Harry was completely stunned, and he stammered.

"Teach, professor, you said..."

Sherlock interrupted him directly.

"Just do as I say! Remember, as long as I don't answer immediately, use the spell immediately. You should still remember how to use the coma spell, right? I even gave you special instructions during the trip. ”

Harry also saw that something was wrong. He nodded to indicate that he understood, then turned around and ran back to the car.

After Sherlock watched him leave, he didn't hesitate and used the Disguise Curse directly on his own.

Under the influence of the magic spell, his entire body slowly disappeared into the air until he was almost invisible.

But after Sherlock started to move, the presence of someone could still be vaguely seen in the twisted ripples in the air.

The Illusion Curse is a spell that can make a wizard directly invisible. However, the invisibility effect of this spell is not as good as the invisibility cloak. It is generally only suitable for use at night. During the day, anyone who is a little more careful can see the flaws.

But Sherlock didn't need the invisibility effect to be so good. After using the disillusionment spell, he quickly caught up with the place where Nick Flamel disappeared.

But he searched in the yard of Flamel's house for a long time, but he never saw Nick Flamel.

The door to Flamel's house was tightly closed, and when you got closer, you could even see the lock on it. There was no sign that anyone had been in the house.

This undoubtedly further confirmed Sherlock's guess.

But where is that "Nick Flamey"?

Just as Sherlock was looking around, a girl with some freckles on her face suddenly walked out from the flowers in the back garden, holding a wooden box.

Looking at the girl who called herself "Marlene Creel" who met Fleur at the bar yesterday, Sherlock had a playful smile on his face.

Aha, isn't "he" right here?


Harry remembered what Sherlock told him and got into the car.

He recalled Sherlock's expression when he spoke to him just now, and he guessed in his heart that something big must have happened, otherwise the professor's expression would not be so serious.

Harry was a little nervous because of his serious attitude. He sat in the car and kept looking around outside.

Just when he stretched his head out for the fifth time to see if Sherlock had come back, a familiar figure suddenly walked over from the corner of the wall.

"Harry? Why are you alone in the car, where is Sherlock?" Fleur walked over and asked doubtfully.

Harry's palms holding the wand were sweating slightly. His eyes were fixed on Fleur, and he suddenly spoke.

"What's your sister's name!"

Fleur was stunned. She didn't seem to understand why Harry suddenly asked this question.

"What? I just came back from looking for magic stone fragments. I found three. We can each have one..."

"What's your sister's name? Tell me!" Harry continued to press.

Furong stood there helplessly and hesitated.



Without hesitation, Harry stretched out his hand that had been hidden in the car, and the tip of the wand shot out a flashing red light. In the blink of an eye, it hit "Fleur" three meters away, with no time to avoid it!


"Furong" was hit by the spell, but did not fall to the ground on the spot. Instead, she screamed and suddenly transformed into a creature with pointed ears and a face like a rotten orange.


After the goblin changed back to his true self, there was a sound like a whip lashing the air, and the next second, he disappeared.

Harry, who originally planned to use the next spell, put down the hand that had been holding his wand after confirming that he was no longer in danger.

The tense nerves relaxed, allowing him to breathe heavily.

Harry's bet was right!

The other party didn't use Sherlock's identity to approach him, but used Fleur's identity!

Although there was no danger on his side, he couldn't help but worry about Sherlock.

Harry thought that this incident was planned by Nick Flamel. He felt that Sherlock might not be able to defeat that old monster who had lived for six hundred years.


Sherlock didn't worry at all about whether he could beat him or not.

He was quietly following behind Furong's school girl - "Krel".

Watching her walk into the woods where the fragments of the Magic Stone were said to be hidden, Sherlock also walked in quietly.

This forest is not small at all. Although it is certainly not as big as the Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts, it is not the kind of small forest you usually see.

The young wizards who came in to look for the fragments of the Magic Stone have been searching here for more than twenty minutes, and only a handful of them have made some gains.

After "Krell" entered the woods, he asked the wizards who were looking for the magic stone fragments about the location of Fleur.

"That girl with silver hair and very pretty hair?" A young wizard recalled pointing in one direction, "I just saw her going to that location."

"Thank you." "Krel" thanked him very politely, and then walked towards the one guided by the wizard.

"She" continued deeper into the woods for about a few hundred meters, and saw Furong from a distance who seemed to be having a dispute with someone.

"I got this first, why should I give it to you!" Fleur looked at the witch standing opposite her and said disdainfully.

The witch had a gloomy face and kept staring at Furong's right hand, where there was a blood-red fragment.

She just saw it at the fork of a tree branch, but before she could go up to get it, the fragment flew up on its own, and finally fell into Fleur's hand.

"Because I saw this first!" the witch said coldly.

"If everything you see first belongs to you, then everyone should not enter this forest. Whoever sees it first, all the magic stone fragments in it will belong to him."

When it comes to quarrels, Furong has never been afraid of anyone.

Not everyone in Beauxbatons treats her well. Perhaps most boys will be confused by her natural appearance and deliberately try to please her, but most girls are not friendly towards her.

After all, she is the most popular among boys. Those girls who feel that she alone has taken the limelight will naturally want to find fault with her and cause trouble for her.

But whether it was inside or outside school, Furong had never lost in a quarrel.

"I just saw that you had dug one out of the grass. Is it too greedy to want one now?" The witch approached Fleur bit by bit, and it was obvious that she was preparing to make some move.

Fleur was not afraid of her at all. Even if the wand was gone, her Veela blood would make it easier for her to control her magic than a normal wizard. This was why she was able to find the two fragments so quickly.

"Mr. Flamel just said it himself, you can take away as many as you find. If you can't find any yourself, you can only blame yourself for being useless!"

Listening to Fleur's ruthless ridicule, the witch finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Just when she wanted to rely on her stronger body to rush forward and snatch the two fragments from Furong's hand, a third voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Senior Delacour!"

The witch stopped preparing to attack and looked at "Krel" who suddenly walked over with a gloomy expression.

Furong also saw the arrival of her "school girl", and couldn't help but show joy on her face.

Although she was not afraid of the other party coming to grab things, it would certainly be better to have a helping hand on her side.

"Krell" and Fleur stood together, and the witch could only say bitterly, "We'll see," and left in dejection.

Fleur said gratefully to "Krel".

"Fortunately you came in time, thank you."

"It's okay, senior." She said with a smile, "You can use the fragment of the magic stone as a thank you gift."

Fleur shook her head but refused with a wary expression.

"No! I promised others to bring it to them. I can't give it to you."

"Krel" waved his hand quickly: "I'm kidding, senior, why are you so nervous?"

After Furong confirmed that her school girl really had no intention of grabbing the fragment in her hand, she reluctantly let down her guard a little and walked with "her".

"Let's walk further inside. It shouldn't have been searched by anyone else yet. Maybe we'll find something."

They walked together deeper into the woods. On the way, Fleur asked doubtfully.

"Why did you come so late? I thought something happened to you and you stopped coming?"

"Krell" smiled.

"Some things delayed me, so I came a little late, but it's not too late to come in now."

"It's not too late. As far as I know, five people have found the fragments of the Magic Stone. Counting the two in my hand, that means seven have been found. There are still sixteen left. , the probability that we can find another one is very high, or even two is not impossible.”

Fleur said enthusiastically, She is still mentally imagining that she might be able to bring three fragments of the Sorcerer's Stone back. By then, she, Sherlock and Harry will have exactly one piece each.

"Krel" looked at the girl looking for her in the woods with hope, and laughed silently.

However, "her" smile was a little chilling.

"She" deliberately led Furong to a place where two fragments were hidden in a bird's nest on a tree.

"Look there, senior!" "Krel" excitedly pointed to Fleur's discovery.

Fleur also became excited. She knew that finding three magic stone fragments was no longer a fantasy. Now that two new fragments had been discovered, she and "Krel" could get one each.

Just as she trotted under the tree, preparing to use her magic power to pull out the fragments from the bird's nest without using the wand, a dazzling red light suddenly shot towards her.

"The gangster is down!"

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