
Igarashi Amano said lightly:"Really, 100TB, it can be installed, but if you keep feeding me some garbage information, I guess I can't stand it, so."

He smiled mysteriously at the confused Gojo Satoru, and said:"Domain expansion· Void knowledge Zen view"!!


A black stream of light extended from behind Igarashi Amano and slammed into Gojo Satoru's infinite space!

Domain blast!


The sound of the mirror breaking came, and the domain where the two people were began to gradually collapse.

The next second.


The two domain barriers were directly shattered, and Igarashi Amano and Gojo Satoru who returned to the real world fell from the sky.

At this time, Xia Youjie also rushed over. He looked at Gojo Satoru who was a little dazed, and then looked at Igarashi Amano who seemed to be smiling. It was obvious who was stronger and who was weaker.

"What's going on? Why can you still use the domain? Shouldn't you enter the spell fuse?"Gojo Satoru looked at Igarashi Amano and said incredulously.

After this, Geto Summer was also stunned and looked at Igarashi Amano in disbelief.

After the domain is unfolded, the spell originally engraved in the flesh will be temporarily fused, and it will be temporarily difficult to use the spell!

But this temporary situation varies from person to person. Even a strong person like Igarashi Amano can ensure that he can continue to use the spell after the domain is unfolded. Geto Summer and Gojo Satoru are well aware of this, but it is a bit absurd to unfold the domain again.

""Maybe it's because my technique is special, hehe." Igarashi Amano said vaguely, not very clearly, but understandable.

As for why he can continuously expand the field, only he knows what's going on.

In simple terms, the technique can be compared to a fuse. When the current abnormally rises to a certain height and temperature, the fuse will melt and cut off the current, thereby protecting the circuit from running safely.

The technique is like this. Expanding the field requires an extremely huge amount of magical power. After expansion, the protection mechanism will be triggered forcibly, so the technique will be blown and the technique cannot be used.

The recovery time of the fuse is that whoever connects the fuse faster can use the technique faster. In the original work, Gojo Satoru used the reversal technique to heal the technique fuse, which greatly shortened the time of the technique fuse.

Igarashi Amano is similar, but they have a huge gap, that is, Igarashi Amano has two fuses!"General" and"Handsome" can each perform a field expansion once.

That is to say, after Igarashi Tianye unfolds the domain of"General", he can seamlessly perform the domain of"Handsome" again. During the time when the domain of"Handsome" unfolds, he can use the reversal technique to accelerate the fuse of the technique of"General"!

In Igarashi Tianye's estimated time, when he fully masters the reversal technique, he can reduce the time difference of the domain to about five minutes, which is equivalent to that he can start two seamless domains, and then perform them again every five minutes!

Consumption of mantra? It doesn't matter. The negative energy"Xiang" and the positive energy"Xiang" will attack, and the consumption is far less than the recovery.

Although Gojo Satoru can also use the reversal technique to treat the accelerated technique fuse, even so, he can only shorten it to 10 minutes at the fastest. This is the difference in the core.

When you are ready to fight with me, sorry, you have entered my domain!

The difference between the strongest and the strongest is immediately apparent!

"Let's go. If we don't go back soon, it will be dawn soon. We still have to go out and play tomorrow." Igarashi Tianye yawned and said to the two people.

"Who told you to play? You play to complete missions. Missions, understand? You don't play to play!" Xia Yujie yelled at Igarashi Tianye

"Got it, got it." Igarashi Tianye responded nonchalantly. He glanced at Gojo Satoru who had been silent beside him and said,"What are you thinking about? Let's go back."

"It's okay. I was just wondering why I left Tian Nimu to you. Why didn't I just smash him to pieces?" Gojo Satoru said, stroking his chin with an incredible look on his face.

"Who knows? Maybe the scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten."


It was 4 o'clock in the morning.

The few people returned to the villa and went back to their rooms without saying anything to rest.

Igarashi Tianye lay in the bathtub, looking at the calm water and lost in thought.

His abilities are now almost all unlocked.

Body Shikigami:"Red Owl" and"Issui Jun", with the abilities of purple flame and ice respectively.

The"Official", an extension of Red Owl's technique, can release a flame column in a specified direction within the range, and the condition of the technique is also very simple, just"hear" it.

「"隕" is a compressed punch.

"钟", an extension of Yijun's technique, a kind of illusion.

"炮", the main means of attack, can also be used."

司", a powerful and simple attack method, releases a single beam of destruction.

"瑾", a multi-stage covering attack, suitable for clearing soldiers.

And the combination of the two,"权".

Double"象", the ability is known, an endless source of cursed power.

Double"马", the ability is known, after unlocking, the time of time condensation and the range of transposition increase. Double

"车", the ability is known, but after unlocking, it does not increase the number of clones, but increases the mass. Now each of his clones can exert 95% of his own ability. Double"士", the ability is known, after unlocking, it becomes passive, and the other form has no lower limit, unlike"slower and slower", which is a simple block. Extreme

"回線", return to the physical function state of the previous chess move.

And the last secret, the expansion of the field, the view of virtual knowledge and Zen!

The expansion of the field is divided into two categories, closed type and open type are two different concepts. The representative of the closed type is Gojo Satoru's"Infinite Space", which pulls the opponent into the barrier and fills a lot of garbage information into his brain, causing the opponent's brain to crash and unable to move his body.

The representative of the open field is Ryomen Sukuna's"Demon Subduing Cook", which does not separate the space with the barrier and does not close the barrier, so that the field of life is displayed, just like painting directly in the sky without using a canvas.

And"Virtual Knowledge and Zen View" is a field of life that can be closed/open!

The range is a radius of 200 meters, with a"must hit" effect. The rituals generated in the field do not need spells and seals, and do not consume spell power. The power of the rituals is increased by 170%, and"binding" can be added.

In the state of the closed field,"Virtual Knowledge and Zen View" will corrupt the opponent's spell power, cognition, thinking, five senses, life, and even the soul in the barrier.

The speed of the hollow decay depends on the cursed power released by Igarashi Amaha....

Thank you for everything, support!!!

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