The dark night seemed as if an endless amount of thick ink was heavily painted on the sky, without even the glimmer of stars.

At night, in a private villa on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt.

Igarashi Amano, wearing a white bathrobe, lazily sat on the balcony, looking at the pyramids with only a hint of outline in the distance.

He put out the cigarette in his hand and stared at his broad palm in a daze.

The next second, a purple flame ignited out of thin air, swaying in the wind in Igarashi Amano's hand.

He looked at the swaying flame and slowly closed his eyes, his mind moved.

The flame dissipated, and a cold current slowly gathered towards the palm of his hand along his arm.


The sound of freezing was heard, and a prismatic ice crystal slowly took shape in his palm. Igarashi Amano slowly opened his eyes and looked at the ice crystal in his palm thoughtfully.

"「The shikigami of"帥"」….."


Just as he was about to catalyze it further, the ice crystal in his palm suddenly shattered, turning into a streak of starlight and disappearing into the air.

"Still not working?…..What went wrong?"

Igarashi Tianye rubbed his palms, lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

Reversal of the spell, reversal of the spell, multiplication of negative energy, what is going on?…..

During this year, he did not accept any missions or hunt cursed spirits, in order to truly master the reversal technique. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was always just a little bit short, just a little bit.

Basic techniques, reversal techniques, extreme techniques, field expansion, what he mastered were only basic techniques and half-baked extreme techniques. Although it was a bit embarrassing to say, he could still easily kill special-level ones without expanding the field. As for

Gojo Satoru? Coincidentally, Fushiguro Shinobu's Tennis Mou was right on him, haha.

With a flip of his wrist, a chess piece with the word"Zhu" appeared in his hand.

He placed the chess piece on the table and aimed it at the moon. He supported his face with one hand, stared at the chess piece in a daze, and murmured,"I forgot to tell you a good news. A few days ago,"Long" and the others sent me a message saying that there was news about the cursed spirit I had been looking for, and it would be caught in the near future. Be happy, I can avenge Shichuan and the others for you. Don't be too excited to fall asleep."


"After this matter is settled, the plan in Northern Europe can be further developed, but my strength is stuck here and I can't make any further progress. Is it because my talent is really not that good? What Gojo Satoru can do, I can't. It's really... I can't help feeling a little disappointed. Haha, it's my fault."

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I have to go out with the kid tomorrow.……."

Suddenly, Igarashi Amano stood up abruptly, put away the chess pieces, and then quickly ran into the house to pick up his clothes and put them on. After quickly putting on his clothes, the cursed power surged around him, and he turned into a stream of light and flew out from the balcony.

Igarashi Amano, who was high in the sky, frowned. He would not be wrong. That was a human figure. With five senses dozens of times stronger than humans, there was no way I could be wrong.

Is it a sorcerer? Or a cursed spirit... With that kind of momentum, no matter what it is, we have to figure it out.


He was like a purple meteor, leaving a brilliant track on the black curtain.

Ten minutes later, in a desert area dozens of meters away from the pyramid.

Floating high in the sky, Igarashi Amano glanced at the ground with a serious expression.

"There is no trace left. Could it be a human? No, that's not right. A human can't have such courage. What on earth is that?"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Suddenly! Three golden chains with spikes on the top shot out from the desert floor and stabbed towards Igarashi Amano's head! Igarashi Amano frowned, and a pressure generated by the curse burst out from his body, shattering the three chains.

"Get out of here." He stared at the desert below with cold eyes and said lightly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth shook, and a huge cave seemed to appear under the ground, and countless quicksands poured in!

A strong wind suddenly rose, and the center of the quicksand below gradually expanded. A tornado composed of yellow sand spread wantonly, and from time to time there was a wailing sound.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The tornado exploded, and a big figure slowly walked out of it.

""Humans, offending God is a capital crime!"

A majestic voice sounded in Igarashi Tenye's mind.

The wind and sand dissipated, and a vague figure appeared in front of Igarashi Tenye.

His upper body was exposed. He wore a dark golden veil on his lower body, and his black tail swayed gently behind him. He held a golden scepter in his hand. His full muscles seemed to contain infinite power, and his black skin was shining even in the dark night. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the jackal-like head!

Igarashi Tenye was stunned when he saw it clearly, and said unconsciously:"Dog, dog-headed man?"

Although he said so, he was mentally prepared to risk his life at the first moment. With such appearance features, if he guessed correctly, this guy should be the god of death in Egyptian mythology, Anubis!

It's just unbelievable why such a being would form a curse spirit. Normally, Egyptians worship their land gods, but the formation of curse spirits is completely opposite. It requires enough accumulation of fear and resentment to form, especially things in mythology.

Combined with the description in the myth, the Egyptian god of death, Anubis, is the nightmare of the most vicious people. So...


Just as Igarashi Tianye was brainstorming, Anubis raised one hand, and countless yellow sands climbed up to form a huge jackal, which swallowed Igarashi Tianye into its stomach.

"Humph, filthy man, accept purification."



In less than two seconds, the majestic jackal exploded, and flames appeared. Igarashi Tianye, wearing a half-winged mask, stepped on the void and said to Anubis in a gloomy tone:"Bastard, if you pretend to be stupid again, I will pull out your dog whip." Anubis's face suddenly changed after hearing this, and he said in an extremely cold tone:"Human, you will pay for your words.….."


Time froze, Anubis looked at the figure disappearing above, his face changed, and he rushed forward in an instant. Suddenly, he paused, and looked back with an ugly face. He saw Igarashi Tianye holding his tail tightly.

"Humans, don't try to find……"

Before he finished speaking, he felt his body lose weight.

Igarashi Tenha, who was below, looked at Anubis who was thrown away by him and slowly stretched out a hand.


The black ray of destruction hit him accurately!

Although he didn't think that Anubis, who had no resistance, could survive after taking this blow, the cells in his body were still agitated, with no intention of stopping, and... he didn't form a capture, which meant that the dog-headed man was still alive. Could it be that the one just now was not his real body? Moreover, he didn't think that the cursed spirit born in mythology could be solved so easily.


Igarashi Tianye's body collapsed violently, and he looked at the huge hole that appeared out of thin air in his chest in disbelief.

"Human, I told you that you will pay the price."

Above the desert, countless Anubis emerged from the ground, looking indifferently at Igarashi Amane.

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