Kyoto Jujutsu High School, foot of Mt.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

"Entering the high-level barrier"

""Huh, huh." Tennenori climbed up the last step with difficulty, and then said breathlessly:"Is this enough to temporarily relieve my stress?"

Kuroi, who was standing by, handed over a handkerchief and said with a smile:"Yes." Suguru Geto, who was standing in front of the crowd, smiled and glanced at Gojo Satoru,"Satoru, you've worked so hard."

"Sigh." Gojo Satoru let out a long breath, his blue eyes dimmed a little, and he said sarcastically:"I don't want to be a babysitter for children anymore."

Tenriko, who had just wiped the sweat off his face beside him, looked at him and said with disdain:"Huh?……"


"Well…."Gojo Satoru collapsed, looking down at the blade that had pierced his chest in disbelief.

The pupils of the others suddenly shrank.

"How is it possible!? This is…..The inside of the technical high school barrier!" A trace of cold sweat fell on Xia Youjie's forehead, and he murmured in disbelief.

Gojo Satoru turned his head with difficulty to look at Fushiguro Shier, and said with a smile:"Have I... seen you before."

Fushiguro Shier raised his head and said:"Don't mind, I'm almost the same, I can't remember men's names….."


At noon, even under the scorching sun, there are still many people walking in the streets.

"Sorry for the wait, your pork bone ramen is ready."


"I'm starting."

Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! It was very quiet. It seemed as if the only sound left in the world was the rapid slurping of noodles.

There was a constant flow of traffic, a cool breeze on the face, the sun was shining freely, and the shadows of the trees were swaying.

The scene of the four people playing around appeared before my eyes.

Tennenriko? Her life didn't seem to mean much to me.

But she is indeed a very brave girl.

Recalling the words he had used to teach her: cowardice is useless, but courage can be invincible.

Why did he say that to her? It seemed that Jay was encouraging her to embrace a new life. Never mind. It's not that important. That wild monkey guy won't let her go.

He shook his head to get rid of the picture in his mind and continued to slurp noodles.

Tennenriko and the like were just casual acquaintances. Whether she was alive or dead, it would not have any effect on him. Why bother so much? He was not a nosy person.


A gunshot rang out, and he glanced sideways as a conditioned reflex.

What? It turned out to be TV. There are still very few shootings in Japan compared to southern Europe, but…..He remembered that it would happen today. At this time, it should be almost over, but what does it have to do with him? Everything he did was in accordance with his heart. He did whatever he wanted to do, and no one in the world could stop him.

"Boss, check out."


Tokyo Jujutsu High School, Hongxing Palace.


The elevator door slowly opened.

Geto Summer Oil and Riko walked into the alley.

"Miss, I can only take you so far. Please...please…."

Bang! Tenriko ran over and hugged Kuroi, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Kuroi...I like you so much...always...forever…."

Kuroi couldn't hold it in any longer, and hugged Tenriko tightly, tears streaming down her face:"I like you too.…."

Xia Youjie, who was standing by, was watching this scene and didn't know what he was thinking.


The two walked through a long corridor and came to a strange building.

"Here is…."

"Yes, that's where Master Tianyuan is. The foundation of the main barrier in Japan, the main hall of the Hongxing Palace. Go down the stairs, pass through the gate, and reach the root of the big tree. You will enter a special barrier that is different from the barrier around the high school. Only those who are invited can enter. Master Tianyuan will protect you until the"assimilation" is completed."

Suga Yujie said, looking at the big tree in front of him with strange ropes wrapped around it.

"Or, you can go home with Miss Kuroi now."

Tennantori was stunned and looked at Xiayou Jie with some confusion.

"Before meeting you, Wu and I discussed it. Wu and I are the strongest. Besides... you have the guarantee of Tianye. No matter what choice you make, we can guarantee your future."

Xiaoyou Jie smiled and looked at Tennen Riko and said.

Tennen Riko's eyes gradually moistened,"Since I was born, people have been telling me that"you are special and different from everyone else". Since I grew up, I have tried my best to avoid danger and live only for this day. I don't remember the death of my parents, so I think even if I assimilate and separate from everyone, it shouldn't matter. No matter how painful it is, sadness and loneliness will disappear."

At this point, Tennen Riko clenched her fists and big tears fell,"But...but...I still...want to be with everyone again, want to go to various places with everyone, see various things, and eat various things."

Xiaoyou Jie looked at Tennen Riko in front of him, smiled dotingly, stretched out a hand and said,"Go back, Riko."

Tennen Riko wiped her tears and said with a smile,"Yeah!"

In the distance, Fushiguro Shigeki slowly raised his pistol and pointed it at Tennen Riko,"Goodbye.""

Click! A hand was on the pistol.

"I don't think I agree yet."

Igarashi Amane appeared out of nowhere, one hand in his pocket, and with the other hand he pressed down Fushiguro Shigeru's hand that was holding up the gun.

Fushiguro Shigeru was stunned, then frowned,"How dare you get so close to me without any defense, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Give it a try?" Igarashi Tianye raised his eyebrows at Fushiguro Shinobu


"There is no bounty for fighting me, so go back to where you came from, maybe someone is waiting for you."After saying that, Igarashi Tianye slightly exerted force with his palm, deformed the pistol, and then walked towards Xia Youjie and the others without looking back.

Xia���Jie also discovered Igarashi Amane and Fushiguro Shier. His eyes were filled with disbelief. The black curtain behind him roared, and his eyes were fixed on Fushiguro Shier.

"Tianye! Be careful with this guy, he is very dangerous!"Xiaoyou Jie shouted to Igarashi Tianye.

Igarashi Tianye walked to Xiayou Jie, patted his shoulder and said,"It's okay, he is not a fool, he will not even give up his life for money. As for Wu, you don't have to worry, he is not going to die."

"As for you, bean sprout." Igarashi Tianye turned his eyes to Tenriko and said,"The vehicles and planes are ready for you. Go to southern Europe for a vacation. Come back when you have fun. I will pay for the expenses."

"Wait, is Wu really okay? How did this guy get here? Also, although the bounty has been withdrawn, there are still many people who want Riko's life."Sugaru Geto asked Igarashi Amaba several questions at the same time.

"Alas, I shouldn't have come. It's so troublesome. The vehicles and planes belong to my Aoki Group. People with some power know them and don't dare to provoke them. As for Wu, won't you know once you see him?"

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