Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling- ling!


"Why is it so noisy around you? Are you still racing?"

"Ah, after all, I have to support my family."

"Really, the"Astral Plasma" group has already gone to the Okinawa Islands"


"Yes, this is good news, but there is another piece of news that may not be so good for you."

"Igarashi Amano is with the target, right?"

"you know?"

"Haha, this kid has a really bad temper."

"Now that you know, I won't tell you any more. When will the bounty be withdrawn?"


"Okay, don't spend the 30 million too quickly, Hui still needs……"

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oops, the signal is suddenly bad."


Under the sun, the sea showed an eye-catching blue. The waves rolled like stars twinkling in the night sky.

Splash! Splash!

""Hey! Tianye, hurry up, over here!" Gojo Satoru stood at the shoreline, one hand on his mouth, the other hand waving wildly in the distance.

Wearing shorts on the lower body and with his upper body muscles exposed, Igarashi Tianye sent a received signal to Gojo Satoru, raised the surfboard in his hand and shook it.

"Hey, kidney deficiency man, hurry up, you are the only one missing." Tennen Riko shouted loudly while looking at Igarashi Amano who was walking leisurely and not in a hurry. Igarashi Amano scratched his ears, appeared beside Tennen Riko in an instant, and then kicked her into the sea, saying lightly:"I know, I know, why are you rushing me?"

After that, he ignored Tennen Riko's scolding, turned his head and looked at Gojo Satoru and Geto Kagome,"Who will come first?"

"You guys go first, I'm afraid that after seeing my skills, you won't have the courage to step on the surfboard." Gojo Satoru said with an invincible look after he lifted his bangs. Igarashi Amano shook his head, sighed and said to Geto Suguru,"I always feel like something is calling"

"It could be a dog." Xia Youjie looked left and right, and finally said as if he had come to a conclusion.

"Do you dare to play big?" Igarashi Tianye looked at the sea with only a few waves and suddenly said

""Tell me about it." The two cast curious glances.

Igarashi Amaha smiled, and then the power of the spell surged all over his body, causing waves on the surrounding sea surface.

He slowly lowered his body, placed his hands on the ground, and a huge totem appeared behind him.

"Hey, hey, no way."

Igarashi Tianye's cursed power burst out, and he uttered a few words with a somewhat excited look.


Xiayou Jie turned his body sideways suddenly and shouted to Tenriko and Kuroi who were still playing with water guns:"Hey, come here quickly, the big one is coming."

Before the two of them could react, they felt the entire sea surface suddenly boiling.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Seeing this, Gojo Satoru stretched out a hand, and the huge suction force directly pulled the two behind him. Then he and Xiayou Jie stared at the farthest point of the sea, and their expressions were a little excited.

"This is what we should play!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth in the distance seemed to be shaking, as if it was trying its best to restrain something. Unfortunately, restraint is still restraint, not resistance.

Boom! Boom!

The next second, the trembling sea surface in the distance exploded, and two black shock waves as big as buildings rose from the ground!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A huge gust of wind suddenly rose, and countless waves rolled up and hit the three people in the front.


Under this blow, the ocean completely lost its mind, it opened its bloody mouth a hundred meters high, and rushed towards the few people!



Xia Youjie swung his hand, and a flying curse spirit appeared under Tenriko and Kuroi, lifting them up and hanging them in the air.

"Next is the game for adults."Gojo Satoru twisted his neck, grabbed the surfboard and bent slightly, ready to face the anger of the marine creatures at any time.

The same was true for Geto Suguru, who was standing by. His excitement had reached its peak at this moment.

The sea was boiling, and Tennen Riko glanced at the roaring waves in the distance, as if venting the anger of nature.

Tennen Riko felt absurd in her heart. Such a tsunami, let alone a sorcerer, would be swallowed up even if a god came. She did not hesitate and shouted to the three people immediately:"Hey, this is already beyond the standard, it is no longer a wave, it is a storm! You can't resist the storm!"

Igarashi Amano looked at the muscles bulging in the distance, turned his head and grinned at Tennen Riko:"I"I am the storm."


The next second, the three figures disappeared at the same time. Three figures were seen on the sea, piercing the storm like sharp swords!

"Don't die."

"Take care of yourself"

"I am invincible!"

The huge waves are chasing him?

No, the huge waves are setting him off!


The next day, the third day of the escort, at the gate of Tokyo Jujutsu High School.

For some reason, the few people felt a sense of resistance when looking at the familiar gate. Perhaps it was time to say goodbye?

The few people climbed up the stairs step by step, with a lot of thoughts in their minds.

Tennanturiko: Is this the end...

Kuroi: Miss…….

Gojo Satoru: Riko, no matter what choice you make,

Geto Suguru: We will protect your future, so

Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru: Stay a little longer!

Igarashi Amano: How many cigarettes did you smoke this morning? Why do I feel like I'm missing a few...

Ding Ling Ling! Ding Ling Ling!

At this moment, the phone rang urgently, and everyone turned their eyes to Igarashi Amano, wondering who was calling.

"Moses Moses"

"Oh, is that so? Eh? How could that be? Okay, okay, I'll come right over."

Igarashi Amaha hung up the phone with a serious face, then looked at everyone and said,"We're already there, it shouldn't be considered absenteeism if I leave now."

Xia Yujie looked at Igarashi Amaha who was rarely serious, and asked worriedly,"We're about to enter the barrier, it's safe, but what's wrong with you, did anything happen?"

"Yes, I actually saw a trace of seriousness in him, do you need help?"

Igarashi Amaha shook his head,"No, I'll be back soon."

After that, Igarashi Amaha turned into a residual shadow and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Since Amaha said that nothing happened, it seems that he should be fine. Xia Yujie retracted his gaze, looked at Amaha and others and said:"Let's go, it will be safe once we enter the technical high school"


On the other side, Igarashi Amano was straddling the Kawasaki motorcycle, turning off the alarm on his phone and saying,"No need to help with the meal, but my two friends will be tortured by the monkeys." After saying that

, Igarashi Amano put on his helmet and disappeared in a stream of light.

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