Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 156 A Desperate Man Standing in the Dark

Sherlock looked at him from the side and shook his head helplessly. He didn't urge him and just waited.

Snape looked at the small building blankly for a long time, and finally drank the polyjuice potion.

His appearance changed rapidly, his hair became fresh and smooth, and his face full of vicissitudes of life returned to the look of his youth.

Except for the look in his eyes that was inconsistent with that of a normal teenager, Snape had returned to his appearance when he was seventeen.

He climbed over the fence that surrounded the yard and walked into the garden. He still clearly remembered Lily's room, which was on the far right side of the first floor.

They had not yet broken up, and they once chatted together through a window, imagining which house they would be assigned to after going to Hogwarts.

There is also this piece of grass. During the second grade summer vacation, Snape once sneaked over to find Lily, but was discovered by his sister Petunia. She exclaimed that he was a freak and told her mother that he trampled their lawn. broken.

There is also a small back garden behind the small building. In the summer, he and Lily like to sit by the wall together and look at the stars in the sky. Although the sky is always dark and foggy, according to the positions of the constellations learned in astronomy class, They can always guess what the starry sky above the black clouds looks like.

Snape never really thought that he would one day set foot in this small courtyard again.

Yes, he had fantasized about it, many times, but those were all dreams, and now he was here in reality, and the person he longed for was on the other side of the window.

His eyes became moist at some point, and Snape sniffed. He looked at the dark windowpane that was blocked by the curtains, and tapped lightly with his fingers.

The person inside didn't seem to have slept deeply. The slightest movement woke her up, and the soft light of the bedside lamp came on.

"Who's out there?"

Listening to the voice inside that had only appeared in dreams for more than ten years, Snape forced his accent and said in a trembling voice.

"I, Severus."

The people in the room seemed to pause for a moment, and then after two or three seconds, she got out of bed and opened the curtains.

It was a beautiful girl with long burgundy wavy hair. On the other side of the window, she frowned and stared at Snape.

Looking at that face, Snape could no longer hold back. Tears slid down his cheeks silently. He opened his mouth and stared blankly at Lily, like a wooden man who could only shed tears.

On the other side of the window, Lily couldn't help but feel at a loss when she saw Snape's expression. She opened the window.

"What do you want to do? Snape."

Snape almost broke down in tears and held his hands against the wall. He apologized in a low, humble and regretful voice.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... It was my fault... I shouldn't have scolded you like that..."

Lily looked at him, pursed her lips, and looked at him expressionlessly.

"You have apologized to me many times for this matter." Her voice was cold, "I also told you that I will not accept your apology, never."

Snape raised his head and looked at her with such pitiful eyes. He had never begged someone so much, begged her for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I just ask you to forgive me, everything else doesn't matter...I didn't think about anything else...as long as you forgive me... That’s okay, just this is enough…”

The words he said in front of Sherlock before, about taking Lily back and taking revenge on Black and the others, all were forgotten by Snape.

His request now is so simple, he only needs forgiveness from the girl in front of him, just a word of forgiveness.

But Lily still looked at him with those cold eyes.

"Do you really need my forgiveness? Mr. Snape, your talent in dark magic is obvious to all, and the entire Slytherin House students regard you as their idol. You have your own friends, Rosier, Wilk Si, Mulciber, and your most beloved senior, Malfoy. Even if Malfoy has graduated and joined those people, you still keep in touch with him. If your relationship with them is good, why do you still need me? forgive?"

Snape wanted to explain, but no words came out.

Because everything Lily said was right, that mudblood sentence was just the final trigger. In fact, long before this sentence was uttered, their relationship was because Snape was obsessed with the study of dark magic and liked to date pure-bloods. estranged from theoretical friends.

He could only keep making guarantees, hoping that she would trust him again.

"No, I will sever all ties with them from now on...I won't study black magic anymore...I don't have to do anything you don't like!"

"You have said these words to me before." Lily remained unmoved, "But every time you made a promise, you didn't change at all. During the summer vacation of fifth grade, I had already thought about our relationship for a long time. , Snape.”

Lily looked at the embarrassed Snape calmly, not even willing to call him by his name.

"When you pulled me to study the dark arts with you in the fourth grade, I should have figured it out. You are just like your friends. You like those things that torture people. You like that person's theory, and you don't hide your admiration for him at all. That sentence is just what you said in your heart."

"All our friendships have ended long ago, and there will be no more. You don't need my forgiveness, and I won't say against my will that I won't blame you. There is no relationship between us anymore."

Snape's face was ashen, his eyes became empty again, and he was so desperate that he couldn't say a word.

After finding himself back in the past, he fantasized that as long as he apologized to Lily more sincerely and more sincerely, she would forgive him, but these were just his fantasies.

What has been done and the mistakes that have been made cannot be forgiven lightly with a simple apology or a promise.

If Sherlock took him back to 1975 or earlier instead of 1977, Snape would still have a way to make amends, but now he has done all the wrong things.

He even planned it on the Knight Bus. As long as Lily was willing to forgive him, he would immediately find a way to replace himself at this time.

After graduating from Hogwarts, he would take her away from England and fly away, change the future, and get rid of that damn fate!

However, these were only fantasies in his mind.

"It's late, I'm going to sleep." Lily said lightly, and then she was about to close the window.

Snape pressed the window frame nervously, staring at Lily.

"You can not forgive me, but you must not be with Potter! It will be dangerous for you to be with him! It will cost you your life!"

Hearing his words, Lily's face became angry.

"We are not even friends now, you are too nosy! It's not up to you to decide who I plan to be with!"

"No! Believe me, Lily! Please believe me! You really can't be with him! That man will kill you, he will kill you!"

Their quarrel was so loud that it alarmed Petunia who lived upstairs. She opened the window and threatened below in a sharp voice.

"If you keep arguing, I'll go wake up mom and dad!"


Lily shut the window heavily, then drew the curtains and turned off the lamp in the room.

Snape stood motionless in front of the window of Lily's room, like a body without a soul.

In the dark night, there stood a desperate man.

Sherlock sighed softly and walked to Snape's side. Looking at his current appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He pulled Snape's arm, like pulling a lifeless marionette, and brought him out of Evans' house.

"Look at it more openly, man."

While Snape was talking to Lily, Sherlock leaned against the wall and heard everything they talked about.

On the dark and silent side of the road, Sherlock just pulled Snape and walked aimlessly.

At this time, he knew that what Snape needed was certainly not comfort. If comfort was useful, Snape would not regret it even after more than ten years.

When walking by a road, Sherlock saw a Muggle bar that was still open, and then he took Snape in.

The city was small, and few people were willing to go out at night, so there were almost no people in the bar.

Sherlock took Snape to an empty table and sat down, and threw a gold galleon to the boss who was wiping the wine glass, asking him to identify the authenticity of the gold.

He was carrying Muggle currency for emergency use when needed, but the issuance date of those banknotes was around 1990, and they definitely could not be used in this era, so he could only pay the bill with galleons.

"Whiskey, rum or tequila, as long as it is strong liquor."

The owner of the bar quickly determined that the gold coin was real gold, and immediately met Sherlock's request and sent them two bottles of whiskey.

"If it's not enough, the guests can call me again."

Sherlock waved his hand, indicating that his service was not needed here.

He set up the glasses and filled a glass for himself and Snape.

Snape stared at the glass in front of him, and he has not yet come back from the state of losing his soul.

"There's nothing more to say, Severus." Sherlock looked at him and raised the glass in his hand, "Drink it, and you won't think so much after drinking it."

At this time, Snape finally took action.

He picked up the glass of wine with a numb face, and the glass reflected his pale and embarrassed face, and then he drank the glass of wine.

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