Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 129 The Goblin’s Underground Headquarters

It is not safe to wait outside until night.

And the dirty old man seems to be a very cautious person. It is not ruled out that he has taken other protective measures for his shop after closing.

So opening a room directly in this bar is undoubtedly the safest decision.

They walked into this dirty and messy bar. After entering the door, they could clearly feel that the light suddenly dimmed, and the air was obviously filled with a smell like the smell of goats.

In the lobby of the bar, there were a few wizards sitting scattered around, most of them covered their heads and faces. Silk's dress became the norm here, and Sherlock became an outlier.

The Pig's Head Bar was not noisy at all. It was very quiet inside. Even if there were wizards talking, the voices were deliberately kept very low, and they would never let a third person hear it, which was out of tune with the lively streets outside.

After Sherlock and Silk entered the door, they walked directly to the bar counter. The dirty old man who was wiping the table with the rag after wiping the wine glass looked at them.

"What would you like to drink?"

He obviously didn't recognize that Sherlock and his friends were the ones he kicked out of the backyard two months ago.

Sherlock didn't answer his question, but turned his head to look at Silk.

"One room or two rooms?"

The dirty old man's eyes turned subtle when he looked at them. He chuckled twice and then recommended.

"I also have a couple's suite here. The price is not expensive. As long as..."

Before he finished introducing, Silk had thrown a Sickle on the counter.

"One room per person."

The dirty old man smacked his lips and tightened the Sickle under the counter.

"Room three, ma'am."

Then he turned his eyes to Sherlock.

"One Sickle is only enough for one room."

Sherlock shrugged and took out a silver Sickle from his pocket.

"Room two, be careful not to disturb the guest in room one. He has a bad temper. I don't want you to cause trouble in my store."

The dirty old man muttered and took their money, then continued to wipe his bar.

Sherlock and Silk walked up to the hotel on the second floor together. In front of the doors of Room 3 and Room 2, they whispered to each other about the time.

"One o'clock in the morning, or wait until later?"

"I'll find you,"

"Okay, then I wish you a happy rest..."


Looking at the door that was slammed shut, Sherlock couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"How rude."

He complained and pushed open the door of Room 2.

Just like the environment of the bar outside, the entire Pig's Head Bar was only looked after by the dirty old man. You can't expect a person who wipes the table with a rag for wiping wine glasses to clean the room so cleanly.

The quilt on the bed was folded neatly, but this didn't require hands at all. The wizard could do it with a wave of the wand.

Of course, these quilts and other things must have been treated with cleaning spells, but Sherlock still didn't want to touch the bed. Instead, he brushed the chair in the room several times, brushed off the layer of old dirt on it, and sat on it to rest his eyes.

Time passed slowly, and it got darker.

The streets outside Hogsmeade were no longer noisy, and the students returned to the castle before six o'clock.

Today is not only Hogsmeade Week, but also Halloween.

And at the Halloween dinner that Sherlock did not attend, the students still had a lot of fun.

After Sherlock left, Harry stayed in Lupin's office with him for an afternoon. He saw with his own eyes that Lupin drank the potion that Snape prepared for him.

This made Harry really sweat for him.

Everyone in Hogwarts knew that Snape had always wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and Harry and the others could clearly see that when Snape looked at Lupin, the hatred and disgust in his eyes were not concealed at all.

Ron and Hermione brought Harry a lot of candy from Hogsmeade, and told him about meeting Sherlock on the streets of Hogsmeade.

"Hermione guessed right at the beginning of the school term. The other things that Professor Forrest will be busy with this semester are related to that witch." Harry said confidently.

He and Hermione told them what they had encountered in the castle. The three of them discussed for a long time but could not come to a conclusion. So they went directly to the hall to attend the Halloween dinner.

Although there were Dementors patrolling around the castle and the threat of Black had not been resolved, there had been no problems since the beginning of the semester, which made the students and professors very relaxed.

So everyone had a lot of fun at the dinner, but this happiness only lasted until the end of the dinner.

But since Harry Potter entered school, the Halloween dinner at Hogwarts every year seemed to be the beginning of a year of turmoil.

In the first year, a troll broke into the castle, and the first attack occurred in the second year. This year's third year was no exception.

The students left the hall with laughter and went back to their dormitories. The Gryffindor students found that a big hole was torn in the portrait of the Fat Lady, and their lounge was forcibly broken into!

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall soon arrived at the scene, and the escaped Fat Lady was found later.

The person who broke into the lounge was obviously Black.


Sherlock was unaware of what happened in Hogwarts tonight.

He leaned back in his chair, spinning his wand around his fingertips in boredom, while looking out the window at the night sky that was about to reach a full moon.

The weather was pretty good these two days, and the stars were so dense at night that it was easy to calm down.

Sherlock raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was now two o'clock in the morning, and he could clearly hear the gentle snoring in Room 1 next door.

This is not because the person living in Room 1 snores so loudly, but because the sound insulation in the room is really poor, or the wooden board that only blocks the view has no sound insulation at all.

Just when Sherlock was thinking about why he hadn't heard anything yet, there was a gentle knock on the door of his room.

He perked up, held the wand firmly in his hand, and opened the door softly. Hilke was standing outside the door.

Neither of them said anything, they just went out and walked down the corridor and down the stairs.

The bar hall was dark late at night. Sherlock waved his wand gently and used a silent spell.

The tip of his staff lit up with a faint light, apparently deliberately controlling the intensity of the lighting spell.

With the help of this light source, they came to the front of the bar.

"So what are we going to do next?" Sherlock asked in a low voice.

Silk didn't answer him, but took out his wand and tapped it lightly on the ground under the bar, as if to determine the location.

Soon she found what she was looking for.

"catch me."

Sherlock reached out and grabbed her arm, and then Silk held his wand in reverse, gently drew a circle on the ground, and uttered a spell in his mouth.

"Open sesame."

This is an ancient lock-picking spell. Before the spell of Alajo Cave was invented, it was the only lock-picking magic that wizards had.

However, because the method was too violent, it was later replaced by the more sophisticated two magic spells of "Alajo Opening" and "Door Opening".

But after Hilke finished using the spell, the circle her wand aimed at didn't react at all.

Sherlock was stunned for a moment, just when he thought there was something wrong with Silk's step, or the spell was not used correctly.

His body suddenly twisted!

A feeling similar to disembodiment came, and Sherlock felt that his body was spinning rapidly, as if he was being put into a drum washing machine.

This feeling only lasted for a moment, and the next moment he stepped on solid ground.

The surroundings were dark, and Sherlock waved his wand again, using the lighting spell that was interrupted during the transmission.

Bright white light illuminated the space near him, Silke stood beside him, Sherlock's other hand was still holding her arm tightly.

"How long will it take for you to catch me?"

After hearing her speak, Sherlock came back to his senses and let go of his hand in embarrassment.

"Feel sorry."

Although this idea was ungentlemanly, he still felt that it felt good, very soft and tender.

"Are we underground now?"

They were in a narrow, dark space, which looked like an underground passage. Behind them was a sealed wall, and in front was a deep darkness.

"Underground in Hogsmeade." Silk walked to the wall behind them, and there were still some vague words on it.

Sherlock also noticed the words, and there were still a few paragraphs that he could understand.

"Beware of lies about wizard peace talks!"

"We will fight to the end!"

"Every goblin will guard his treasure!"

These words are very consistent with the meaning of the construction of this underground secret passage. During the goblin rebellion two hundred years ago, this was their underground headquarters.

"Didn't you recite the unlocking spell just now? Why were we teleported here instead?" Sherlock asked curiously.

Silk rarely spoke more this time.

"The goblins have set up a special device to violently open the door they have reserved underground through the unlocking spell. The preset disembodiment magic behind the door will be released, transporting the person who opened the door to the underground, and at the same time, no trace will be left on the ground. Leave traces."

"A very exquisite design." Sherlock praised.

Goblins have been skilled craftsmen since ancient times. Even Gryffindor's sword was made by them. The ability to create such a secret underground headquarters is indeed in line with their skills.

After simply repairing the entrance for a moment, Silk also used the lighting spell. They moved forward together, heading towards the depths of the secret passage.

He didn't know if it was an illusion or something else, but the further he walked inside, the darker Sherlock felt the surroundings became.

The most significant change is that the visible range illuminated by the lighting spell is getting smaller and smaller.

After walking forward for about twenty minutes, Sherlock frowned and stopped.

"Something's wrong."

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