Chen Xu saw these two familiar faces and recognized the two at a glance.

This is his grandfather Chen Qingshan, and his uncle and grandfather Chen Guodong.

Since the separation of his father and two brothers, Chen Qingshan has been raised by Chen Guodong's family.

And his grandmother, Chen Guoliang, who was in charge on his side, died a few years ago.

Yesterday, Chen Qianan got married, and the East House needed to entertain guests to rest, so Chen Guodong took Chen Qingshan to the eldest daughter's house at the village entrance to spend the night.

Now this situation, as soon as the second elder came back, his cousin-in-law immediately sued.

Faced with Chen Qingshan's questioning, Chen Xu glanced at the couple hiding behind Chen Guodong before saying to Chen Qingshan, "Grandpa, if they don't mess with me, will I beat them?

Chen Xu's words fell, and without waiting for Chen Qingshan to speak, Chen Guodong's burst of cheers sounded in the courtyard, "No matter how they make you angry, it's also your cousin, brother-in-law, you just got married yesterday, do you give people such a heavy hand?"

Zhang Qiang saw that the old man gave himself such a head, and quickly reached out and touched his swollen face, muttering, "I heard that Qiannan's cousin would beat people before, but I didn't expect to see it on the first day of marriage!" In the future, I am afraid that I will not be beaten every day, is this the attitude of the Chen family towards

the son-in-law who comes to the door?" Chen Xu heard Zhang Qiang's words, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and as soon as his gaze fell on him, the other party quickly hid behind Chen Qiannan, "Dad, look, say a word, he, he wants to do it again!"

Chen Guodong exhaled, stopped Chen Xu with one hand, and his eyes widened, "What's the matter, you still want to hit my son-in-law in front of me, it's the other way around?"

The son-in-law he finally recruited was much more expensive than

Chen Xu, the fool, why did he beat Chen Xu? Chen Qingshan also hurriedly came over and pulled Chen Xu's arm, "Stinky boy, you quickly apologize to others, how can a family do it without moving!"

Chen Xu turned his head and looked at Chen Qingshan, "Grandpa, they didn't treat me as a family, and they called the villagers into my house early in the morning and said that I was a strong woman, did they treat me as a family?"

He looked at Chen Guodong again and said coldly, "Your good daughter and good son-in-law wronged me as a strong woman, and led people to break into my house, what happened if I beat them?"

Chen Qingshan Chen Guodong heard Chen Xu's words, his face was quite surprised, Qi brushed his head and looked at Chen Qiannan and Zhang Qiang.

Chen Qiannan was stared at for a while, and hurriedly quibbled, "I'm not in a hurry, Zhang Qiang's cousin classmate lives in our house and was abducted in the middle of the night, we must quickly find out who it is."

Chen Xu sneered, "There are so many people in Fujitou Village, if you don't go to find someone to smash my door directly, I still poured dirty water on my cousin directly when I saw that something had happened."

"Besides, how do you know that people were taken away, is it so clear that you took them captive?" Everyone

in the courtyard was full of surprise when they heard Chen Xu's clear logic and even meaningful words.

Chen Qingshan looked at his eldest grandson, shocked, but also overjoyed.

How does he feel, his eldest grandson seems to be a lot more normal today.

Chen Qingshan turned his head and looked at his granddaughter and grandson-in-law.

Chen Qiannan and Zhang Qiang's blue and red faces suddenly turned white several degrees in their hearts.

Chen Qiannan quickly opened her mouth to defend, "How could I kidnap her, the girl found her later, said that she was sleepwalking or having nightmares, and ran out."

Although she didn't know what happened, she definitely couldn't expose her and Zhang Qiang's calculation of Chen Xu now.

Chen Guodong was originally a little nervous, and when he heard Chen Qiannan's words, he breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the miserable situation of his daughter and son-in-law, he still said forcefully, "Then you Chen Xu can't beat people like this, she is your own cousin!" Chen Xu

hugged his chest with both hands, righteously, "It's her who hit, I haven't beaten enough." "

You!" Chen Guodong was simply blushing with anger, but he also knew that with his hands, he couldn't beat Chen Xu, so he could only turn his head to look at Chen Qingshan, "Dad, look, this is your grandson, now beat your cousin, cousin-in-law, maybe you will also beat in the future, what are this kind of people staying for, it's better to drive out of

the Chen family directly!" Chen Xu is a fool who can only cause trouble, and he is not as good as his daughters, staying in the Chen family will only drag down the Chen family.

Even though Chen Guodong was so angry that he was about to jump, Chen Qingshan was still immersed in his grandson's seemingly normal joy.

However, he was afraid of his son's gloomy face, and he was not easy to show it, and said in embarrassment, "Guo Dong, although this incident is a misunderstanding, Qian Nan and Zhang Qiang have also passed a little, of course, Chen Xu is not right to beat people."

Chen Qingshan said, reached out and took out a piece of fabric from his pocket, carefully opened it, inside were several neatly folded wool tickets, although distressed, he still took it to Chen Qiannan and Zhang Qiang and handed it to the two.

"Chen Xu, he doesn't understand things, he doesn't have a heavy hand, but he is also your cousin, I only have this on me, you take it, buy some medicine to wipe, just let me compensate you for him."

Chen Qiannan looked at the money in Chen Qingshan's hand, a trace of dark emotions flashed in her eyes, and before she could speak, Zhang Qiang's eyes on the side were bright, and he directly reached out to take the money in Chen Qingshan's hand.

"Grandpa, you have to educate Chen Xu well, I am his brother-in-law, don't worry about him, you can just give some medicine fees, if you change someone else, arrest him early and go to the police station, not only compensation, but also jail."

As Zhang Qiang spoke, he had already put the money into his shirt pocket.

An ugly smile appeared on Chen Qingshan's face, "I know."

Chen Xu looked at this scene and had mixed tastes in his heart.

From childhood to adulthood, Chen Qingshan was like this, and he put a lot of trouble on the original owner.

A veteran with a salary of 50 yuan a month, but he is dressed in rags, a piece of clothing is full of patches, and he is not in harmony with his eldest son Chen Guodong.

After all, Chen Qingshan is now a person from the East House, but he often receives Chen Xu.

Although he was not afraid to make trouble at the police station this time, considering the reputation of the girl, even if he was not happy in his heart, he could no longer argue with these two beasts.

Chen Guodong on the side saw that the old man was busy protecting his stupid grandson, and his heart became more and more unbalanced, but now Zhang Qiang said that he would not pursue it, and he was not good at seizures, so he could only glared at Chen Xu viciously before looking at Chen Qingshan

, "You are used to your precious grandson, sooner or later go in and eat peanuts!" After

speaking, without waiting for Chen Qingshan to respond, he beckoned Chen Qiannan and Zhang Qiang into the east house, slammed the door heavily, and did not mean to let Chen Qingshan enter together.

Chen Qingshan had long been accustomed to this, Chen Guodong left, he raised his eyes to look at Chen Xu, pretending to say seriously, "You boy, don't make your uncle angry in the future!

In today's situation, not only Chen Xu's father and daughter have to go hungry, I am afraid that his old bones will also have to starve.

Now what follows in to eat is not the meal, but the face of the eldest son.

Chen Xu's gaze stayed on the closed door of the East House for a moment, looked at Chen Qingshan, and said, "Grandpa, follow me to the Westinghouse, I have food." "

East House gave his old man a look, just right, this cheap grandfather, he will raise it himself later.

Chen Qingshan, however, looked at his stupid grandson and asked, "What to eat?

He also saw him come back the other day with a basket on his back, and he thought that he had come back with something good and was out of breath, and he was happy to see it.

Harm! So I came back with air.

When Chen Xu heard this, he reached out and patted the back basket behind him, just about to speak, a small figure didn't know when he had come to the two people, his thin little hand tried to hand the half-cut sweet potato in his hand to him, and the milk voice that couldn't be read trembled, "Zhu Cao ... Grandfather...... Sweet potatoes, you guys... Eat.

Chen Xu looked down.


Only the little guy as high as his knees, the thin black little arm is holding the sweet potato in his hand, the wide short sleeves are crooked, the slender yellow bangs cover most of the small face, his gaze just fell on her face, the little guy deflated, trembling and majestically retreating, holding the half of the sweet potato in his hand high as if to prove something, obviously very afraid.

"Little, little fish, no, didn't steal food, sent over, Dumpling, Dumpling, is it good if you don't fight..."

PS: The new book secretly set sail, focusing on daddy farming to earn money!

Update every night at nine o'clock on time (?? ????? ????? ???????).

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