The Leaky Cauldron, London.

The shabby wooden door was pushed open from the outside, and two men in black robes walked in.

Old Tom, who has been working as a bar owner for decades, received them.

Among the two wizards, the younger one has long chestnut hair tied into a ponytail, his face looks a little pale, and his facial features are quite delicate.

The older one has a hooked nose, a waxy face that looks like he has been suffering from a long-term illness, his eyes are gloomy, and he looks ugly to everyone he looks at.

"You two are strangers, what do you call them?"

The young wizard with a ponytail introduced him with a smile.

"Ah, we have just arrived in England not long ago. My name is John Watson, and this is my uncle Tobias Prince. We want to stay here for a long time, but we don't know how to settle the price of the guest room? "

Tom looked at the pair of uncle and nephew and nodded with a clear face.

"About how long do you want to live here?"

"We don't know exactly how long it will take. We are traveling around, and the funds on hand are not enough recently, so we plan to stay in the UK and get some galleons to continue supporting our trip. My uncle is a potion master. , I am very good at arranging potions, and I want to come to Diagon Alley to see if I can find some potion shops to cooperate with, so I want to live here for at least three months. "

Tom heard what he said and looked at the potion master "Prince" up and down twice. He could indeed see a bit of the master's temperament in him.

"If it's at least three months, then I can give you a big discount on the rent, but you also have to pay three months' rent directly, and then give me another month's money for every month you stay until you leave. until."

"Two rooms are worth seven galleons and four kilos per month. If you pay for three months' room first, you have to pay me twenty-one galleons and twelve kilos first."

"Watson" has no objection to the price. Strictly speaking, the Leaky Cauldron is an asset of the Ministry of Magic, and the bosses here are all appointed by the Ministry of Magic.

The price of drinks can be decided by the boss himself, but room rates are open and transparent in the entire magical world, and there are no tricks to play on this.

After paying the room fee, Tom took them to Rooms 11 and 12 on the second floor.

"John Watson" and "Tobias Prince" are naturally Sherlock and Snape.

The two of them had drawn up false identities in Cokeworth. Sherlock insisted on not using their real identities, because there was already a Sherlock Forrest and Severus Snape in this world. .

If they still use their original names and appearances, they are likely to have problems when dealing with other wizards. It is safer to arrange a false identity to act.

The method of changing appearance did not involve the use of Polyjuice Potion.

That potion is okay for temporary use, but if you want to use it to maintain the changed appearance all the time, you need to take a sip every one to two to three hours.

Not to mention the trouble, no one can always provide them with available hair to support them in dispensing medicine.

Snape used another potion, which was not meant to be drunk, but was like plasticine. It could be shaped into a shape according to one's own ideas and attached to a person's face.

As for the color and length of the hair, it is easy to change it. Snape has two magic potions, hair growth potion and hair dye potion, and they will take effect after being used once.

Room 12, Snape and Sherlock were sitting in this room together.

"You have always said that history cannot be changed. In the original history, did Watson and Prince really come to the Leaky Cauldron?" Snape said calmly, staring at Sherlock.

Sherlock was looking through a brochure in the room. This brochure contained introductions and advertisements for almost all the shops in Diagon Alley.

"What I'm talking about refers to the established history that is well-known to the public." Sherlock said while reading, "From now on, we don't have to be too restrained in doing things. We can just treat ourselves as people of this era. This world is not that fragile. , As long as you don’t want to go against something in history, there will be no problem.”

Snape did not comment on Sherlock's words, and said nothing with a cold face.

Sherlock didn't get up until he had read all the shops of this era in Diagon Alley in the brochure.

"Let's go, we need a stable source of income. The gold galleons you and I carry are not that much."

He had not lied to Tom just now. Sherlock indeed planned to contact the potion shop in Diagon Alley and use Snape's potion dispensing skills to earn enough for their living expenses during this period.

Snape had no objection to this. Sherlock had returned the wand to him. He was still confused. He wanted to change history and save Lily but had no clue.

We can only follow what Sherlock said and cooperate with him to find a way to return to the normal timeline. Whether we can find it or not, we can only try it and then tell.

The two of them came to Diagon Alley in the summer of 1977.

This place looks the same as it did sixteen years ago. Most of the names of the shops are familiar, but there are not as many pedestrians on the street as later, and many wizards have serious faces and look worried.

Considering the current situation, the current scene on this largest commercial street in the British wizarding world can be explained.

Sherlock and Snape quickly found a potion shop - the Extraordinary Potion Store.

This shop is the one Sherlock chose among the three potion shops in Diagon Alley. The reason is actually very simple. It has been open for the shortest time, less than five years.

There must be pharmacists in the shop who can always provide finished potions, but they must be very scarce in terms of high-end supplies. Wizards who can become potion masters are a truly rare breed in the magic world.

The owner of this potion shop is a middle-aged witch who looks quite charming. After Sherlock explained his purpose, she showed obvious interest.

"I want to see your finished potion."

Snape expressionlessly took out a bottle of intelligence enhancer from his pocket, which was one of the stocks he carried with him, a potion that can make wizards think more clearly.

The formula of the intelligence-enhancing agent is very common, and the materials are also common, but it requires very high skills from the pharmacist, which best reflects the level of the pharmacist.

Being able to be the owner of a potion store means that this witch is also an expert in potions.

She opened the potion, and just by smelling it and observing the quality of the potion, she could already tell the quality of its maker.

"If you can guarantee that the potions you produce in the future will reach the same level as this bottle of intelligence enhancer, I will provide the materials. I can give you 50% of the profit after deducting all costs for each bottle of potion."

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