Tokyo, Japan, May 8, 2006, 3 days before the Astral Plasma Incident.

In the corridor of Kyoto Jujutsu High School.

Yega Masamichi in front of him was talking about the commissioned task, while the three people behind him were fighting and dealing with it.

"There are two commissions this time. The"Star Plasma Body" is the one who is suitable for Lord Tianyuan. You have to guard that girl and kill her!"

Gojo Satoru felt a little dizzy after hearing this,"Guard and kill a little girl?"

"That's right." Ye Mo Zheng Dao nodded.

"Are you finally getting old and confused?" Gojo Satoru

"It's spring after all."

"It's not easy. Do we have to play rock-paper-scissors to choose the new principal?" said Igarashi Amano.

"He just got carried away because he could become the next new principal." Xia Youjie said.

The three of them laughed and then they became serious.

"All kidding aside, is that old guy's technique going to be formatted?" Igarashi Tianye said

"What do you mean?" Gojo Satoru asked from the side.

"I think it's about the same." Xia Youjie said.

The two walked into the classroom one after the other, brought down a stool and sat down.

""What do you mean?" Gojo Satoru shouted from the back window, but no one paid attention to him.

Yega Masamichi stood in front of the podium, leaning on the table with his hands and said:"Although Master Tengen has the technique of"immortality", it is not"immortality". If he just gets old, there is no problem, but if aging accumulates to a certain extent, his technique will try to reconstruct the body and"evolve"! Separate from humans and become a higher life!"

"Isn't that great? Very cool." Gojo Satoru said nonchalantly, resting his chin on his hand.

""Yeah, it's very cool. Squirtle can evolve into Blastoise." Igarashi Amano echoed lazily.

He didn't want to participate in this commission, but the old dog Noctua insisted on recommending him. He could of course choose to refuse, but if he didn't go, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru would probably refuse as well, and Gojo Satoru's awakening would be affected. He was still counting on Gojo Satoru to help him awaken the reversal technique, which could not be affected at all. Sure enough, there are always so many helplessness in the adult world.

Geto Suguru didn't make a fuss this time, and said seriously:"According to Lord Tengen, once you reach that stage, there will be no so-called"will", and Lord Tengen will no longer be Lord Tengen at that time."

"Turn into a fire-breathing dragon?"

"It should be Exploding Dragonmon."

Bang! Bang! Two wisps of white smoke floated up.

Xia Youjie shook the white smoke on his fist and continued:"By that time, the barriers of various high schools as the bases of the Jujutsu world and the many auxiliary and supervisory barrier techniques will all be strengthened by Master Tianyuan. If Master Tianyuan has an accident, security will be in trouble and the mission will not be completed. Of course, there is also the worst case scenario."

"Become Venusaur?"

"Become the public enemy of mankind!"

"Therefore, every five hundred years, he will assimilate the"astral plasma", that is, suitable humans, to rewrite the physical body's information. After the physical body is renewed, the effect of the technique will be completely restored."

Igarashi Amano nodded perfunctorily, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and asked:"I see, so that's how it is, what about the"astral plasma"?"

Yogato Masamichi was silent when he heard this question. After a long time, his weak voice sounded:"Of course it is assimilation, and continue to survive in another way."

Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru also reacted at this time and realized what was going on.

"So, the Astral Plasma will die, right, Mr. Yemo?"


Igarashi Tianye sneered, put his hands on the table beside him, lit a cigarette, crossed his legs and said:"You are so hypocritical, what assimilation, isn't it just letting a small person sacrifice for a big person, why are there so many rhetoric, Tianyuan Bayuan, hehe"


It is better to say that it is swallowing than assimilation. To put it simply, it is like asking Igarashi Amaha to fight with a three-year-old child for control of the body. In an instant, Igarashi Amaha can kill the child to the point where he is no bigger than a cigarette ash. How can it be assimilated? There is only swallowing up.

On the street, several people were discussing this matter.

Igarashi Amaha was speechless when he saw the two people walking in a weird posture. What is this?

""Speaking of Tianye, why do you seem to be not surprised by this?" Gojo Satoru glanced at Igarashi Tianye next to him and said

"What's so strange about that? Tianyuan has been alive for so many years, and I'm not a fool anymore. I must know something."

"That’s right, you are the King of Southern Europe~" Gojo Satoru said in an admiring tone, holding his throat.

"Enough is enough. I really don't want to break your glasses."

"Hi, hi." Gojo Satoru remembered something and asked curiously,"But, what about the Curse Master Group?「Q」I can understand wanting to kill the"Astral Plasma", but what is the purpose of the Panxing Cult?"

"Maybe they worship the pure Tengen-sama, and don't want the"filth" of"astral plasma" mixed in."Suguru Geto explained.

Igarashi Amaha laughed contemptuously and said,"They have little ability, but they still have a lot to do. They are a bunch of idiots."

"However, there are many non-technical techniques in the Panxing Sect, so be careful. If you kill them accidentally, it will be troublesome."Xiaoyou Jie looked at Igarashi Tianye and Gojo Satoru and reminded them.

"I have six eyes, I won't make a stupid mistake, you should remind Tianye more than me."

Igarashi Tianye waved his hand indifferently,"It doesn't matter, someone will turn themselves in for me."

Xiayou Jie:"…….I feel more and more like you are a villain tycoon"

"No, I'm just an ordinary person with some money, don't misunderstand me."

While talking, several people quickly arrived at the downstairs of the hotel where the"Star Plasma Body" was located.

Xia Yujie looked at Igarashi Amaba and Gojo Satoru who didn't intend to move, and sighed deeply:"Who is going"

"I dont go"*2The two looked at Xia Youjie and said in unison

"Hey, you two, a Charizard and a Tyrannosaurus, you are all great."Getosuke Satsuki patted Igarashi Amanoha on the shoulder, then patted Gojo Satoru on the shoulder, and said to the two of them solemnly.

After that, Getosuke Satsuki walked towards the hotel, leaving the two people to discuss which one is more powerful, Tyrannosaurus or Charizard.

Not long after Getosuke Satsuki went up, a roar came from above the hotel.


"Jay should be dead."Gojo Goto

"Who knows."Igarashi Amanoha said, and the next second, the space condensed, Igarashi Amanoha disappeared from the spot, and was replaced by a confused Geto Suguru.

Before Gojo Satoru could say anything, he heard Geto Suguru curse:"Amanoha, this bastard, he really doesn't care about the"Astral Plasma Body" at all, he just wants to play with it."

Geto Suguru waved his hand forward, and a flying curse spirit instantly appeared under his feet, rushing towards the figure falling from the building.

Above the building, in a room filled with thick smoke, a man in a white uniform walked out, looked at the figure below and said:"Blame Tengen if you want to blame, hehe."


Just when he was feeling proud, a hand patted his shoulder without warning.

At the same time, a faint voice came:"Really, then who should you blame?"..

Fireworks are set off, illuminating the boundless joy of the world, let's raise a toast to this year!

Finally, the author wishes everyone peace, joy, happiness and health in the new year!!

Thank you for your support, thank you for everything!

Finally, thank you for reading my book!!!

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