[Next chapter: Awakening of the Reversal Technique]

Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High School of Curse.

Principal: Masamichi Yaga, first-class sorcerer, technique"Curse Corpse Manipulation Technique"

Technical High School third year:

Gojo Satoru, special-class sorcerer: technique"Unlimited Curse"

Geto Suguru, special-class sorcerer: technique"Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique"

Amano Igarashi, special-class sorcerer: technique"Dogu Musou"

Naoko Ieiri, a user of reversal techniques.

Technical High School second year:

Kento Nanami, quasi-first-class sorcerer, technique: Ten Transformations Curse"Wall Falling Wall Falling"

Ozono, quasi-first-class sorcerer, technique:"Concentric Circles"

Technical High School first year: Nakano Riko: third-class sorcerer, technique:"Burning Embrace Killing"

Mirai Oreki: second-class sorcerer, technique:"Aman Penalty"

General Supervisor: Ijichi and others

"Alas, no wonder the top management is afraid."Ye Mo Zheng Dao muttered as he looked at the latest information in his hand.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar downstairs, the whole building shook, the water cup on the table also shook, and the splashing water directly soaked the paper in Ye Mo Zheng Dao's hand.


Ye Mo Zheng Dao clenched his fists and began to tremble uncontrollably.

"These bastards……"Ye Mo Zheng Dao gritted his teeth and muttered something, then stood up and walked out.

In the corridor, a huge rainbow dragon was chasing Igarashi Amano and Tenchi Riko, and Xia Youjie, who was standing on top of the rainbow dragon, was cursing at the two of them.

"You two bastards, stop right there if you dare."

"Da me yo, da me da me."

Tennen Riko turned her head sharply to look at the person who said this. He was 1.9 meters tall, with a strong build, a perfect face, and a calm expression. How did you say this with this body and this expression?

"You bastards! Behave yourself! Do you want to tear down the college?"Ye

Mo Zheng Dao, who was furious, came over and yelled at them.

"Geto Suguru! Put away your cursed spirit! And Amano Igarashi, don't run away! Third graders and first graders, gather in the third grade classroom in five minutes!"

After saying that, Masamichi Yagae strode into the teaching building, leaving behind a few people who were a little nervous.

Amano Igarashi touched his head,"Oh, I always have a bad feeling, are you going to send me out on a mission?"

"Haha, aren't there enough missions assigned to you? Except for the cursed spirits above level 1, you always refused them."Tenriko said while running breathlessly.

"Let's stop arguing for now and go see what's going on." Igarashi Amano stretched out his big hand and pressed it on Tennen Riko's head, and then the two of them turned into afterimages and disappeared on the spot.

In the distance, Geto Suguru, who was standing on the Rainbow Dragon, also honestly took back the curse spirit and walked straight into the classroom.

Although the strength of several people has long surpassed that of Yaga Masamichi, they still respect their teacher very much in their hearts.

At the beginning, with the exception of Igarashi Amano, Yaga Masamichi could threaten Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru at will, but sometimes Igarashi Amano really ordered not to move.

Whether to accept the task depends on whether he is willing to move.

When he wants to move, he can go for a walk and exorcise the curse spirit by the way.

As for when he doesn't want to move, even seeing him is a luxury.

Three minutes later, everyone sat quietly in the classroom, waiting for Yaga Masamichi to speak.

"There is a mission here, and all of you are needed.….."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Igarashi Amanoha's voice,"You finally want us to unify Japan for you?"


Yega Masamichi ignored Igarashi Amanoha's nonsense, shook his fist that was emitting white smoke and continued,"I want the three of you to each take a first-year student to go out on a mission. Within this month, you need to lead them around the world without interruption to exorcise all the cursed spirits within their ability."

"Qiudou Madai, I have a question."Tenno Riko raised her hand to indicate

"you say"

"There are only two of us in the first grade, this number is not right."

Ye Mo Zhengdao shook his head and said:"Tian Ye does not need to lead the team, he just needs to follow you. In the short term, if you want to find so many cursed spirits at the same level as you, you must travel around the world, and Tian Ye's face can be regarded as a high-level pass, which will save some time wherever you go."

Igarashi Tian Ye said lazily after hearing this:"Huh? Why can Wu and Jie lead the team, but I can't?"

"If possible, I would rather Jie lead the team by himself. I'm afraid that you two will kill everyone."

"Satoru is better, how about you! How can you throw your own brother into the mouth of a cursed spirit and then yell"Pikachu!" ? If Mirai wasn't so capable, you would be a fence-sitter."

As he spoke, Ye Mo Zhengmichi slammed the table and shouted.

Igarashi Amano smiled awkwardly and didn't refute anything. It was indeed a mistake last time.

Oreki Mirai at the side couldn't help but shudder when he heard this topic. That scene was unforgettable.

Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru and others looked at Igarashi Amano with some amusement, especially Gojo Satoru. The sarcastic corner of his mouth expressed the meaning of self-evident. Look, among the four special-grade sorcerers, you are the most unreliable one.

""Teacher Ye Moth, when does the mission start? Can I take Nitro with me? I can just take it as a trip." Gojo Satoru said in a good mood

"Yes, there is nothing going on in Tokyo right now, so I will give you a break."Ye Mo Zheng Dao thought for a moment and said to everyone

"As for the mission time, it will start from tomorrow and last for a month. Jie will work hard and count their achievements."

After hearing this, Xiayou Jie sighed,"Okay, leave it to me."

Ye Mo Zhengdao looked at several people, and finally fixed his eyes on the two first-year students, and said,"Don't forget to protect yourself while working hard. Safety is the most important thing. This mission is related to your ratings. Come on, young people"



The next day, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, a small passenger plane with the Aoki Group engraved on its side was flying all over the world.

The third-year students were idling around.

"So boring, where are we going now?"Gojo Satoru said quietly while looking at the white clouds outside the window.

"I don't know." Igarashi Tianye, who was wearing a captain's hat on his head, said drowsily.

"Huh?" *3 Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, and Nozomi were all confused. You arranged the plane, and now you tell me you don't know where the destination is?"

Igarashi Amano waved his hand indifferently and said,"Why bother so much? Anyway, we have a month's vacation, so we can have fun wherever we go."

"Well…."Xia Youjie narrowed his fox eyes, looked at Igarashi Tianye with a smile on his face and said,"Do you think it is possible? We are here to carry out a mission, not to take a holiday."

"Eh? Is that true?"

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