Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 125 Showdown Demonstration

The straw seems to be the symbol of the murderer.

Wherever this thing fell, it must have been here.

"The backyard of a bar, what is it doing here?" Sherlock said with a frown.

Silk did not answer his question, but began to patrol the yard, but there were so many messy things that it was difficult to find anything at a glance.

She took out her wand, tapped it lightly in the air, and cast a silent spell.

The next moment, all the old wooden barrels, tables, chairs and benches around them were floating in mid-air, and the original scene of the entire yard appeared in front of them.

There didn't seem to be anything special around. Sherlock took Sirius around and didn't find anything weird.

At this moment, the back door from the backyard to the main hall of the bar was suddenly opened.

A dirty old man with a long, messy beard stared at them.

"What are you doing!"

This is the owner of the bar and part-time bartender. He was obviously alarmed by the movement of Hilke's curse just now.

"Sorry, sir, regarding the attacks a few days ago, we made some discoveries in your yard."

Faced with this situation, Sherlock and the others had no good excuse. The old man smelling like sheep didn't listen to them at all. He pulled out his wand and yelled at them.

"Are you Aurors from the Ministry of Magic? If not, then now! Immediately! Get out of my yard!"

"Okay, don't get excited, we're leaving now."

Sherlock led Sirius and Silk out of the backyard of the bar. They stood in an alley, looking at the dilapidated and dirty bar from a distance.

Sherlock touched his chin, staring at the bar and thinking about other things.

Silk was also looking at this building, and they seemed to have thought about it together. Sherlock spoke first.

"If there's something wrong with that backyard, there's something wrong with the bar itself."

"This town seems to have been occupied by goblins."

Silk's words reminded Sherlock of some things, and he said with a look of realization on his face.

"I remembered that one of the most famous things about Hogsmeade is that during the goblin rebellion, they occupied this place and built a headquarters here. The headquarters seems to be located in this bar!"

The murderer came to the backyard of the Pig Head Bar, which happened to be the former goblin headquarters.

Things were too much of a coincidence, and people had to associate the two things together.

Sherlock thought.

"Maybe what it's looking for has something to do with the goblins' occupation of Hogsmeade."

Silk took one last deep look at the building and said softly.

"I will find someone to verify these things."

The sky was completely dark. They did not plan to stay here any longer and were preparing to return to Hogwarts.

Before leaving, Sherlock stared at the big black dog on his hand. He thought the dog was very smart and wanted to take it away and keep it as a pet.

"If you don't want to continue wandering, you can follow me in the future."

Sirius only thought about it for a moment before decisively rejecting the idea in his heart.

Following Sherlock into Hogwarts seemed to provide him with convenience, allowing him to act openly and openly in the castle.

But in fact, he doesn't need this convenience at all.

He knew every secret passage leading from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts.

On the contrary, if he follows Sherlock, any of his actions will be restricted, and his flaws will be exposed if he is not careful, so Sirius showed resistance.

Seeing that he was unwilling to follow her, Sherlock did not force him and canceled the transformation spell on the dog leash, allowing Sirius to regain his freedom.

Sirius ran away immediately after being freed from the restraints. He was afraid that Sherlock would suddenly change his attention and capture him again.

But since Sherlock had let him go, he would naturally not force him to do anything difficult again.

They returned to Hogwarts in the night.

While having dinner in the Great Hall, Sherlock also heard about Hagrid's accident in his first Care of Magical Creatures lesson today.

Out of concern for his friends, Sherlock went to Hagrid's cabin to pay him a special visit.

When he came in, Hagrid looked like he had just cried, his eyes were red, and he was blowing his nose with a tissue.

"Don't be sad, Hagrid. Everyone has a first time. No one is born to teach students." Sherlock comforted him.

But Hagrid was not relieved, he said gloomily.

"I prepared for a long time, thinking that everyone would like those little guys. But I didn't expect that Malfoy was scratched in the first class. His father is the school director and has always hated me. Their family will definitely not Let me go!"

Sherlock already knew the whole story.

To be honest, Malfoy is partly responsible for this, but Hagrid, as a teacher, did not use any protection in the third-grade classroom, allowing these students to come into contact with hippogriffs. This level of magic Living things are obviously more responsible.

But in this case, it was hard for Sherlock to accuse him directly as his friend. After all, last semester, Hagrid helped him get a lot of dark magical creatures to use as teaching cases.

He could only say it tactfully.

"In later classes, you can choose some less dangerous magical animals for teaching. I think as long as the class is interesting enough, the students won't care much about whether the animal is powerful or not."

There was only so much that Sherlock could say. As for whether Hagrid listened or not, that was not up to him.

A week passed quickly.

In the new week of school, Sherlock's teaching assistant Lupine's class also received very good responses from the lower grades. The students found that his teaching was no worse than Sherlock's and quickly accepted him.

This kind of news will probably make Hagrid even more sad for a while. Among the two new professors who joined this year, Lupine was widely praised, but he injured a student in his first class.

After Hilke came back from Hogsmeade that day, she went back to the room on the fifth floor. She didn't know how she found out the information about the goblins establishing their headquarters in the Pig's Head Bar.

And as a new week begins, so does the second class of seventh grade.

Dumbledore agreed to Sherlock's application and moved him to the largest classroom in the castle.

This should be an old potions classroom, three times the size of a normal classroom. It can accommodate all the students in the lower seventh grade, and there is enough space for Sherlock to start teaching.

"I know some of you can't wait, but I hope you can still remember that in the last lesson, I emphasized two points for you."

"The Iron Armor Curse and the Transformation Technique are the focus of the actual combat assessment. In my class, everyone must master the Iron Armor Curse and the use of the Transformation Technique. I will correct your spellcasting operations in subsequent practical exercises and try my best to Let you develop the habit of using transfiguration more often."

Having said this, he cleared the front half of the classroom and then asked the students below.

"Then who wants to come up and join me to give everyone a duel demonstration?"

Most of the students raised their hands. Of course they didn't want to give up this opportunity.

Most of the people in the school knew that Sherlock had previously served in the Auror Command of the Ministry of Magic. In addition, he knew the process of the practical examination very well. A duel demonstration with him would be a disguised advance. Took a practical exam.

In the end, Sherlock chose Percy, which was considered a small reward for helping him collect homework and notices below.

The other students stood in the corners against the wall, giving them enough space.

Sherlock and Percy each drew out their own magic, held it in front of them and put it away.

"Are you ready? Weasley?"

Percy's hand holding the wand was sweating slightly. He was naturally under great pressure when facing Sherlock.

"I can do that, Professor."

"Then I will count down to three, two, and one, and we will start when the countdown ends."

"Three, two, one!"

The next second Sherlock's countdown ended, Percy and he raised their wands at the same time and pointed them at themselves.

"Armor protection!"×2.

Invisible shields wrapped up and protected Sherlock and Percy respectively.

In fact, if it were a formal battle, when Percy used the Iron Armor Curse, Sherlock could have tried to knock him down directly, but this was an assessment after all, and he had to follow the rules of the actual combat assessment.

After both of them used the Iron Armor Charm on themselves, Percy immediately pointed the wand at Sherlock again.


His first attack was still the magic spell.

Sherlock was not in a hurry. He waved the magic spell, which was also an iron armor spell.

"Armor protection."

But this time the iron armor spell no longer wrapped around his body to form a protection, but directly formed a transparent barrier with the tip of the wand as the center of the circle.

Percy's disarming curse was accurately blocked by the iron armor curse. At the same time, the originally colorless barrier turned blood red after coming into contact with the red curse of the disarming curse.

The next second, the spell bounced back!

Fortunately, Percy was well prepared. Sherlock had already told them in the sixth grade class that the Advanced Iron Armor Charm could rebound the spell caster's spell (actually it should have been taught in the fifth grade, but the fifth grade The professor is Quirrell).

Before his own spell could be bounced back, Percy rolled up from the ground. Although it was a bit ugly, he successfully dodged the bounced disarming spell.

While rolling, Percy caught the cover of his body movement and waved his wand very cleverly and covertly.

A chair behind Sherlock suddenly changed!

Five slender venomous snakes spread up along his ankles, and stretched longer and longer. When he saw that they were about to become five ropes, Sherlock lightly tapped his wand.

"The curse stops immediately."

The viper was instantly knocked back to his original form, turned back into a chair and fell to the ground.

The next moment after using the Universal Curse, his wand suddenly waved again, but no spell was uttered from his mouth.

Percy's heart suddenly tightened when he saw this scene. He immediately looked around him, trying to observe what was transformed by Sherlock.

However, there was nothing around him, nothing suitable for transformation!

At this time, Percy realized that he had been deceived, but when he realized it, it was already too late, because Sherlock's spell had already been used.


The red curse streaked across the narrow space, and when Percy couldn't avoid it, it hit the armor curse on him head-on!

Invisible ripples rippled in front of him, and then a sound like breaking glass suddenly sounded!

Percy's Iron Armor Curse successfully blocked the disarming spell, but Sherlock also successfully broke the armor.

Just when Percy was about to reorganize his offensive out of panic and find a chance to put on his armor again, two chains silently entangled his legs at some point!

As soon as Percy reacted, before he could raise his wand, the two chains had already wrapped around his arms, tying him to death in place!

This showdown ends here.

All the other students watching the battle burst into sincere applause.

The duel was very exciting. Although Percy lost, no one thought he would win at first, and the fact that he could last so long under Sherlock was beyond many people's expectations.

Sherlock's ability to cast spells and resolve spells with ease left a deep impression on the students.

Every swing of his staff does not feel like a battle, but more like an artist carving the most exquisite masterpiece, as beautiful as it is!

"Very good, Weasley."

Sherlock canceled Percy's transformation spell. Only then did Percy discover that the object used to transform was actually a chair.

It's just that this chair was far away from him before, and he never noticed it.

Sherlock's silent wave of the wand was not a deception, but the target of the transformation spell was far away from Percy, so he didn't notice it at the first time and thought it was a false move. Then he was attracted by the disarming spell that broke the armor. got all the attention.

In the end, it was too late when he realized he was coming.

"Your performance is perfect enough. Except for the lack of some experience, you are no worse than any adult wizard. If this were a real combat assessment, I would give you the highest score."

Sherlock did not hesitate to praise Percy.

Because he has indeed become a leader among students. There is no shortage of geniuses among the children of the Weasley family, and Percy is undoubtedly one of them.

It's just that his utilitarianism and desire for power are a bit too strong compared to his other brothers.

Just as he was easily seduced by Tom last semester, psychological problems will put him at risk of taking the wrong path in the future.

But this is a practical class now, so Sherlock will naturally not delve into his psychological problems.

His admiration made Percy blush, and he walked back among the students with his chest held high and his head held high.

Then, Sherlock began to analyze the entire duel demonstration for the students.

"The most important thing in magic combat is to master the rhythm. To expand the point, it is to master the rhythm of casting spells and unblocking spells."

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