This is the information that Igarashi Amano's brain told him. He can only achieve the closed domain at present, and the open domain is still some time away. He needs to further disassemble the domain and improve it. The open domain is a secret skill from thousands of years ago. Looking at the original work, there are only two people who can do it. One is the curse king Ryoumen Sukuna, and the other is the conspiracy theorist Naoka Nozomi.

"Open field, interesting."


Igarashi Amane stood up from the bathtub, walked to the mirror, looked at his face, nodded, and said in approval:"Well, you are much more handsome than Sukuna, I'll beat you first."

Then he looked at his heart again,"Either you were destroyed or you were dragged out, you are also very pitiful."

After drying his hair, he put on a bathrobe and went back to the bedroom to rest.

The next morning.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Violent knocks on the door continued to ring.

"Tianye, get up, we still have to go out to complete the mission"

""Tianye-chan~you're up~"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The hopeless Tianye Igarashi slowly sat up from the bed, walked to the door with lifeless eyes and opened it. What came into view was the helpless-looking Xiayou Jie and Gojo Satoru who kept looking around the room.

"I say, you two, have you taken Mr. Yega's words to heart? Didn't he say that this mission is for you two? Why are you looking for me? Why don't you go out and finish the mission instead of knocking on my door?" Igarashi Tianye looked at the two of them with a question mark on his face and said

"Also, Gojo Satoru, look at your sister, there is no Charizard, and there is no fucking Tyrannosaurus." The irritable Igarashi Amano cursed at Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru laughed, hugged Igarashi Amano's neck and said with a smile:"Oh, you are so young, don't get led astray"

"I'm only a few months younger than you, thank you."

Xia Youjie also hugged Igarashi Tianye's neck on the other side, and said with a malicious smile:"You want to be lazy after coming out with the two of us? Let's go, do the mission!"

The two of them carried Igarashi Tianye and ran out directly.

"Asshole, put me down, I have no clothes on!"

"It's okay, let's broaden the horizons of the Egyptians and show them what a giant is, hahaha." Gojo Satoru's laughter resounded throughout the villa.

Bang! Bang!


Half an hour later, Igarashi Tianye, with a resentful face, was sitting on a huge flying curse spirit wearing a brand new set of clothes.

Several people looked at the somewhat gloomy house below and chatted.

"According to the intelligence, this is the place, let's set up the camp." While standing on the Curse Spirit and looking at his phone, Geto said to Igarashi Amano and Gojo Satoru, trying to get them to take action.

Igarashi Amano chuckled when he heard that, and looked at Gojo Satoru who was sitting there doing nothing and said,"Who would set up this thing? Would you?"

"I won't"

"Hahahahahahahahaha." The two men burst into laughter, totally unaware of the look on Geto Xia's face behind them.

Bang! Bang!

"Hurry up, we have to go to the next place." Xia Youjie shook his smoking fist and said

"Oh, born from darkness, from darkness to darkness, all the filth and impurities are exorcised." Gojo Satoru said with his smoking head raised two fingers.


The black curtain fell, and the evacuation was completed!

Xia Yujie turned around and looked at Oreki Mirai and Tenchi Riko and warned:"Be careful when you go down. If you encounter an emergency, retreat quickly. The strength of this cursed spirit is stronger than you. Make more use of your……."

Before Geto Suguru could finish his words, he was interrupted by Igarashi Amano,"There are no so many emergencies, let's go."

Igarashi Amano grabbed Oreki Mirai's ankle and threw him directly towards the house below.

"Hey, brother, don't throw it.……."Oreki Mirai was thrown down before he could say anything.

This made Tenriko laugh, but it only lasted for a second.

"Xiao Jimao, you go too." Igarashi Tenha grabbed Tenriko's ankle again and threw her directly downwards.

Before Geto Suguru got angry, Gojo Satoru protested,"Hey, didn't you say you'd throw one to me this time?"

"Next time, definitely next time"

"Damn it, you two really treat them as Pokémon and even throw them away!" Geto Xiayou roared at the two of them.


At this moment, a roar interrupted them, and suddenly a whirlwind rolled up from below, and a huge head opened its bloody mouth from below and bit towards Oreki Mirai and Tenchi Riko.


As expected, the two people who were unprepared and had no ability to fly were swallowed into the mouth without any suspense.

Seeing this, Geto Xiayou hurriedly shouted:"Pika, bah, Mirai, Riko!"

"Don't worry, you won't be that weak in the future under my training." Igarashi Tianye said nonchalantly while lying on Gojo Satoru's legs.

"I know, I'm afraid they'll smell bad when they come out, and they'll sit next to us." Xia Youjie said with some disdain

"This is easy. We can fly in the sky while they can run on the ground."Igarashi Tianye said

"Tie a rope around it so it doesn't get lost again." Gojo Satoru reminded



Igarashi Amano and Geto Summer Oil agreed with Gojo Satoru's reminder.


Five minutes later….


"Are you sick? I'm three for one and you're two for the other."

"Happy, never mind"

"45678 pairs"

"don't want"

"King bomb!"

"No, Gojo Satoru, your six eyes have burned your brain, we are in the same group, Jie is the landlord, not me."Igarashi Tianye looked at Gojo Satoru with a fool's eyes and said in a daze

"I am happy, don't worry about it." Gojo Satoru didn't care about his words at all, but instead imitated Igarashi Amano's words to retort

"No, maybe we forgot something."The speechless Igarashi Tianye suddenly remembered something and said

"Tianye, don't change the subject just because Wu Yi tricked you." Xia Youjie looked at Igarashi Tianye with a look that said I had guessed it long ago. Igarashi Tianye still felt something was wrong,"No, don't you think we forgot something?"

"You forgot to grab the landlord, so you can only follow Wu"



Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three of them jumped off the cursed spirit and flew towards the cursed spirit below.

"Damn, I forgot about them!!!"...

Thank you for everything, support!!!

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