(Thank you for your support and gifts, I will add more chapters for this, love you guys!!)

But Gojo Satoru let go immediately, and when he was not in sight, he stretched out a hand without any hesitation, and directly imprisoned Igarashi Amano with infinite power.

The next second, Gojo Satoru's other fist hit Igarashi Amano like a violent storm.

""Scatter!" Igarashi Tenha roared, and the infinite power around him was shattered in an instant. He stepped back, and then swung his hands forward with force. Countless swords formed by flames shot towards Gojo Satoru.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Gojo Satoru waved his hands and deflected all the flying swords.

Suddenly, a huge totem appeared under his feet. Before he could react, the next second, a huge hot pillar of fire rose from the ground, erupted from under him, and submerged him.

Reversal of the technique·詔子·"官"!!


A huge explosion that shook the world erupted from under Gojo Satoru, dyeing the entire sky red.

The entire earth was shaking, as if it would collapse at any time, and the extremely hot heat wave spread all around.


Black smoke rose up, and the yellow sand mixed with the black smoke. For a moment, nothing could be seen clearly. Before the smoke dissipated, a huge red energy ball broke through the thick smoke and attacked!

Reversal of the technique:"He"!!

By the time Igarashi Tianye reacted, the energy ball containing the power of destruction was already close at hand. He exhaled a breath of cold air and shouted:"Yi Jun"!!!

In an instant, the cold air rose up, and the temperature around him dropped suddenly. Igarashi Tianye stretched out a hand and swung it hard at the fierce ball in front of him.

A sudden cold current swept over, and the quicksand under his feet suddenly turned into an ice mirror, and the flying"He" was slowly fixed, and finally formed a shocking big ice ball.

Gojo Satoru, who was shocked by this scene in the smoke, only felt a flash in front of his eyes. The next moment, a huge fist shadow was infinitely magnified in his sight.

""Damn it, this bastard slapped me in the face again!"


Igarashi Amano's fist stopped a few millimeters away from Gojo Satoru's forehead. He smacked his lips and said,"It's no fun to use Infinity."

Suddenly, he flipped his wrist and Tennimu appeared. He held Tennimu upside down, turned around and stabbed Gojo Satoru's temple hard! The moment

Gojo Satoru saw Tennimu, his pupils suddenly shrank, his whole body of cursed power was agitated, and a repulsive force instantly burst out in his hands.

Igarashi Amano, who flew backwards, turned in the air and landed smoothly, looking at Gojo Satoru with a smile.

Gojo Satoru's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and he pointed at Igarashi Amano and cursed,"Asshole! Who told you to take that thing out? Don't you know it can scare people to death? You fucking idiot!""

"Blame me!" Igarashi Tianye spread his hands and said innocently

"Bastard, if I don't beat you up today, I won't be called Gojo anymore!"

Gojo Satoru said and instantly disappeared from the spot, teleported to the sky behind Igarashi Tenha, made a gesture towards him

────────The technique is reversed.」

────────Reversal of the technique」

────────Virtual Style:"Zi"!!

The blue"Cang" and the red"He" merged, and in an instant, purple light appeared, lighting up the curtain of the night, and the energy ball with thunder inside slammed down towards Igarashi Amano.

Igarashi Amano saw this scene and also stretched out a hand,"Ultimate move, it just so happens that I also know a little bit."

Buzz!! Buzz!!

I saw two huge totems appearing behind Igarashi Amano, with"Xiang" and"Xiang" written on them respectively. Under Igarashi Amano's control, the two totems slowly moved towards the middle!



In the dark night, a figure with flames burning in many parts of his body stretched out a hand.

From bottom to top, a black shock wave that seemed to be strong enough to penetrate the earth shot out from the palm of his hand!


A loud sound that shook the earth followed! The dazzling white light covered everything.

The flames rose and became huge, as if dawn had fallen at this moment.

The world fell into a brief silence!

The flames gradually faded, and the purple ball was broken! The black shock wave rushed out as if it pierced the sky!


Thunder rolled in the sky, and light and shadows kept flickering.

Seeing that something was wrong, Geto Xiayou had already retreated to a very far distance. At this moment, he was cursing behind a cursed spirit that looked like a one-eyed giant Buddha.

"What the hell is going on? Are these two people crazy? Fortunately, I made the highest intensity plan in advance, otherwise I would be in trouble again. I really don’t know whether you two are here to help me or to make trouble. Sigh."

On the top of the dark sky, two strong figures stood defiantly, staring at each other through the thick smoke.

The next moment

─────Domain expansion: Infinite space!!

Gojo Satoru raised two fingers, with the middle finger clasped behind the index finger, looked at Igarashi Amano and said calmly:"I told you that I must beat you up today. You can't do anything after the domain has already been expanded. Haha, don't worry, Amano-chan, I will be gentle."


White light flashed, and the next second, Igarashi Amano appeared in the universe.

A touch of white ink splashed, and Igarashi Amano's brain instantly crashed, but despite this, he still looked the same, with his hands in his pockets, looking at Gojo Satoru defiantly. Gojo Satoru looked at Igarashi Amano who didn't take any action, slowly walked to his side, tickled his armpits a few times, and laughed out loud.

"Oh my, Tianye-chan is so domineering, really, she is better at pretending than me, and she pretends so naturally, wow, wow, wow, how did she do it?"

As he said this, he took out a marker from somewhere, and the excitement on the corner of his mouth was hard to suppress."���Tianye, do you like little rabbits or little turtles? I think you should like little turtles, so let the professional teacher Gojo draw one for you, hehe."

Gojo Satoru uncapped the pen, pointed it at Igarashi Tianye's face and stretched it out.


The next second, in Gojo Satoru's unbelievable eyes, Igarashi Tianye actually moved and grabbed his outstretched hand.

Ignoring Gojo Satoru who was stunned, Igarashi Tianye knocked his head with his hand and said distressedly:"I forgot to tell you, my brain memory is estimated to be 100TB, but it's really a headache to deal with all this garbage information of yours."

"real or fake?"

… p.s. I may have to update in the afternoon in the next week, because I have to work the night shift from today, woo woo woo.

Please support me in every way, love you guys

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