"This is troublesome." Sherlock held on to the wall and spat on the ground. "Even if they couldn't kill too many, at least half of them could lose their combat effectiveness. But now only three are dead, and the others are basically still alive. Can move.”

"You have too high demands on yourself." Eddie said silently, "Even a well-trained Auror cannot kill three Death Eaters at once."

Sherlock is actually very clear about his current strength.

His floating wand spellcasting system can only bully wizards who are weaker than him, or about the same.

In the words of fantasy, it is invincible at the same level.

But if someone is stronger than him, apart from sneak attacks like the one just now, he can actually only take a slight advantage in frontal combat.

If they were as high as Dumbledore and Voldemort, even though he had never fought them, Sherlock knew that even if he could cast a thousand spells at once, the result would be the same.

The level of this group of Death Eaters varies, and Bella is probably the strongest among them.

Sherlock could feel the death curse cast in the Hall of Time. This mad woman's black magic was much more powerful than normal people. The explosion curse just now did not kill her, which would cause more trouble later.

Those Death Eaters had already withdrawn from Sherlock's control over the magical realm, which made him feel an inexplicable uneasiness.

"I want to go over and have a look."

Eddie looked at his current state worriedly.

"Can you still do this?"

"As a man, you can't say you can't do it."

Although Sherlock was physically exhausted, he was still in the mood to joke.

"Don't worry, I won't fight them head-on. I'm just going to see the situation."

As he spoke, he turned around and looked behind him at the only exit from the maze to the hall.

"Be careful. When necessary, the most important thing is to save your own life!"

Eddie nodded solemnly, and then watched Sherlock walk into the darkness.

Sherlock did not use the wand lighting spell. Under the "vision" of controlling magic, he could clearly see all details within eight meters.

There were some small bugs crawling back and forth on the ground, and debris blown from the walls were scattered everywhere.

He stepped carefully, trying not to make any sound under his feet.

Until he walked to the bodies of the three Death Eaters who were killed by the explosion, Bella and the others were not found.

Sherlock had no intention of stopping in front of the three Death Eater corpses, but he suddenly discovered that the wizard's corpse lying at his feet was actually an "acquaintance."

Rabastan Lestrange.

A month ago, it was he and his brother who killed Algie in front of Sherlock and Eddie.

Controlling the magic, Rabastan's whole body could be seen extremely clearly. Sherlock squinted and discovered something interesting.

He squatted down, put his hand into his robe that was blown into several rags, and took out a small box that looked like a badge.

After silently putting the box into his pocket, he continued to take a few steps forward, and the figures of the Death Eaters finally appeared in the field of vision that controlled magic.

But the number of people is obviously much smaller than before!

Sherlock frowned. He carefully took two more steps forward and found that he had not missed anything. There were only a dozen Death Eaters behind the corner, and all the others were gone.

At the same time, he was keenly aware that as he continued to approach, the Death Eaters seemed to know his position and raised the wand in their hands with full vigilance!

They can also detect my location!

Sherlock thought of it instantly, and quickly guessed the reason.

There is no light or food in this room, how could there be bugs?

Those bugs are magical creatures bred by dark wizards!

After realizing the problem, Sherlock did not hesitate to use control magic to crush the insects with very fragile vitality directly, and then controlled the wand that had flown out to cast a spell!

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

The movement of the explosive curse this time was countless times weaker than the one just now, because there were only five wands waved.

Moreover, the Death Eaters hiding behind the corner had already cast the Iron Armor Curse on their bodies again.

The explosive spell has no lethality at all, but Sherlock's purpose is not to kill people.

After the explosive spell was used, he turned around suddenly, no longer hiding his steps, and ran quickly in the direction of Eddie.

Just when he took the first step, there was a sharp sound of casting a spell from Eddie!

"Avada Kedavra!"

Green beams of light shone in the darkness, and other random spells also sounded!

Red and green light beams flashed continuously, echoing each other in the darkness.

Sherlock saw the hole in the wall that he had blown through.

The wall behind the hole was also blown open, and behind the two holes is the hall outside the maze!

Bella led the people around in a circle from behind, to the corridor between the two partition walls, and finally arrived at Eddie's position through the blown hole!

Sherlock was breathing rapidly, not only because of excessive physical exertion, but also because of nervousness.

Soon he ran from the two blown holes into the hall outside the maze.

Eddie was not dead yet. He maintained a state of mental tension at all times. He was aware of the Death Eaters before they made a sneak attack and avoided the fatal spell immediately.

Although there was still a black magic hit later, it was not fatal after all.

In front of the door, Mrs. Selwyn has reached the last moment of breaking the curse. The black door is shining with a faint light and is about to be opened!

Bella obviously also discovered this. She reacted very quickly and no longer led people to chase Eddie hiding behind the corner of the maze. Instead, she changed direction and rushed towards the black door that had been unlocked and opened by the blocking magic!

Mrs. Selwyn didn't actually understand why Sherlock asked her to open the door.

But she knew that the only one she could rely on was him. Even if she didn't open the door, Bella would still have a way to open the door.

When the door opened, not only did Bella lead the Death Eaters into the room behind the door, but Sherlock also struggled to get closer to the door.

Behind the black door is an extremely simple and empty room without any furnishings or decorations. There is only an unpretentious black slate placed on the pillar in the middle of the room!

Bella's movements were much faster than Sherlock's. When she walked into the room, Sherlock was still five meters away from the door!

However, before she could clearly see the environment behind the black door, the stone slab placed on the pillar flew up out of thin air.

Before anyone could react, the slate fell into Sherlock's hands very quickly!

By the time Bella discovered the problem, hundreds of wands were already aimed at the black slate in mid-air!

"What would happen if I exploded with a thunderbolt at this time?"

Sherlock breathed heavily, but a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

Bella's face was extremely dark, and she and all the Death Eaters around her raised their wands and pointed them at Sherlock.

"You dare!" she shouted in a harsh voice.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't scare me. I'm pretty good at silent casting. If I accidentally use the spell, who knows whether it will stick to it or not."

While Sherlock was speaking, Mrs. Selwyn and Amy, who was leaning against the wall and falling asleep, were already controlled by the Death Eaters.

Eddie, who was injured in the maze, was also brought out by the dozen Death Eaters.

Eddie's condition looked very bad. He didn't know what kind of spell he was under, his face was bloodless, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Give me your stuff, or I'll kill the three of them!"

Sherlock was very calm and did not panic just because they had a hostage in their hands.

"I think that's what you asked Algie to lead someone into the Department of Mysteries last time, right?" He squinted his eyes and said, "In the middle, he was exposed as an undercover agent in the Ministry of Magic, and four of his companions were captured. Now... Having brought so many people in, the Dark Lord must be determined to get this thing in my hand, right?"

Bella stared at Sherlock, her eyes bloodshot.

Sherlock has already taken control of the situation. She must do something to regain the initiative!

"Do you think I really don't dare to take action? Gore! Kill that little girl first..."

"Thunderbolt explosion."

At the same time as Sherlock's emotionless spell sounded, Bella's whole body trembled uncontrollably!


An explosion spell with far weaker power than normal exploded on the stone slab, and a few tiny stone fragments collapsed from it, but it did not completely destroy it.

But this is enough to show that the stone slab is not indestructible. A few more explosive spells will definitely blow it to pieces!

"Who did you say you wanted to kill first?" Sherlock took out his ear and said nonchalantly, "If you touch her with a finger, I will blow this board into pieces. Do you think this kind of deal is suitable?" ?”

Bella stared at him in disbelief.

"You are a madman! A complete madman!"

"Before you speak of others, think about what others say about yourself."

Of course Sherlock is not that crazy. The hardness of this stone slab has been determined since he got it. It can be destroyed, but it is not that simple.

He was actually very tired now, and it was difficult to even stand, so he simply sat on the ground, with the hundreds of wands still pointed at the black slate in mid-air.

"Now that we both have information about each other, can we have a good talk? To be honest, I have no interest in what your master wants to do with this thing. After all, I'm not an Auror. , This is totally what you forced me to do.”

Bella rarely encountered the situation of negotiating with others, but Voldemort did attach great importance to this stone, and she had to consider giving in.

"You can take the three of them with you, but give us that thing!"

Before Sherlock could reply, the controlled Mrs. Selwyn shouted excitedly.

"The Dark Lord cannot be allowed to get that thing! It can erase the existence of things! With it, the Dark Lord can try to eliminate the biggest enemy that hinders him..."


Without hesitation, Bella turned around and slapped Mrs. Selwyn in the face, raising her wand at the same time.

"Shut up! You bitch!"

"What are you afraid of? Let her say it."

Sherlock spoke calmly, but those who were familiar with him could easily hear the subtle vibrato in his voice.

Bella hesitated for a few seconds, and then actually stopped!

She slowly lowered her wand, as if she was afraid that Sherlock would suddenly go crazy and explode the stone slabs.

But in fact, when Sherlock's attention was focused on Mrs. Selwyn's words, she quietly held down her left arm.

There is a dark mark there that is slightly hot.

After seeing the stone slab, all the memories hidden in the deepest part of her mind were brought out. Mrs. Selwyn said in a quick voice.

"That stone slab is engraved with the oldest ancient magic. It can erase all existences of magical objects! At the same time, it can also erase all the effects of that dead object!"

After hearing Mrs. Selwyn's explanation, Sherlock's eyes suddenly lit up brightly!

A weird smile appeared on his face.

It's like a lost traveler who has been looking for the way home. Just when he has lost hope, he suddenly realizes that the road is actually at his feet!

"You mean..." he asked with an obvious trembling, "if someone kills someone with a wand, as long as the wand touches the stone slab, the stone slab can erase the wand." It can also erase all its effects and resurrect those killed by it to achieve this effect. "

"In theory," gasped Mrs. Selwyn.

"Why do you say it's theoretical?" The hopeful smile on Sherlock's face froze.

"We have tested the effect of the stone slab. The specific reversal ability it can exert depends on the strength of the magical substance that is directly erased. If the murderous wand itself has weak magic power, it cannot be resurrected. Dead people!"

"How powerful does the material need to be to be resurrected?"

"It's not clear, our research hasn't reached this point yet."

Sherlock was silent.

If everything Mrs. Selwyn said is true, then this is a gamble!

Bella kept clutching her left arm tightly while they were talking.

Her mood was far from as calm as she appeared on the surface. In fact, she was extremely anxious. It was unclear why her master did not respond to her call.

Sherlock's silence didn't last long before he softly called Amy's name.

"Amy, Amy."

Amy, who was leaning against the wall and looking listless, as if she hadn't slept for several days, gently blinked her eyelids as if she couldn't open them and looked at Sherlock.


Sherlock saw her half-open eyes and the pupils that had changed from blue to light gold!

Those golden eyes were so familiar that he felt as if he had seen them before!

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