The stun spell struck from behind, and Fleur had no time to react. She was directly hit by the spell and fell to the ground unconscious on the spot.

"Krel" sneered and walked to Fleur, who was on the ground, and her whole head underwent a horrifying change.

"Her" face was twisting like plasticine, her facial features blended together and then quickly reshaped, and her hair was changing color, length and curly arc.

In just a few seconds, "her" entire face changed drastically, and finally settled on a man's face.

It was the wizard who was suspected by Fleur yesterday in Long Lane and had something to do with the loss of her wand - Jonathan!

"Bitch, it took me a lot of effort to catch you."

At this moment, Jonathan lost any of his previous honest attitude. He cursed and was about to reach out to lift Fleur up.

Under his feet, the fresh grass suddenly turned into snake-like vines, spreading up from his calves very quickly.

By the time he realized something was wrong, the vines had spread to his waist, and before he even raised his wand, he had been tied up tightly like a rice dumpling.

Sherlock removed his disillusionment spell in front of a tree.

Since he became more and more proficient in the use of transformation, he didn't like to use magic spells directly during sneak attacks.

No matter what kind of offensive spell it is, whether it is a petrification spell, a stun spell or a disarming spell, the basic steps are to recite the spell and wave the wand.

Even if you have a relatively high level of mastery of this type of spell, you can use silent spells without affecting the power of the spell. It will take some time for the waving of the wand and the spell to hit the target.

For sneak attackers, even a short period of time may cause mistakes.

As for the more technically demanding but more practical transformation technique, there would be no such concerns.

As long as the magic power can affect the range, the transformation spell can directly exert effects on the object and cause the material to change.

Moreover, most of the transformation spells can be omitted after becoming proficient in practice, and it will not affect the final transformation effect (Transformation has spells, but those spells are relatively abstract because they are transliterated).

So Jonathan had no room for resistance at all.

"You are quite brave as a wand thief." Sherlock walked to Jonathan and picked up his wand.

Jonathan glared at Sherlock fiercely.

"When did you discover the flaw?"

Sherlock said as he let go of some of the vines on his body and took out a bag from his pocket.

"Yesterday on Long Alley Street, your necklace and tattoo were very unique. I remember seeing it somewhere. Can you tell me about it?"

He opened the bag he found on Jonathan's body, and it was obvious that this thing had been cast under a traceless stretching spell.

It is illegal under any Ministry of Magic to use this kind of charm on anything that is not approved by the Ministry of Magic.

Because normal wizards have no way to determine whether the traceless stretching spell they use is reliable. If an accident occurs, it is easy for the things placed inside to be directly squeezed out of the space, injuring the wizard himself or the people around him.

In the expanded bag, Sherlock found about fifty wands.

They were placed in five wooden boxes with ten sticks in each box, among which there should also be the stick that Fleur lost before.

After hearing where Sherlock discovered the problem, Jonathan sneered.

"You actually don't know that symbol? It seems that not many people still remember the man who once swept the entire European magic world and almost changed the entire world by himself."

"Oh? That lord?" Sherlock tilted his head and thought for a moment, "Is it the lord whose head can catch fire?"

Jonathan was stunned by his words.

"What head is on fire?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm cheating on you, you go on." He waved his hand to indicate that he didn't have to care so much, and then placed the wooden boxes containing the wands on the ground one by one.

Jonathan scowled.

"I advise you not to meddle in other people's business and let me go. I am a saint!"

"Saint?" Sherlock finally recalled some impressions of this term. He touched his chin and recalled the records in the history of magic. "It seems to be a wizarding organization that was active in the early twentieth century. The leader was Grindelwald. ? The man who was known as the Dark Lord before You-Know-Who?"

"Since you know, you should know whether you can afford it!" Jonathan threatened.

Sherlock shrugged.

"I admit that Lord Grindelwald's ambitions are much nobler than those of his next generation, but this does not prevent him from becoming history. He seems to be still imprisoned in Austria, right?"

"And looking at your young appearance, you shouldn't be a remnant of his era, a narcissistic wild fan?"

"From what history book did you read Grindelwald's deeds and the logo of the Saints organization, and you imagined that you could join them? Don't you think that people like them would want a thief who steals wands?"

Sherlock's words made Jonathan blush, obviously speaking of his pain, and he roared angrily.

"What do you know! The wand is the most noble work of art in the world! Especially the wands used by outstanding wizards are the essence of all magic! You vulgar wizards don't understand such art at all!"

Sherlock blinked. Although he had guessed in advance that this man was a thief who was extremely fond of wands, he didn't expect that he would be so obsessed with it.

But also, if you didn't have such a crazy love, how could you be so bold as to pretend to be Nick Flamel and defraud so many outstanding young wizards from their wands?

"By the way, if you like wands so much, why did you attack Fleur? Are you so cowardly?" Sherlock asked doubtfully.

He didn't expect Jonathan to tell him honestly, but he didn't expect that the other party had no intention of hiding anything.

he said with a sneer.

"The price of a mixed-blood Veela in the black market is much higher than the price of a pure Veela! As long as there are suitable channels, it is not impossible to sell a high-quality product like her for six figures as a baby. Maybe...poof!"

Before Jonathan could finish his words, he flew directly into the air!

Sherlock's face was as cold as frost. He retracted the foot he kicked out and walked back to Jonathan, who fell to the ground and rolled on the ground for several meters.

"It turns out you are also a part-time human trafficker."

Jonathan was kicked hard in the face by Sherlock, and blood was pouring out from his nose and mouth, all over his face. He looked extremely miserable.

But he was still in the mood to laugh, and even taunted.

"What? Do you think I'm disgusting? As long as you have a lofty ideal, no matter how bad the means are to achieve it, what will happen?"

“Do you know what Lord Grindelwald’s motto is? “For the greatest good!” "This is a sentence that a self-proclaimed noble person like you will never understand!"

Sherlock stepped directly on his face, causing Jonathan to wail miserably.

"This sentence is really disgusting to say from the mouth of a person like you! Even if I have only read a little bit of past history, I know that the "greatest interest" Grindelwald talks about has never been These are not his personal interests, but the interests of all wizards in the entire magical world."

"For your own ridiculous desires, you use this sentence of the goal that people strive for their whole life as an excuse for themselves. I find you really funny."

"I want to say sorry. I was wrong before. You are not a wild fan of the Saints at all. You should be their anti-fan, specifically using their name to bring trouble for them."

Jonathan's wailing gradually became fainter, and Sherlock kept talking there alone for a long time without seeing any response from him.

After lifting his feet, he discovered that he seemed to have broken the bridge of his nose, and he fainted from the pain.

He stared at Jonathan's face, with blood, snot and tears flowing everywhere, and curled his lips.

"It's really an advantage for you to pass out like this."

Sherlock walked over to Fleur, making sure she was just passed out and not otherwise hurt, and then turned his eyes to her right hand.

The hand was clenched tightly, and blood-red crystals could be vaguely seen between the fingers.

Sherlock shook his head and smiled.

This little girl is quite persistent.

Just when he used magic to levitate Jonathan and Fleur, he was about to take them out of the woods.

A bright red curse suddenly shot out from the corner and hit Sherlock!

In an instant, Sherlock's wand, as well as the more than fifty wands he had put back into the bag, were all forced to fly out and scattered three meters away from Sherlock!

An ugly goblin staggered out from the corner of the bushes. It pointed its finger at Sherlock and said viciously.

"Don't move."

With a calm face, Sherlock raised both his hands and performed a military salute as the Romans did, indicating that he was not a threat.

"I thought Harry had you taken care of."

The goblin seemed to be in poor condition. He walked to Jonathan's side with a somewhat chaotic pace to check his condition. At the same time, he used a binding spell on Sherlock and tied up his whole body with a rope conjured by the spell.

"Your student's stun spell is terrible!"

Sherlock raised his eyebrows and defended Harry.

"He is only in the third grade at the beginning of school. You can't force him to do too much. If he can use it and see results, he is already very talented."

Seeing her companion who was in a physical coma and could not be awakened by magic, the goblin gritted his teeth and grabbed Jonathan, and Fleur walked to Sherlock's side.

"Are you planning to take all three of us away?"

"Shut up! You disgusting wizard!"

"Well, in the aesthetics of your race, I should indeed be considered the disgusting type."

Sherlock shrugged and looked behind the busy goblin. Dozens of wand tips had floated out of thin air and were aimed at his group of wands.

He blinked and softly recited the spell.

"Everything is petrified."

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