"

"how come"

"Dare not have"


Several people walked out of the door and passed through the pavilion. The bright summer sun shone on the green grass, making people feel a little comfortable.

However, in this beautiful environment, Ye Mo Zhengdao said something extremely cold.

"Actually, it was originally only Wu and Jie, but with my recommendation, Tianli also joined you."


""Teacher Yaga is so awesome!"

Gojo Satoru and Geto Kagome celebrated separately, leaving Igarashi Amano alone in sadness

"I think this mission is still difficult for you, so I asked Tianye to join in. Originally, we didn't need to take it, but this is Tianyuan's appointment."

"Lord Tianyuan? It's really strange, but he should be clear about Tianye's strength. He only mentioned the two of us. It's strange."Xiaoyou Jie said, stroking his chin. Ye Mo Zhengdao shook his head, looked at Igarashi Tianye and said:"It's not that he doesn't want to, but he is not sure. After all, Tianye doesn't need his barrier technique and has no intersection with him."

"Of course, the most important thing is Tianye's identity. He would not order Tianye without warning. After all, he doesn't like people who have too deep connections with the top leaders."

Gojo Satoru looked at Igarashi Tianye with envy, and said jokingly:"Wow, the king of southern Europe, Kakuine~"

"Wu, do you need me to punch you again?" Igarashi Tianye put his hands behind his head and yawned.


"Then please stop saying this childish name, promise me, okay?"

""Okay, Mr. King of Southern Europe."


Igarashi Tenha looked at the fist that stopped in front of Gojo Satoru's face and raised his eyebrows,"It will be meaningless if we open the infinite."

"I can't really let you punch me, after all, compared to Jie's punch, yours hurts like hell, I don't want to try it again."

Xia Youjie said jokingly,"Are you complaining about my lack of strength?"

"I was complaining about why you like to hit me on the head.

Ye Mo Zheng Dao listened to the topic gradually going off track and quickly corrected it:"Okay, everyone, be quiet. I'll tell you about the commission for this trip.…….

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