When Charms class ended, none of the three of them left.

Instead, he lay in front of the window sill, silently looking at the orange-red sun that was slowly setting on the horizon.

The sunset was beautiful, but none of the three were in the mood to appreciate it.

They looked at the cloudless weather with complicated thoughts in their hearts.

"So, Professor Forrester won't be able to know for the rest of his life that he is a crow's mouth?" Harry said.

"Whenever he doubts, or is reminded by others, as long as he experiments on his own crow's beak, it will definitely develop as he said. He will never know that when he has no doubts, his crow's beak will What does the mouth look like?"

Hermione thought and shook her head.

"No, this is what happened when we reminded Professor Forrest that he has a crow's mouth. If the professor himself starts to doubt, no one knows what the result will be."

Ron was very pessimistic.

"Then Professor, will there be a day when he suspects something is wrong with him?"

The three of them fell silent again. They looked at the gorgeous sunset from a distance. They didn't know whether they were mourning for the fact that Sherlock might never know the truth in his lifetime, or for the future of their relationship with Sherlock.

The silence lasted for a long time. After a while, Ron suddenly said something coldly.

"You think, can we use the fact that the professor turns into a wishing cup after being reminded of the crow's mouth to fulfill some of our wishes?"

His idea was so beautiful that even Harry was moved by it.

Seamus' performance in class today gave them endless confidence, feeling that their Professor Forrest was capable of anything in the Wishing Cup state!

However, Hermione poured cold water on each of them.

"Stop dreaming, think about the conditions when Professor Forrest's crow's mouth is triggered. It requires him to be consistent with what he thinks in his heart and what he says in his mouth to succeed. This must be the same in the wishing cup state, not only what he says in his mouth To come out, he has to really think so in his heart.”

Hermione stared at them.

"Do you think that what you want Professor Forrester to realize is what he really thinks?"

Ron and Harry were both disappointed again.

Indeed, it was impossible for Professor Forrester to think that the Weasley family would become rich overnight and that Harry's parents would come back to life.

What's more, the probability of these two things is really too low, much lower than the probability of Simo performing extraordinary performance in a magic class, basically equal to zero.

Especially Harry's wish.

The three finally returned to the dormitory with complicated emotions.

The findings tested on Sherlock did not seem to have changed their lives, but they seemed to have changed something.

At the same time, Sherlock, who had finished grading the last test paper of the sixth grade, shook his sore neck, stood up from the chair, and jumped twice to stretch his body.

Inadvertently, he glanced at the slowly darkening sunset outside the window, and remembered that Harry and the others came to him this morning to tell him about the crow's beak test.

He looked at the cloudless sky and muttered to himself.

"I knew I couldn't have any poisonous milk, it's just nonsense."


It's the week before Halloween.

This weekend is the first Hogsmeade week of this semester, and Professor McGonagall is collecting parental consent forms from third-year students.

Only students with parental approval and signature on the consent form can leave school at the weekend and go to Hogsmeade to spend a pleasant day.

Both Ron and Hermione's parents signed their consent forms, but Harry did not.

Thinking about what he had experienced during the summer vacation, there was no way Aunt Petunia would sign her name on the consent form.

At Ron's instigation, he also tried to beg Professor McGonagall, but of course the selfless Professor McGonagall did not agree to his request, not to mention that with Black outside, no one could guarantee Harry's safety.

"You really should go to Professor Forrester and ask him, 'Professor, do you think I can go to Hogsmeade this weekend without parental consent?' ""

Ron's performance was lifelike.

"Professor he will definitely say, "Oh, Harry, I don't think this is possible, Professor McGonagall will not break the rules of the school for anyone. ""

"Then with the professor, you will definitely go to Hogsmeade with us in some way. It may be some kind of magic, or it may be Professor McGonagall's extrajudicial mercy!"

Harry made a face, he was not impressed by Ron's plan.

"Stop dreaming. We have cooperated with the professor for so many experiments. I'm afraid that before I even asked half of my questions, Professor Forrest kicked me out and asked me to play aside."

"But we have to find a way. We can't leave you alone in school, right?"

Hermione said with a frown.

"I think it might not be a bad thing for Harry to stay in school. It's safest for him to stay in the castle."

Because Hermione got a new pet cat this year, Crookshanks, and has always shown obvious hostility towards Ron's mouse Scabbers, so their current relationship is very bad.

"During Hogsmeade week, there are so many people in that town. As long as Black still has some brains, how could he attack Harry!" Ron argued, "You never care about other people's feelings every time! Ha! He also wants to go out!"

Although Harry really wanted to go out, he also didn't want to see his two friends arguing.

Finally, on Hogsmeade week, he stayed alone at school.

He was wandering boredly in the corridor, and was thinking about whether to go to Sherlock's office to see what he was doing, when the witch wearing a black robe with a wide hood covering half of her face suddenly walked past him. pass by.

Harry looked at her back and was stunned.

This was the second time he saw this strange witch in the castle this semester. The last time was when she left with Sherlock in the auditorium on the first day of school.

Only now did Harry belatedly notice that she came out of a room on this floor.

In other words, she has actually lived in Hogwarts her whole life!

But it has been almost two months since the semester started, and Harry has never seen her go to the auditorium to have a meal, nor has he seen her out and about.

His intuition told him that this witch was strange, so he subconsciously followed her to see what she was going to do.

From the fifth floor to the third floor, looking at the direction she was heading, Harry had already guessed that she was definitely going to find Sherlock again.

He thought of what Hermione had said when he first met the witch.

Sherlock has other things to be busy with this semester, and this "other things" may very well have something to do with this witch!

Silk noticed Harry from the moment he followed her.

But she didn't expose it or do anything else. Instead, she walked straight to Sherlock's office.

Sherlock was holding a magic book in his office and studying the disappearing spell. He raised his eyebrows when he looked at Hilke who knocked on the door and walked in.

"It took you so long to come to me. Did you get a reply from there?"

Silk's words were still brief.

"The location of the goblin underground headquarters."

Sherlock stood up from the chair, picked up the robe from the hanger next to him and put it on.

"Where do you think it's hidden?"


They walked out of the office, and then Sherlock caught sight of Harry who hurriedly hid behind the wall.

He instantly guessed why Harry was here.

Sherlock sighed helplessly.

"Did he come after you?"

Silk nodded slightly.

Sherlock walked directly to the corner, grabbed Harry by the back of his collar, and grabbed him out.

"Why don't you and Ron and Hermione go to Hogsmeade to play during the big weekend? Why are you following us here?"

After hearing his words, Harry said feeling aggrieved.

"No one signed for me, and Professor McGonagall wouldn't let me out."

"Then you followed me? I see that you have lost your temper when you returned to Hogwarts, and you have forgotten everything I taught you before."

Sherlock knocked him on the head and drove him aside.

"Go find someone else to play with. Lupine is good. He should be in the office right now thinking about how to get a Grindylow so that he can teach you."

Harry did not leave immediately, but looked at Silk and then at Sherlock.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Sherlock glared at him.

"Do we still need to report to you about what we are going to do? Are you Professor Dumbledore or Minister of Magic Fudge?"

Harry finally left with full of curiosity.

He knew that it was best not to inquire about some things, but he just couldn't help but think about it, so he had to force himself to listen to Sherlock and go to Lupin's office to find him.

"He's very different."

After Harry left, Silk looked at his back and unexpectedly took the initiative to say a word.

Sherlock shrugged.

"Of course he is different. The future of the entire magical world depends on him."

"Let's go and have a look at the goblin's underground headquarters you mentioned. I hope there can be..."

"Shut up."

Sherlock looked helplessly at the witch who interrupted him rudely and then walked in front, and could only follow from behind.

"I'm telling you people, you should at least be polite. You know it's not good to interrupt others casually?"

They left through the gates of Hogwarts, with the Dementors still lingering around the school.

Although they haven't seen Blake for two whole months, they still wait patiently here, waiting for him to surrender.

Arriving at Hogsmeade, the town is now filled with students coming out.

This day of Hogsmeade week is always the busiest time in this wizarding town. Honeydukes, a well-known candy store in the British wizarding world, is overcrowded. Sherlock also saw Ron's figure among the crowd.

He saw Percy in Mrs. Puddy's Tea House, who was dating a girl inside. Through the window, Sherlock saw clearly that the girl kissing him inside was Penelope, the prefect of Ravenclaw College. Kriwat.

They seemed to be in a passionate love stage, and they were inseparable every day.

"Your hobbies are very unique." Hilke said abruptly.

Sherlock was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and figured out what she was talking about.

"What are you thinking? Those two inside are my students!"

While Sherlock was proving his innocence, a surprised female voice sounded in front of him.

"Professor Forrester?"

Sherlock looked at the source of the sound, it was Hermione.

She was holding a stack of parchment in her arms, looking at Sherlock and the others in surprise.

"Hermione? You bought a lot of parchment?"

"Yes, Professor, I originally wanted to buy it at Literary Quill Shop, but something happened to that shop before. Now the shop has been transferred. Although it still sells stationery, it has been renamed Bansi Quill Shop. Maybe the owner of the store next door bought it..."

As Hermione spoke, she stared at Sherlock and Silk, and occasionally glanced at Mrs. Puddifer's Teahouse next to them, which was a famous place for lovers.

Sherlock noticed her little move and couldn't help but said speechlessly.

"Don't think blindly. I have a job here. This is Ms. Hilke from the German Ministry of Magic."

Hermione's face showed a look of surprise. She was not an idiot like Harry and Ron. After Sherlock's brief introduction, there was no more misunderstanding.

She lowered her head and bowed.

"Then I won't disturb you, Professor. I'm going to find Ron first. Goodbye."


There were indeed many students in Hogsmeade today. In just this short moment, Sherlock had already met three familiar students.

They came to the Pig's Head Bar. This bar was still deserted, and almost no students would choose to come here to drink a glass of butterbeer.

Regardless of the environment or price, the Three Broomsticks bar on the other side is more suitable.

Sherlock could not find the stray big black dog on the streets of Hogsmeade. It seemed that it had left this wizarding town and gone somewhere else.

"Why don't you call your two German colleagues this time?" Sherlock asked curiously

Silk shook his head.

"We are not colleagues, they have their tasks."

"Then how do we enter that underground headquarters? Where is the entrance?"

Sherlock asked while stroking his chin and looking at the building in front of him.

Silk silently looked at the counter behind the dirty bar window. The dirty old man who kicked them out last time was now behind the counter, wiping the wine glass with a black rag.

"In the lobby of this bar."

Sherlock followed her gaze and saw the wooden counter.

"You mean the place at the counter?"


"That will be difficult." He frowned, "It will definitely not work during the day. We have to wait until night to come back, or simply go and get a room inside."

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