Seeing Xiao Yuer's body trembling, holding the sweet potato and almost crying out in fear, Chen Xu suddenly reacted.

In the corner of the original owner's already somewhat vague memory, he still had some vague impressions.

It seems that once Xiaoyuer ate half of his leftover burnt potatoes, and the original owner came back to find that he was missing, and without saying a word, he caught Xiaoyuer and beat him.

It wasn't until finally that the little one escaped under the bed.

Xiao Yuer also stayed under the bed for a day and a night before daring to come out.

Therefore, the sweet potato he left for Xiao Yu'er today, because of that, this little guy did not dare to eat it.

Now he is even more afraid of beating her, and quickly prove that he has not secretly eaten this sweet potato?

Chen Xu looked at the skinny little guy in front of him, and his heart was uncomfortable because he was trembling with fear.

He put the back basket on his body on the ground and was ready to stride forward, but when he thought that his current appearance was more likely to scare the little one, he squatted down on the spot and stretched out his hand towards Xiao Yuer, "Dad doesn't hit you, come here, Dad hugs." "

Such a small and pitiful one, where is he willing to fight.

Xiao Yuer looked at this abnormal father, holding a sweet potato in his hand, and did not dare to step forward at all.

Chen Xu looked at his daughter's helpless appearance, and wanted to laugh and feel distressed.

With a sincere look, he continued, "I really don't hit you, the sweet potato in your hand is what I put on the bed for you, so that you woke up and ate, why should I beat you?" Xiao Yu'er

was stunned, looked down at the sweet potato in his hand, his small face was covered by bangs, his small mouth was slightly open, obviously a little flattered.

For a moment, she raised her head, those black eyes, through the gap between her bangs, looked at her father not far in front, and asked in a low voice, "That's, Qiao, put me... Now

less than three years old, coupled with the influence of the environment, it is still difficult for Xiaoyuer to say a complete sentence.

However, Xiao Yuer's words were surprisingly clear.

When Chen Xu heard his daughter's inquiry, he tried to show a kind smile and quipped, "Yes, Dad took you to bed, and now that you wake up, you won't let Dad hold you?" As

soon as Chen Xu's words came out, Xiao Yu'er was even more flattered, and his small mouth had opened into an O-shape, looking at Chen Xu blankly.

Today's father is so gentle that she doesn't know how to react.

Chen Xu looked at the motionless little guy and made a hurt look, "I know, Xiao Yu'er doesn't want his father to hug, right?"

After Chen Xu finished speaking, he gestured to get up.

However, he had just withdrawn his hand, and the little guy who was still hesitating just now, for fear that he would run, quickly ran towards him with his little short legs.

"I want to... I want to hug!" said

Xiao Yuer urgently as she ran over.

Chen Xu looked at the little guy running towards him, smiled, stretched out his hand, and the little guy bumped into his arms.

Chen Xu put his arm around his weak and small daughter and said softly, "I'm sorry, in the future, Dad will never hit you again." "

It wasn't him who hit though.

But he felt the need to apologize for the little guy on behalf of the original owner.

Xiao Yu'er's eyes were already full of tears, but she shook her head and said in a milky voice, "Xiao Yu'er... Disobedient,, only to fight.

When Chen Xu heard this, his mood was even heavier.

Maybe...... That's the child.

No matter what their parents do to them, they feel that adults love them.

He exhaled, gently opened her, and raised his hand to remove the bangs from the little one's face.

On the small face, a pair of eyes are big and round, and the eyes are black and shiny, this time may be because of grievances, tears in the eye sockets, and endure not crying, not to mention how distressing.

He quickly sorted out his emotions, reached out to wipe away the tears in the corners of his daughter's eyes, and said softly, "Let's not eat sweet potatoes today, Dad brought you a lot of delicious food today."

After that, he stretched out his long arms, easily took Xiao Yu'er into his arms, and stood up.

Xiao Yuer was picked up by his father, fluttering, it felt like he was in a dream, looking at his father who was so gentle that he didn't speak, he quickly nodded, "Good!" Chen

Xu picked up Xiao Yuer, and was ready to lift the back basket on the side and beckoned Chen Qingshan to cook together.

However, his hand only touched the back basket strap, and Chen Qingshan, who had been staring at the back basket for a long time, his face was extremely ugly, and he looked at him, "Stinky boy, you, you went to the street to rob it?" Although

he didn't know which tendon his grandson was wrong with today, he was suddenly so gentle with Xiao Yuer, and what made him care more was about most of the back basket!

His grandson's pocket is cleaner than his face all year round, how can he have money to buy something to eat.

The only possibility is that yesterday he was full of strength, and today he went to the street to rob it!

Chen Xu faced Chen Qingshan's question, and he was a little crying and laughing for a while, but when he thought of the original owner, he felt that the other party's suspicion was reasonable.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I bought it, not I robbed it. Chen Xu patiently explained, then put on the basket in his hand and walked to the kitchen with Xiaoyuer in his arms.

"Bought?" Chen Qingshan paused, suddenly reacted, his face became a little more ugly, "You, you smelly boy, won't you go to the street to grab money!"

Come to the kitchen.

After Chen Xu put the little fish on the ground, he picked up the ingredients in the back basket to the stove.

The more Chen Qingshan saw Chen Xu pick up these things, the more panicked he became, and he almost stomped his foot and asked him, "Stinky boy, how did you get the money to buy these things!" If

he really robbed people's money, he had to quickly take it and return the money, otherwise he would make trouble, and the police station would no longer give him this old guy face!

He picked up two, stuffed one into Chen Qingshan's hand, broke the remaining one in his hand, and said, "Sell this to earn."

After that, he handed the August melon to Xiao Yuer, "You haven't eaten this yet, taste it, it must be better than your sweet potato." "

They all told this little guy not to eat sweet potatoes, she was reluctant to waste it, and after a while, all the work was stuffed in her mouth."

Xiao Yu'er's cheeks were still bulging at this time, looking at the August melon handed over by Chen Xu, smelling the sweet breath, and immediately aroused his interest.

She raised her head and looked at Chen Xu, "Tang Ceng, eat, no." Smallmouth muttered.

Chen Xu's heart warmed, and he smiled back, "I've eaten." The

little guy then stretched out his hand, took the August melon, swallowed the sweet potato in his mouth, took a bite, and his little face instantly lit up.

"Wow, delicious!" Chen

Qingshan looked at the August melon in his hand, stunned for a long time, until he heard the voice of Xiaoyuer, he came back to his senses and was ecstatic.

"You mean, you sold August melons, earned money, and bought these things?"

asked Chen Qingshan with excitement.

Chen Xu grinned, "Yes, so grandpa, you can put a hundred hearts, I didn't steal or rob, I bought it all by myself."

Chen Qingshan looked at his grandson, who already looked like a normal person, and a bunch of food, he was overjoyed, and he slapped his thighs happily.

My eldest grandson is finally not stupid haha!" Chen

Xu looked at the man who was excited like an old child, and smiled, "Okay, grandpa, let's start cooking, this noodle rice will be handed over to you, and I will do the rest." "

In the last life, although his hometown was also poor, it was relatively flat, and the snacks were all rice.

But here is to crush dry corn and steam "noodle rice" to eat, Chen Xu will not, and the original owner will not.

Chen Qingshan was in a good mood, and when he heard his eldest grandson's words, he immediately smiled and responded, "Okay, grandpa is steaming noodle rice!"

Xiao Yuer also finished eating the August melon in his hand, and took the initiative to invite it, milky voice, "Xiao Yuer, help!"


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