At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Xu's family rushed to the train station.

After buying a train ticket on the spot, Chen Xu beckoned a family to follow the flow of people to squeeze onto the train.

Now that the end of the year is approaching, people who have gone out are returning to their hometowns, and the danger index has skyrocketed.

Therefore, Chen Xu's little couple and Ye Ping and the three adults were also extra cautious, and almost grabbed the little guy next to him all the way without letting go.

It wasn't until they followed the flow of people to their sleeper compartment that the family quickly settled in.

Ye Jiahao, who went far for the first time, was simply more excited than Xiao Yuer, and as soon as the train started, his face was full of novelty, "Wow! is this what it feels like to take a train?"

And Xiao Yuer, who was sitting across the small table, saw this uncle who had never seen the world before she was a country girl, and it was difficult to hide the disgust on her little face.

"Uncle, you are an eight-year-old child, can you stabilize the focus?" This was when Chen Xu occasionally played with Ye Wanyu, Ye Whispered and spit out Chen Xu's words.

The little ones learn and use it flexibly.

As soon as the words of the little milk ball came out, it instantly made several people in the carriage cry and laugh.

"Oh, look at our fish, we are much more stable and sensible than uncle, uncle, you have to learn a little." Ye Pinghe quipped with a smile.

Ye Wanyu was even more embarrassed, and secretly decided not to talk nonsense in front of Xiao Yuer in the future, this little milk ball learned things too quickly.

While Chen Xu was playing with Xiao Nianyu, he couldn't help but snicker.

I have to say that this little fish in his house is getting more and more interesting.

Sighing in his heart, Chen Xu looked at the scene that kept flashing out the window, and suddenly remembered that Gao Jianwei, who said yesterday that he was going to take a train to Linshi City.

According to the time, if nothing else, Gao Jianwei should have arrived.

I don't know how far things have gone on his side.

Did he see Lin Wantang smoothly and persuade people to come back to the imperial capital hospital for examination?

Gao Jianwei not only successfully met Lin Wantang, but now he is on the train to and from the imperial capital.

And Gao Jianwei's efficiency was so fast, it was not a good word to persuade Lin Wantang to return to the imperial capital with him, but directly dragged his life onto the train.

On the train to the imperial capital, Lin Wantang lay on the single bed in the sleeper, looking at the figure of the man sitting next to the bed, his heart was angry, he wanted to pinch the other party but couldn't bear his pain, he could only look at him indignantly, "Gao Jianwei, I didn't expect you to be such a person, when I get to the imperial capital, I will... I will sue you for robbing women!" Gao

Jianwei turned his head sideways, went to look at this girl who rarely looked like a fried little milk cat, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said without scruples, "Even if you sue me, it's useless, the emperor is my territory, even if I snatch you back and marry me by the head, no one cares about me." "

This is indeed the case, with his ability, if he is really a gentleman, he can also walk sideways in the imperial capital without letting the old man know.

But Gao Jianwei is not such a person.

As soon as his words fell, he saw that the girl on the bed seemed to be so angry that her face turned red and white for a while, considering her body, she quickly changed her words, "Don't worry, I didn't arrest you and press your head to let you marry me, you go with me to the imperial capital hospital to check your body, no problem, I'll let you back." Gao

Jianwei said this, looking at the girl's pale face that couldn't see any blood, he wanted to reach out and touch it, asking her if she was uncomfortable, but when he thought that Lin Wantang agreed to get engaged to someone else so quickly, his heart tingled, and he didn't open his face to look at this poor little cat.

Lin Wantang heard that the man was taking her back to check her body, only a few qi towards Gao Jianwei also dissipated instantly, her eyes were red, the tip of her nose was sour, and she turned sideways, so that Gao Jianwei could see the expression on her face, and whispered, "Don't go, it's all old problems, what is there to check."

Although his mouth said this, the tears in his eyes wet the pillow.

She couldn't let go of Gao Jianwei, and she didn't expect that this man came to arrest her and took her to check her body, and she was now both moved and guilty.

Guilty for his mother's body, he promised to go on a blind date and get engaged, even if it was just an expedient measure, he didn't face Gao Jianwei at all.

"I promised you to take you to check your body, this is my business, whether you want it or not. Gao Jianwei's tone could not be refused.

When he said this, Lin Wantang never responded again.

He didn't speak again, and the atmosphere in the carriage fell silent.

For a long time, Gao Jianwei turned his head to look at the girl on the bed, looked at the other party's slightly shrugged shoulders, knew that he might have scared Lin Wantang to cry, and also ruthlessly did not look at her, sitting quietly on the edge of the bed.

However, after less than ten minutes, he looked back and saw that Lin Wantang seemed to be still crying, how ruthless, almost instantly compromised, hurriedly turned sideways, patted the girl's shoulder, "Okay, don't cry, just now I did speak a little louder, I just wanted to take you to check your body, don't cry or cry." The

more gentle Gao Jianwei was, the more guilty Lin Wantang felt, feeling the man approaching, his whole heart couldn't control running to him.

The thoughts and emotions that these days are trying to contain explode at this moment, in Gao Jianwei's compromising and gentle comforting voice, finally failed to carry it, turned around, teary eyes, hugged the man on the side, tightened, buried his face in his neck, almost sobbed, "I'm sorry..." Gao Jianwei

was stunned by the girl's sudden initiative, and for a moment, he came back to his senses, kept an appropriate distance from her, gently rubbed her hair, and comforted her softly, "Okay, don't be aggrieved."

Lin Wantang took the initiative to hug him at this time, and he couldn't pretend to be any longer, raised his head and looked at him with teary eyes, "These days, I miss you so much." The

girl's low and sincere confession is transmitted to the brain through the eardrum, making it impossible to avoid it.

Gao Jianwei was stunned and reacted, and the resentment accumulated in his heart these days seemed to completely dissipate at this moment.

Confirming that Lin Wantang still had him in his heart, he stretched out his hand, fiercely hugged the person into his arms, felt the real warmth of the person in his arms, and said in a dumb voice, "I miss you so much." The

long-lost hug and confession made the two cherish this moment more than ever before, and they were unwilling to let go of each other, and they hated to hold each other for the rest of their lives and never separate again.

At this moment, Gao Jianwei's joy of being lost and regained was even more grateful to Chen Xu who called him to come to Lin Wantang.

If it weren't for Chen Xu, I am afraid that he would not have come to find Lin Wantang, and he would not have known that this girl still had him in her heart, and she would not be able to let him go.

No matter what the results of Lin Wantang's examination were this time, he would not let go as easily as before.

Compared to Gao Jianwei, who was immersed in the joy of losing and regaining it.

This is the moment.

Lu Meiyun of the imperial capital was in a hurry halfway to her mother's house to make contact.

To her displeasure, the taxi she got caught broke down near a street more than a kilometre from her mother's home.

Helpless, Lu Meiyun could only scold the taxi driver a few words, get out of the car and walk, and hurried to the direction of her mother's house.

Her brother has a friend who has connections in the city where Chen Xu needs to transfer cars, as long as he hurries over now and contacts the other party, he can arrange someone to plant Chen Xu and Ye Whispering's few small fields.

As long as this matter is successful, she doesn't have to worry about whether Old Master Ye can meet Chen Qingshan, and whether the two old bones can withstand the blow and survive is probably a problem.

Lu Meiyun was bent on solving Chen Xu and Ye Wanyu, and even the abnormalities around him were not noticed at all.

Just as she walked to the mouth of the alley, which was only a few hundred meters away from her mother's house, a smile appeared on her face, and several tall black shadows approached her side.

"You, you-" Lu Meiyun had just spoken out, and the large and black sack was directly put on her head, and before she could cry for help, she was knocked out by someone on the head, completely unconscious.


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