Now, looking at the woman named Sato, with her strength, the monkey will definitely get the largest amount of money in history, which means that the number of women purchased will also be the largest in the village, and the cursed spirits will continue to form.

At that time, he only needs to eat and eat, and while"digesting" quickly, his cursed power will continue to increase. The most important point is that the chess pieces will also begin to"unlock" in this process.

The two discussed their future plans. With the help of Aoki Achuan, he attached the cursed power to his teeth and successfully bit the 4th level cursed spirit to death to form a"piece-eating""…….

The next day, as expected, Sato didn't come. It was understandable that with her status and position, how could she stay in this tiny place for two consecutive days? Moreover, in her opinion, Igarashi Amaha was probably still on the verge of death.

Another good news was that they could clearly hear the roar of vehicles outside in the dungeon. It seemed that the money had been spent...

There was no car with this horsepower here...

After a day, Igarashi Amaha's injuries had recovered, and the torn nails had grown back. As for the cursed power.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

The sound of water drops came, and Igarashi Amaha opened his eyes and appeared on the chessboard in his heart.

The environment was still the same as before, surrounded by the blue sea on all sides. He sat next to the chessboard. The only difference was the chess pieces on the chessboard.

Compared with the previous"general", there were three more chess pieces on the chessboard at this time, which were three"pawns" engraved with vigorous and powerful words!

However, they did not place their pieces, but were suspended above the chessboard, as if waiting for something.

Igarashi Amaha raised his eyebrows, picked up a piece and placed it.


Buzz! The sea surface was rippled, and suddenly, a lot of information swept into his brain, and he also got some information about his own technique!

The technique"Daoyuan Wuyou" unlocks the derived skills of the technique through the capture of the"general".

The unlocking order is five"pawns", two"horses", two"cannons", two"chariots", two"elephants", and the last fortress, two"soldiers"!

The abilities of the five"pawns" are similar and different. The similarity is that they will bring moderate amounts of cursed power and strength and resistance to attacks to Igarashi Amaha. The difference is that their main enhanced abilities are also different. They represent the five senses of human beings, vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, and their abilities are relatively mediocre.

Although mediocre, once all five"pawns" are unlocked, you will obtain the"body-style god", the red owl!

The Red Owl is said to be a shikigami from the netherworld, formed by purple-white flames. Once the contract is signed, it will parasitize the bones of the"general" and assist him for life, allowing him to gain the ability to control the purple-white flames!

This is also the only shikigami in"Dao Yuan Wuyou". It can be seen that the five"pawns" are mainly for physical strengthening and melee ability.

The ability of the remaining chess pieces is still unknown, and the intelligence has not been answered. I think it will be unlocked gradually.

As for the end of the sorcerer and the expansion of the field, it is too far for him now, so let's not talk about it for now.

After the interpretation, Igarashi Tianye slowly opened his eyes, feeling the magic power filling his body, and couldn't hide his excitement in his heart. This technique is very strong!

Now Igarashi Tianye has unlocked three"pawns". According to his speculation, as long as he can unlock the Red Owl, his combat power will also soar. At that time, he can take Qingmu away from this ghost place, and he can also make those monkeys who have obliterated humanity pay the corresponding price.

Thinking of this, he wanted to kill the cursed spirit more urgently. He cast his gaze towards Aoki Yachuan who was lying there motionless,"Hey, Aoki, how is it, is there any cursed spirit nearby? Can you lure it over?"

"Please, my little genius, if you want to wait for the birth of the cursed spirit, it will take at least half a month. Don't be anxious. That woman probably won't come in the next few days. Just stay here. You have been here for so long, half a month won't make a difference. Don't talk and save your energy."Aoki Achuan lay there and waved his hands weakly.

For some reason, Igarashi Amaya felt that Aoki Achuan was thinner than before. Maybe it was an illusion. He had been imprisoned here for so many years and nothing happened. He must have a way to solve the hunger, but the effect is not so good. But don't worry, Aoki, I will definitely take you out. This day will come soon! Igarashi Amaya thought to himself.

Outside, at the home of the village chief of Kitano Village.

At this time, the village chief was wearing a decent black suit.

He looked quite funny.

His fat body stretched the suit tightly, and his fat face was a little pale.

He walked to the bed, loosened his tie, unbuttoned his clothes, revealing a bloody wound inside, spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground, and cursed in his heart:"Sato, this slut, bitch, just looked at her a few times and stabbed me.

Bastard, you just rely on having a good father.

Don't let me catch you alone, otherwise...


"As he spoke, a deep excitement appeared in his eyes.

"It's almost done. The goods' energy should have been wasted. Next, let me check the goods carefully, hehe."

After applying the medicine, the village chief put on his clothes gently, took out two syringes from the drawer and walked out.

In the dim dungeon, only a few candles nearby could barely create some light. They looked around nervously, trying to find a way to escape.

These people were all women, about 15 people, and their age was estimated to be under 30 years old.

A woman in a university student uniform calmly analyzed everything in front of her.

"Where is this? Have we been kidnapped?"

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

"Help us, can anyone hear me?"

""Is anyone there?""

Bang!" The iron door was opened.

Everyone inside stood up when they heard the sound. They stood up and stared at the outside through the gap in the iron cage, with hope in their eyes.

"Hello, are you from the Metropolitan Police Department? We’re looking for this place!"

"I'm here, I'm here, save me first!"

"Asshole, why should I save you first!"

"Stop arguing, the person who came... doesn't seem to be from the Metropolitan Police Department…."At this time, the girl in the college uniform said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the chattering voices instantly quieted down, and everyone stared at the person who came.

"Oh, I just seemed to hear some pretty girl talking about the Metropolitan Police Department?"

The man gradually approached, and the firelight also illuminated his appearance, and his ugly face appeared in everyone's sight.

He walked in front of a girl, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her hair tightly, and pulled his face into the gap of the iron cage, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and said sarcastically:"You are talking about the Metropolitan Police Department, haha, let me tell you, there is no Metropolitan Police Department here, only the village chief, and I am the village chief, the person who makes all the rules of this village.

I see that you are not bad looking.

If you serve me well, maybe I will reward you with a few full meals, haha.


As he said, in the girl's horrified eyes, he stretched out his tongue and licked her face like a pervert.

Ask for everything, thank you very much

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