"Ahhh, get out of here, get out of here, you pervert, trash, ugly bastard!" The girl ignored the pain of her hair being pulled, and stretched out her two slender arms from the iron cage, slapping the village chief's face fiercely.

Hearing the words"ugly bastard", the village chief's face darkened, and he paused his hand holding the hair, then pulled it hard, bang! A huge noise came, but he did not stop there, and continued to hit the village chief over and over again.

""Ah, no, ah, ah, get out of here!"

The girl's shrill screams echoed in the basement.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go…."

After an unknown amount of time, the girl's screams gradually faded, and finally she stopped making any sound. She leaned against the iron cage with blood all over her head. She had just been slapping the village chief's hands, but now they were drooping weakly to the side, unconscious.

The village chief let go of her hands, and she fell to the ground with a thud, without making any sound.

"Humph, you are such an ungrateful person."The village chief clapped his hands breathlessly and turned to look at the others, as if he had just stepped on an ant and didn't care.

As for the others, their brains were still in a state of downtime. Everything that had just happened was still vivid in their minds. They were afraid that they would become the next one. The momentum just now had long disappeared. They wanted to bury their heads in the ground, not daring to breathe, for fear of attracting the attention of the man."

"Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys?" The girl in uniform thought to herself. She looked around at the reactions of all the people nearby and was silent: It works very well. It seems that it is impossible to escape in the short term. In this case, there is no other way.

After thinking for a while, the girl seemed to have made up her mind. She took a step back in the dim light of the fire, leaned on the edge of the cage, stretched out her hands, and without hesitation, she slammed them hard on her beautiful face.

She frowned, feeling the hot blood flowing on her face. There was no time to feel sad. She put her hands on the ground and wiped the dust on the ground repeatedly until her hands became black. She rubbed the dust on her face, neck, arms, and legs. After some self-destruction, she successfully turned herself into a woman who made people give in.

Due to the influence of the dim lighting in the environment, the village chief, who was just an ordinary person, did not notice what was happening.

"If you don't want to die, show me your face, maybe I can make your life better. Otherwise... hehe." After saying that, he began to move his bloated body and shuttled between a dozen iron cages.

During this time, he looked very satisfied, and occasionally said something like,"It's worth the high price."

Until he walked to the iron cage where the uniformed girl was locked up, he looked at the girl who covered her face tightly, and his smile disappeared instantly, and he kicked the iron cage.


"Hey, didn’t I tell you to lift your face up? Do you want to die?"The village chief’s vicious curse rang out, causing the other girls’ hearts to tremble, but they couldn’t help their curiosity and looked over here.

The uniformed girl trembled and an unpleasant voice came out:"My lord, I’m ugly... I’m afraid of scaring you."

The village chief frowned when he heard the girl’s voice. How could it be uglier than the voice of the women in their village? He picked up the candle beside him and slowly reached into the iron cage,"Show me your face. I have never been scared in my life." The village chief was a little unconvinced. He spent so much money to buy the best product, how could it be ugly.

After hearing this, the uniformed girl pretended to hesitate and said again:"No, sir, I’m really afraid of scaring you."


"Stop talking nonsense to me, hurry up."For some reason, the village chief began to hurry up, put his face closer to the candle, and stared at the girl's head.

This time she didn't say anything, but raised her head without hesitation, and then quickly lowered her head.

But even if it was only for a moment, her face was clearly seen by everyone.

"Ah, what the hell is this thing."Perhaps because of the dim environment and the bloodstains, or because of the guilty conscience caused by killing countless girls over the years, even the village chief who killed without blinking an eye also cried out after seeing it, his hand shook violently, and the candle fell directly to the ground.

The other girls also gasped after seeing it. How could someone's face look like this? It was just like the female ghost in the movie who was wrongly killed and came to take her life.

Several scars with bloodstains were extremely hideous, and with a layer of dust on the side, they were completely different from these little beauties who cried like pear blossoms in the rain and made people want to protect them at first sight.

The candle that fell to the ground had been accidentally crushed by the ugly girl in fright and could no longer illuminate.

The frightened village chief breathed a sigh of relief, as if he felt a little embarrassed, and kicked the iron cage hard again, cursing the bad luck in his heart. , and then turned and left.

He walked to the iron cage where the two beauties were imprisoned, took out a bunch of keys from his trouser pocket and began to try them one by one.

The two people in the iron cage looked at this scene and didn't know whether they were happy or sad for a while. They were uneasy and began to pray with their hands clasped together, and tears began to flow unconsciously from their eyes.


The iron door was opened, and the village chief walked in. Without saying a word, he took out two needles and stabbed them in the arms.

The beautiful voice kept begging for mercy, but it didn't work.

They gritted their teeth and began to break free from the village chief's hand and ran outside. The village chief who watched all this did not stop them and let them run outside.

A few seconds later, when they reached the end, snap! The sound of falling came.

The village chief laughed playfully,"You can save me a lot of energy every time, idiot." Then he looked back at the dazed people and said,"Stay well for me, don't try to escape, otherwise you should know your fate."

He walked to the two girls lying motionless on the ground, grabbed one of their thin legs with one hand, and dragged them out roughly. Bang! It was not until the sound of the door closing that everyone came back to their senses.

In the basement on the other side, Igarashi Tianye had no idea what was happening over there. At this time, he was chatting with Aoki Achuan.

"Hey, Aoki, do you know the Jujutsu High School?" Igarashi Amaha said

"Huh? Are you kidding me? I'm a sorcerer, how could I not know about the Sorcery High School?"Aoki said incredulously.

"What, you want to go to the Jujutsu High School?"

I'll be grateful for everything.

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