Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 192 John likes Amy, and Amy likes John

But at this time, he didn't have any extra thoughts to think about it, but asked softly.

"Amy, do you think I will have good luck next?"

Amy's voice was very weak and could only be heard clearly.

"Amy...feels bad...but John will be fine..."

Hearing her words, Sherlock blinked and laughed silently.

"You were right all along, Amy."

Then he turned his attention to Bella.

"Let them go first, I will stay with this slate."

"You're crazy!" Eddie yelled in disbelief, "Why don't you come with us!"

"I told you Eddie, I want to go to a place where no one else can find it." Sherlock said with a smile, "Remember to take good care of Amy and don't let her be alone all the time."

Eddie didn't believe him. He thought Sherlock wanted to stay to reassure the Death Eaters so that he and Amy could leave safely.

"Let me stay with the slate! You take Amy and go!"

Sherlock ignored Eddie. In front of the Death Eaters, he couldn't make certain words too clear, but stared directly at Bella.

"I'll stay with the slate. You can carve out a separate place for them to apparate. Let them apparate in front of me. I'll hand the slate over to you."

Bella, who had not received a response from Voldemort for a long time, did not want to waste any more time. Like Eddie, she thought that Sherlock had a death wish and wanted to trade his own life for the lives of the other three.

"Goyle." She looked at a burly Death Eater.

The Death Eater suspected of following Draco's father came out. He grabbed Mrs. Selwyn and pulled her to Eddie and Amy.

"No, John, please, you must not give that thing to them, please..."

Mrs. Selwyn begged, and Eddie stared at him.

"You said you cherish your life and you won't let yourself die so easily!"

Sherlock looked at him, put his hands in his pockets, smiled and shrugged.

"Of course I won't die that easily."

He put his hand into his pocket and suddenly touched something cold and hard, which reminded Sherlock of something.

"Can you come here first, Eddie, I have something to tell you."

The Death Eaters didn't make any move, they were all watching this scene with cold eyes.

Eddie's wand has been confiscated, and when it is clear that all the Death Eaters' wands are pointed at Sherlock, they can't do anything to resist.

Eddie walked up to Sherlock and used his body to block the Death Eaters' sight. Sherlock took the metal thing out of his pocket and put it into Eddie's pocket.

"Keep this thing safe for me, whether you can see me again after today or not."

"You said you wouldn't die so easily." Eddie looked at him.

"Okay, let me say it again, I want to go to a place where no one can find me, not to die. This is not a lie to children, understand? I am serious."

Whether he believed it or not, Eddie had no other choice at this time. He could only take his things and return to Amy and Mrs. Selwyn according to Sherlock's arrangement.

Mrs. Selwyn's wand is returned to her, and she apparates away with Eddie and Amy.

Goyle led them to the corner of the hall, where a Death Eater had specially given them permission to disembark in this small space.

"Can't give it to them, John."

Mrs. Selwyn was still pleading with her wand in her hand, but by this time Eddie had snatched the wand from her hand.

His voice was cold.

"You should know what the price will be for not giving them the slate. Then John will have to pay for it with his own life!"

Eddie, who has always focused on the interests of the Ministry of Magic and the interests of all wizards in the entire magical world, at this time actually would rather Sherlock hand over the slate so that he could live.

"Even if it is like this...even if it is like this, we can't leave it to them!" Mrs. Selwyn said excitedly.

The Death Eaters guarding them raised their wands at them.

"If you don't want to leave, you can stay here and wait to die." A Death Eater threatened coldly.

Eddie was the calmest at this time. He and Sherlock looked at each other for the last time, watched as he made an OK gesture to him, and finally used Apparition.

He took Amy and Mrs. Selwyn and disappeared in an instant. The next second, their figures reappeared on the street directly above the Ministry of Magic.

It was just past midnight, and the streets that should have been extremely quiet were filled with many wizards in robes.

It had been so long since the Death Eaters' invasion, and of course the Ministry of Magic had responded.

It's just that at this time, the entire Ministry of Magic has been equipped with anti-Apparition magic, and all regular entrances have been blocked. The Aurors outside are still looking for ways to get in.

As soon as Eddie and the others appeared, they were immediately surrounded by Aurors.

Scrimgeour, Crouch and Minkan were all eager to learn about the situation within the ministry.

Mrs. Selwyn's voice was tense and urgent as she recounted to them what had happened in the Department of Mysteries.

Eddie held the drowsy Amy in his arms without saying a word, silently looking at the dim lights on the road, feeling a trance.

Twice, including the one in Sheffield before, Sherlock has saved him twice!

This time he even wants to use his own life to exchange for his and his daughter's lives!

"Amy... Amy lied..."

Amy, with her face buried in Eddie's shoulder, suddenly said vaguely.

Eddie patted her back gently, ignoring Scrimgeour who was roaring beside him and asking him to report the situation in the Ministry of Magic immediately, and asked softly.

"What lie did Amy tell?"

"John said... that he would leave Amy one day... Amy felt that what he said was true... but Amy didn't dare to admit it... Amy didn't want John to leave Amy..."

Eddie heard his daughter's words, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were wet without knowing when.

He hugged Amy tightly, trying his best to suppress his emotions, and comforted her in a low voice.

"No, Amy's feeling this time must be wrong. John will not leave Amy. He promised to accompany Amy until school. John has never lied."

Amy's voice became smaller and smaller, and she seemed to be really falling asleep.

"John is leaving... to a place where Amy can't find him... Amy can't bear to leave him... Only John is willing to accompany Amy... Only John gives Amy gifts... Only John likes Amy... Amy also likes John..."

She finally fell asleep, her head resting quietly on Eddie's shoulder, the tears in the corners of her eyes sparkling in the reflection of the street lights, like an angel who fell from the sky and lost his wings.

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