August 7, 2000, Kitano Village.

Aoki Achuan looked at the sturdy Igarashi Amano with interest and said,"Your skills are really amazing. It's a pity that you have to be trapped by monkeys with a loser like me. What a pity!""

"Stop teasing me, get me some more curse spirits so I can get you out sooner." Igarashi Tianye, whose skin was white and unharmed, squinted and said

"Please, this is not Tokyo, where there are so many cursed spirits for you to"eat", please understand me." Aoki Yachuan complained a few words, pulled the chain with his hand and continued:"This chain makes my head thick, I don't know what those monkeys bought it for"

"Who knows………."Igarashi Tianye was interrupted by the sound of a chain before he could finish his words.

"here we go again……"Aoki Achuan looked at Igarashi Amano with a pale face and smiled."

Da Da! Da Da! Da Da!

No! It's the sound of high heels!"

Igarashi Amano's face turned ugly as he listened to the sound getting closer and closer. He was not afraid of the monkey's beating. For such a wound, he only needed to"eat" a level 4 curse spirit to recover. What he was afraid of was... the sudden unknown…….

Two figures emerged under the light of the torches. They were the village chief and a…..Pretty Woman…..

Moreover, this woman's identity was not ordinary. The village chief, who used to look down on others, now served her like a dog. Who was she?……..

The village chief held a torch in one hand and pointed at Igarashi Amane with the other hand and introduced him nervously,"Ms. Sato, that's him. This guy is the monster I caught recently. Look at his face and skin. They are both amazing. Moreover, this guy is extremely weird. I beat him up all over one day, but he was back to normal the next day. That...are you satisfied?"…."

"Oh?" The woman raised her eyebrows with interest after hearing the latter part of the sentence:"Are you telling the truth?"

The village chief immediately became anxious after hearing this:"Oh, look at what you said, I dare not lie to anyone but you, that…..that….."The village chief was so anxious that he was spinning around on the ground. Suddenly, he slapped his head hard, quickly pulled out the belt and handed it to the woman:"If you don't believe me, try hitting him a few times, and he will definitely feel better the next day."

The woman looked at the belt beside her with disgust:"Get away, there's no need to try. Go out and ask Hengshan to get the money, and then ask him to bring my tools. Get out of here!""

"Oh, yes, yes, I'll leave right away, you go ahead and do your work." After the village chief finished speaking, he began to smile happily and dragged his bloated body to run to the back.

The woman and Igarashi Amano looked at each other, and no one spoke.

After a moment, the woman looked at Igarashi Amano and smiled:"You are very good, what's your name?"

"Igarashi Amaha."

When the woman heard the surname Igarashi, her expression was dazed for a moment, and then she burst into laughter:"Hahaha, this piece of trash, not bad, actually found a good thing like you, I'm getting more and more excited."

And it was the woman's daze at this moment that caught Igarashi Amaha's attention.

There were hurried footsteps, and a man in black ran over with a golden chair on his back and a toolbox in his hand.


The man in black put the golden chair on the open space beside him, making a loud noise, but the man in black walked to the woman without breathing and said respectfully:"Miss, the things are here."

And this scene set off a wave in Igarashi Amaha's heart. The chair... was made of pure gold, and it was solid, at least 500 kilograms, and the man lifted it up and ran easily. This man...…….Very strong!

"Lock him to the"Blood Turtle" for me."

Blood Turtle, the name of that golden chair... doesn't sound very good.……


Igarashi Amano was locked on it without any resistance. His whole body was controlled, even his fingers were no exception.

Just when Igarashi Amano thought that this was just an ordinary chair made of gold, he felt powerless and his cursed power was suppressed...

At this time, a woman's voice sounded:"How is it, the cursed power is suppressed, haha, this was made by someone I asked at a high price, it is a masterpiece of the technique"Soul Burial""

"Young lady." The man in black opened the toolbox, and a bunch of blood-stained torture instruments appeared before his eyes.

The woman named Sato put on a pair of red leather gloves, elegantly took out a whip from the box, and began to talk to herself:"Level 3 cursed tool"Demon Hope", it doesn't have any amazing abilities. If it were someone else, they might not even look at it, but for me it is my treasure. Do you know its ability? As long as you inject cursed power, you can double the"pain". How about it, not bad, hehe."


"Ahhhhh——"Igarashi Amanoha trembled all over, and a layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

The woman who suddenly whipped out a whip looked at the trembling Igarashi Amanoha and laughed:"How is it, does it hurt? Hahaha, it reduces your damage and increases your pain. This is the"Ghost Hope", a cursed tool that will make even ghosts and gods despair when hit. Don't worry, it will just hurt a little, and there won't be any harm. You're such a handsome little brother, I can't bear to kill you so soon, hahahaha."

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The neck, chest, and abdomen were all hit.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Igarashi Amano's shrill screams resounded throughout the basement.

Aoki Akawa looked at Igarashi Amano who was suffering from inhuman torture with a dazed expression. It was so... so miserable. The screams made his fingers tremble unconsciously.

Whoosh! The sound of breaking wind was heard. Aoki Akawa felt difficulty breathing for a while as he felt the big hand holding his neck tightly. He glanced hard at the man in black behind him and wanted to speak, but his throat refused to give him a chance.

""Pretend to be dead, don't distract the young lady, don't do it again." The man in black said coldly and disappeared on the spot.

Aoki Yachuan sat there, desperately covering his mouth to prevent a heavy gasp from bringing death to himself.

Snap! Snap!


"Nice look, I like it, Hengshan, pliers."The woman wrapped the whip around Igarashi Tianye's body, took the pliers from the man in black and spoke again:"…………….

Ask for everything, grateful

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