Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 126 Am I a poisonous bitch?

"What is the rhythm of spell casting?"

"After you use this spell, you have already figured out what effect it will have if it hits, what method you should continue to use to attack if it doesn't hit, what kind of response method the opponent will use, and his response method Will it pose a threat to you?"

"Before casting a spell, think about these things clearly. That means you have a good grasp of the rhythm of the duel. Even if the situation remains stalemate, as long as your rhythm is stable, you will always have a chance to win."

"And Weasley handled it very well from the beginning. When he used the disarming curse, he already anticipated the countermeasures I would use later, dodged in time, and used big body movements to cover up his transformation spell. But he didn't guess what I did after removing his transformation spell."

"Ever since he thought I had deceived him with a fake wand swing, his spell-casting rhythm has been interrupted since then, so the iron armor spell on his body was broken. He desperately wanted to resume the rhythm, but My mind was in a state of confusion, and all my energy was focused on me at this moment, so the transformation technique had an opportunity, and I failed in the end."

The students listened attentively to Sherlock's analysis of the entire game, and many of them were even taking notes.

These are old students who have been studying with Sherlock for a year, and they have all developed the good habit of having a good memory rather than a bad writing.

The students had never been taught such detailed experience in actual combat. Sherlock's words inspired them a lot. It turns out that wizard duels are never random.

According to the previous thoughts of these students, the battle between wizards is to use whatever magic comes to mind. Most of them are unlucky if they have never fought before, and hard power is the second best.

After watching this duel, they had a vague idea of ​​why some wizards were able to do so with ease in battle. Wizards should be graceful when waving their wands, instead of being a reckless man who only casts disarming spells without thinking.

After that, Sherlock began to organize students to try out actual battles.

Of course he won't be a sparring partner anymore. In that case, he will probably be exhausted after one class, and he won't have the elegance of a wizard.

The students worked in pairs and competed one by one. The other students stood around and watched, while Sherlock guided them on their shortcomings in the duel, and also allowed other students who were watching to learn from their experience.

The class ended quickly, with about a third of the class dueling.

Each of their duels ended quickly. When General Sherlock talked about it, he always seemed to have a sudden realization, thinking that he had understood it, and that he would be amazing when he got started.

But when it was actually put into practice, it was a mess. It was not as easy as imagined.

Controlling the rhythm of the duel is of course not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires long-term practice and self-review.

Sherlock opened this classroom to them. If they still want to practice by themselves after class, they can come to this classroom for a duel.

This is definitely not possible in other parts of the castle, because Filch will directly arrest him and imprison him.

After class, Sherlock packed his things and walked out of the classroom when he was surrounded by three little guys.

Harry looked at him and said sarcastically.

"Professor, we have something to ask you."

Not only him, but Hermione and Ron also had this look on their faces. They were obviously hesitant as they stood next to Sherlock.

"What are you planning? You won't think about me being a crow's mouth again, will you?"

Sherlock walked towards his office, Harry and the others following behind him.

Hearing his words, Harry and the others just giggled and made no sound.

Privately, they were preparing to make an extremely bold experiment.

We discussed it in the lounge for a full week before making the decision. Of course, I felt a little uneasy at this time.

Sherlock took them back to his office, sat on the chair and put the things in his hands, then leaned on the back of the chair and looked at them.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

The three Harrys looked at each other, and finally, as planned, Hermione spoke first.

"Professor, haven't you noticed that sometimes the things you predict and say actually turn out to be the opposite of what you predicted?"

Sherlock understood what she wanted to express. After all, she still wanted to say that he was a crow's mouth.

Or to use modern popular words to explain, it is a poisonous milk.

But this kind of thing that has always been a metaphysics, Sherlock really didn't expect that someone would actually believe it.

If it is true that no matter what he says, things will develop in the opposite direction of what he said, wouldn't he become a god?

Sherlock himself wished he had this ability.

If you encounter any danger in the future, just go to the ground and say, "It's over, there's no hope, we can wait to die." Then wait for the poisonous milk to attack and you can survive it.

If there was such a good thing, he would probably wake up laughing in his dreams.

But in fact, this ability is not good at all.

The so-called poisonous milk is just an illusion caused by the appearance of many coincidences.

It might be that what he said before had the opposite result, which caused Harry and the others to misunderstand, causing them to think again and again that he had some strange personality.

The best way to get rid of this impression is to prove to them face to face that the so-called poisonous milk is actually a coincidence, and this kind of coincidence will definitely not happen again.

Just like Harry questioned this on the French road, Sherlock used facts to prove it for himself.

He crossed his arms on his chest, looked at Harry and the others and sighed.

"Obviously I've already proven it to Harry once during the holidays, but you still don't believe it. I told you that what you saw before was just a coincidence. To regard coincidence as inevitable, I used to think that only people with poor brains People are like this, I never thought Hermione that you would believe this kind of thing."

Hermione pursed her lips and remained speechless, but she was shouting helplessly in her heart.

I really didn’t believe this kind of thing before! ! ! Why don't you believe me until the facts are before my eyes, Professor! ! !

"Since you have always had doubts and doubts about this, let's do an experiment on the spot."

Sherlock also has a very open mind. He feels that as a teacher, he should change the metaphysical impression of students and honestly focus on learning magic. What kind of poisonous milk do you believe in?

And what Harry and the others were waiting for were his words.

For this purpose, they prepared a series of questions and even wrote a small note.

Harry came first.

"Professor, what do you think the weather will be like this afternoon? You must tell the truth and don't perfunctory us."

Sherlock should relax and continue playing with them here.

He looked out the window at the sky, which was still a little gloomy but had some sunshine.

"The weather should be pretty good in the afternoon, right? I think it should become sunny."

Harry then wrote down his answer on a piece of paper.

Next came Hermione.

"Professor, do you think there will be pudding as a dessert for lunch today?"

Sherlock said thoughtfully.

"Usually pudding seems to come and go. To be honest, this is one of the sweets that I can accept. I still like it quite a lot. I guess it will be available at noon."

Finally there's Ron.

"Professor, do you think it's possible that Seamus got the spell wrong again in this afternoon's Charms class and it exploded?"

This question really stumped Sherlock. When he was taking Harry's class last semester, he had some impressions of this boy named Seamus. He always seemed to get the spells wrong, and all kinds of things happened in the end. Explosion event.

But this kind of thing shouldn't be the norm. How could someone be so outrageous that every time the magic spell goes wrong and explodes?

"Probably not. Seamus is quite smart. I think the previous mistakes were just minor accidents. He can't explode as soon as he uses the magic spell, right?"

After each of them asked one question, the experiment began.

In fact, among these three things, the two things Harry and Hermione mentioned are two things that are likely to happen, with a probability of 50% and 50%, while the Seamus explosion mentioned by Ron is extremely likely to happen!

Simo's normal use of magic is indeed not so exaggerated, and it explodes every time.

But I don't know if it's because of his special physique. Whenever he starts to learn a new spell, an explosion will inevitably occur on Seamus' first try.

As for this afternoon's Charms class, Professor Flitwick said in the previous class that he would explain new spells, so the possibility of Seamus causing an explosion is extremely high.

After getting the golden words from Sherlock, Harry and the other three left the office satisfied.

Sherlock soon devoted his energy to grading homework. During the summer vacation last semester, the three grades 4, 5 and 6 left him with a lot of summer homework. He had to finish grading it before Halloween, so as not to miss it. Delay later explanation.

So it didn't take long for him to forget about Harry's and his other joke-like experiments.

But Harry and the others were naturally serious about this.

Hermione made a bold hypothesis before the experiment, and what they are doing now is to verify the correctness of this hypothesis.

The first thing to see the results is, of course, the pudding at noon.

After leaving Sherlock's office, they went straight to the auditorium. Lunch just started, and all the food prepared by the house elves in advance appeared on the long tables of the four houses.

Harry and the others ate their meal first, and dessert would not appear until halfway through the meal.

They filled their bellies as quickly as possible, and then the three of them stared at the long table together, attracting the attention of other Gryffindors.

"What are you waiting for?" Lavender and Parvati asked curiously while eating grilled sausages.

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