"Still considering it." Igarashi Amano said, he was still hesitant. Once he entered the Jujutsu High School, he would be under the eyes of the high-ranking officials. He would be hesitant about everything he did.

But only the Jujutsu High School could truly understand all the hidden intelligence of this world. At the same time, when he was weak, his safety would be guaranteed to a certain extent. He was very conflicted.

"I didn't expect you were once a student at Jujutsu High School. Come to think of it, I don't know you at all." Igarashi Amaha said

"What do I need to know?"Aoki said indifferently.

"But I am curious. You are not a fool no matter how you look at it. Why are you imprisoned by a group of monkeys? Igarashi raised his eyebrows while sitting on the Blood Turtle and asked with interest.

"You were also caught, so you mean you are a fool?" Aoki laughed.


"Why don’t you take a good look at how old I am this year?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you were a kid."Aoki said.���Tianye asked:"You have been here for so long, haven't your family and friends looked for you? And as a student of the Jujutsu High School, they should also look for you if you suddenly disappeared without a reason."

Aoki's expression changed when he heard this topic, he turned over with his back to him and slowly said:"I don't have those things anymore. As for the Jujutsu High School, in their eyes, I may have died a long time ago."

Igarashi Tianye was silent after hearing this.

Aoki continued:"I originally thought that I would die alone in this basement, but I didn't expect to meet such an interesting kid like you."

"What kind of spells, what kind of curses, what kind of sorcerers, they are all bullshit. You can't imagine that I was once a genius in the eyes of my neighbors and was called a top student of the University of Tokyo in the future."

He laughed at himself and continued as if he had opened a box of words,"I am an orphan, but I am a lucky orphan. God gave me a flexible brain and an enviable learning ability. Because of this, I stood out among the children in the orphanage, and my reputation became louder and louder."

"The lonely genius, this middle school title, was a gift from the orphanage. As expected, I was adopted the following year. The person who adopted me was called Aoki Kenjo and his wife Aoki Siyin. They were from an ordinary office worker family. Although they were not rich, they treated me very well. I gradually became cheerful. In this way, we walked into each other's lives and changed each other's destiny."

"Three years later, when I was 10 years old, they got pregnant unexpectedly and gave birth to a younger brother for me, named Aoki Tokikawa. He was very cute and always liked to call me brother from behind."Speaking of Tokikawa, Aoki smiled unconsciously, very gently.

The next second, his face turned painful:"Just like that, the days have been very warm. I grew up in a happy family and began to study hard without distraction. In a few years, I graduated from high school by myself, and the name of genius was completely established."

"On May 19, 1987, I awakened to the technique. I realized that I was different. I didn’t understand what the technique was, so… I began to use it without reservation.…."

Igarashi Tianye's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief:"Ma...Masaka…."

"Ah, that's right, I killed my parents and my brother with my own hands. The"filthy attraction" had just awakened at that time, and its attraction to curses was no weaker than that of special-grade cursed objects. They swarmed over and crushed my parents' heads in front of me. The splattered brains were scattered on my face, which was hotter than boiling water."

"As for Shi Chuan... that idiot, when he saw me standing there in a daze, he actually... actually used himself as bait... to lure away the cursed beast.…."Aoki's voice was choked and his body was shaking.

"He succeeded and saved my enemy. I was saved by the people from the Jujutsu High School... After that, I was controlled by hatred. I relied on my learning ability to continuously study around the world and madly improve my own strength."

"Finally, seven years ago, I became a level 1 sorcerer, and the title of genius appeared on me again!"

"It's like a curse. After I became a level 1 sorcerer, I took my first commission to exorcise a level 2 cursed spirit. I thought it would be an easy task, so I went with my junior who was still a level 3 sorcerer."

Aoki sat up, opened his shirt, revealing a hideous wound on his chest, and grinned in an extremely ugly way,"Yes, I killed someone again."

Igarashi Amano asked in confusion,"How is it possible? Since you have been rated as a level 1 sorcerer, how could you not be able to deal with a level 2 curse?"

Level 1 and level 2 are worlds apart. Did something unexpected happen? Igarashi Amano guessed in his heart.

Aoki did not answer his doubts, but asked another question:"Do you know the King of Curses!"

Igarashi Amano was stunned,"What do you mean?"

"The King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna! The most powerful curse from thousands of years ago, born with two faces and four arms! Before he died, he cut his soul into 20 parts and stored them in his fingers, hoping to be resurrected one day. These fingers have become a special kind of super curse."

"In the past 1000 years, the fingers have been spread all over the place. There are 20 of them, each of which has the ability to force ordinary cursed spirits to enter the ranks of special grade."

"And I, the unlucky guy, encountered one of them. That guy had even learned the end of the technique and the field was unfolded. Haha, I was saved again... I chose to run away, haha, I, a genius, abandoned my own junior and was scared to run away, hahaha, hahahahahaha."

Aoki laughed crazily, with snot and tears flowing down his face.

"After that, I didn't go back to Jujutsu High School. I just kept running away aimlessly until I was exhausted and fainted in this village. When I woke up again, I appeared here. It has been like this for seven years. I still don't have the courage to face the reality. I don't dare to die. I'm afraid of meeting my parents, my younger brother, and my junior in hell. I'm afraid of them.…."

"This is the life of a genius like me, isn't it ridiculous...haha"

"It feels so good to say it out loud…."After that, Aoki fell into a deep sleep, as if he was tired of crying.

Igarashi Tianye looked at the skinny Aoki lying on the ground and sighed deeply. It turned out that it was not Kitano Village that trapped him, but human nature.


Ask for everything, grateful

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