"Nice look, I like it, Hengshan, pliers." The woman wrapped the whip around Igarashi Tenye's body, looked at his tightly clenched fist, took the pliers from the man in black and said again:"Open his hand for me."

""Yes, young lady."

The man in black walked up to Igarashi Tenye and took off a brooch in a proper manner.

Whoosh! Puff!

A burst of wind came, and the brooch firmly pierced the back of Igarashi Tenye's right hand.


The pain of the flesh being pierced was multiplied by the"ghost's vision". Igarashi Tianye let out a painful roar and opened his right hand violently.

This effect was exactly what Sato wanted to see. Seeing this, the man in black inserted five more needles into his five fingers, firmly nailing them.

Igarashi Tianye looked at his fingers with a pale face, then looked at the pliers in the woman's hand, and guessed in his heart, it must be that... It really tortures people…….


The woman walked to his side in high heels, slowly clamped his fingernails with a pair of pliers in her left hand, and then gently stretched out her right hand to caress Igarashi Amano's face lovingly.

"Now, you will remember me forever.……"


The woman suddenly pulled with her right hand.

Igarashi Amano's body trembled violently, but he did not make any sound, just a dull groan.

The woman raised her right hand with a sick expression and shook it in front of Igarashi Amano:"It's still dripping blood, why don't you look up?"

Igarashi Amano raised his head with difficulty. He looked at the pliers that were so close and still dripping blood, and pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty:"I Igarashi…..Tianye's... nails…..Very beautiful…..hehe……"

The woman's originally playful expression froze, and her face turned gloomy:"Igarashi, Igarashi, you are all so annoying."

The woman seemed to be a little broken, and she no longer pretended to be elegant. She picked up the pliers and began to tear off Igarashi Amano's nails one by one.

Under the blessing of"Ghost Hope", Igarashi Amano fainted after the third piece, and naturally didn't know what happened next. After an unknown amount of time, he felt as if his face was being kneaded wantonly. He slowly opened his eyes, only to see that the woman had disappeared, and the one who was fiddling with his face was Aoki Achuan, who kept muttering about how to eat it and how to stuff it in like this.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Aoki Yachuan, who was holding a level 4 cursed spirit in his hand, was stunned at first when he heard the weak voice, and then he became ecstatic:"You scared me to death, I thought you were dead"

"Don't worry, I won't die until that level 1 cursed spirit is completely digested.…….."

Yes, even though half a month had passed, the level 1 curse spirit had not been completely digested. The reason was simple. Igarashi Amano's current body was not strong enough to quickly withstand all the feedback brought by the level 1 curse spirit, and these energies could repair his body and increase his curse power all the time.

"So, come to that, what do you want to do to my face, hasn't your sexuality been worn down after all these years?"

Igarashi Tianye raised his eyes to look at Aoki Achuan and asked calmly.

Aoki Achuan smiled when he heard this:"You kid…..I thought you would lose hope of living, but you are still strong." He raised his hand and shook the Level 4 Curse Spirit in his hand and said,"Here, I found it for you. I wanted you to eat it to recover."

Igarashi Tianye was in a trance when he heard this.…..Kindness? This is the first time I have felt this since I came to this world.

He pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled with difficulty:"Who do you think I am? I will not lose hope in life so easily. Besides, I haven't seen this world properly yet."

"But you really know how to play with people's minds. You discovered from the very beginning that this woman seemed to have some connection with the Igarashi clan."Aoki Akawa dragged the chain on his feet, sat on the ground and started chatting.

Igarashi Amano looked at Aoki Akawa in surprise, admiring his keen insight.

Aoki Akawa noticed Igarashi Amano's gaze, waved his hand and said unhappily:"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, talk about you."

Igarashi Amano laughed, but did not deny:"Otherwise, do you think I would provoke others in that situation? I'm not that stupid."

Then he sighed with relief and said:"But fortunately, I bet right, she broke the defense, and she didn't torture me with a playful mentality, but ended it hastily, otherwise I would have been in trouble."

"Don't be too happy. You are still tied up, which means she believes the monkey's words. You can recover from your injuries and come back again."Qingmu Yachuan poured cold water on her mercilessly.

"I know, but now I can only wait. I estimate that this"Blood Turtle" can only imprison a level 2 sorcerer, and I will be fine when I reach level 2."

Qingmu Yachuan was a little angry when he heard this, and laughed:"It's so easy for you to say that, level 2, how long do you think you can last? A month? Or half a year? The curse spirits here alone can't make you a level 2 in a short time, what will you do then?"

"I will." Igarashi Amaha said seriously and firmly.

Aoki Achuan heard this and began to look disappointed:"I thought you were a smart man, but it turns out you are also a fool." He said and started to stand up, ready to give up Igarashi Amaha.

"Don't forget, that monkey received a lot of money."

"What, so what?……….Wait! Could it be that!!!" Aoki Yachuan was walking and suddenly froze in place, turned around abruptly, and his tone became more excited than ever before.

"That's right, what do you think that monkey will do with the money?"Igarashi Tianye looked at Aoki Achuan who lost his composure and laughed.

Aoki Achuan's eyes gradually became excited:"Yes…….Buy a woman!! ? ?"

"That's right. After my observations over the past few years, I found that many women in the village were bought through illegal means, and this has become the norm. Every few years, they will get a considerable amount of unknown income, and then they will buy a group of women, and these women are our way to quickly get rid of the current situation."

For Kitano Village, which is far away from the city, the law has long become vulnerable.

The village chief has relied on some illegal means to obtain a sum of money all year round, and then used this money to buy a lot of young women.

After buying them, he imprisoned them in his own home.

He would"enjoy" them first, and then sell them to the villagers at a low price.

Those who couldn't hold on and chose to commit suicide would have their organs removed and sold at a high price, relying on the money to circulate again.

Thus, an evil ecological chain was formed, which is why Igarashi Tianye must stay here. When he saw these problems, he had already sworn a poisonous oath that he would not be a human being if he didn't kill them.

The purchased women will form fear, resentment, and despair, and these emotions will form curses.

Please ask for everything, thank you very much

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