At night, amid the rhythmic train whistle, a few little guys were already sleeping on the sleepers in the carriages.

Chen Xu looked out the dark window, his thoughts wandering, and he also remembered the affairs of the imperial capital Wei Yong.


Xu lay on the bed, one hand on the back of his head, carefully recalled that from meeting Lu Meiyun in Wenxing Town, from the beginning of the business license of the melon seed shop to the robbery of the wood carving factory, the behind-the-scenes operators of this series were all from the imperial capital.

Since he was blocked by mountain bandits on the last way to Xidu, and then Wei Yong found out that the person behind it was really Lu Meiyun, he was almost certain that the person who had targeted him in the imperial capital all this time should be Lu Meiyun.

This time, he wanted to take Old Master Ye to the magic capital, but he was also stopped by Lu Meiyun jumping out three and four times, especially the day before they left, and it happened that Ye Jiahao was punished in wet clothes in the middle of the night.

Her abnormal behavior had to make him defensive, especially this woman just didn't want Old Master Ye to go to the magic capital with him, and even his own son didn't let go.

Fortunately, before leaving the imperial capital, he informed Boss Wei that even if he wanted to start, he had to wait for him to leave the imperial capital.

Otherwise, if something happens to this Lu Meiyun, it will affect Old Master Ye's mood, and I am afraid that he will delay the time for him to return to the magic capital with Ye Whisper.

If there were no accidents, judging from the fierce personality of Boss Wei's gang, he should have started by now.


How Lu Meiyun said it is also Ye Qingyu's stepmother.

Although these hearts and eyes that secretly made him did not cause him much or substantial harm, there was no need to break his hands and feet and live again, he was also a "gentle" person as always.

Chen Xu didn't plan to ask Lu Meiyun for his life or cut off his hands and feet, he just wanted Lu Meiyun to be the most important thing for a woman in this era.

Sometimes letting the other person die is not the best way to take revenge on a person.

Especially his daughter-in-law doesn't like this stepmother, maybe the next time he returns to the imperial capital, this Lu Meiyun is not in this Ye family.


The efficiency of Wei Yong's group was indeed very fast, and they even figured out the mind of Chen Xu, the boss, very well.

Twelve o'clock midnight.

The Ye family's courtyard was brightly lit, and the courtyard door was wide open.

Ye Yuanshan's face was anxious, and he kept pacing back and forth in the yard, waiting for the police station and his family to come back and spread the news.

Originally, Lu Meiyun should have come back at noon today, but until now it is more than twelve o'clock in the morning, there has been no news, and she has not called home.

Ye Yuanshan also went to the old man's house for the first time to greet, and did not see Lu Meiyun's people, but was also detected by the keen old man, scolded bitterly, and now the old man and he almost used the black and white relationship of the whole city to send people to find Lu Meiyun's whereabouts.

But in this era, Rao was the imperial capital, and the reconnaissance equipment and technology were not as advanced as foreign countries.

It has been more than three hours since Ye Yuanshan reported the case, and there has been no news of Lu Meiyun.

The night became deeper and deeper, Ye Yuanshan became more and more anxious, in addition to worrying about Lu Meiyun's safety, he was more afraid that Lu Meiyun would encounter an accident, and the Lu family must think that he did not take good care of Lu Meiyun, and I was afraid to turn his face with him in minutes.

He has been able to climb so fast over the years, and the Lu family has not given him a helping hand, if something really happens to Lu Meiyun, I am afraid that the Lu family and a group of colleagues and friends who are pro-Lu family will also turn their faces with him one after another.

His daughter Ye Wanyu can't marry the Gao family, and if he offends the Lu family again, I'm afraid his road will only be more difficult in the future.

Ye Jingsi was also frightened, seeing that Lu Meiyun had not returned so late, she was so anxious that she shed tears and stomped her foot in place, "Dad, what to do, mom hasn't come back yet, has she met a bad person."

She said, the tears on her face were also one after another, standing or not sitting, crying bitterly, "What to do, Dad, you quickly think of a way!"

Ye Yuanshan was already upset, and was so noisy by Ye Jingsi, he was even more irritable, and waved his hand with her, "Didn't your grandfather and Uncle Wen send people all over the city to find it?

I don't want to, but Mom doesn't know where! What can I do!"

The father and daughter waited in this house for almost one night.

During the period, I also went out with people a few times, and I didn't see Lu Meiyun's figure at all.


, after six o'clock in the morning, the father and daughter, who had been tense all night, finally saw Lu Meiyun again.

But the scene of meeting was something Ye Yuanshan and Ye Jingsi never imagined.

They heard someone outside the door exclaiming, and hurried to the door.

However, before he could stand on his feet, from the center of the crowd that automatically gave way to a passage, he saw a woman in ragged clothes, revealing a large area of broken corsets and panties, lying in the snowy snow, her messy hair covering the woman's face, and the face under the hair was miserably white.

The exposed skin is not clean, all red spots, and even some parts have shocking tooth marks of suspicious animals.

If the pedestrians who constantly gathered at the door did not dare to confirm the identity of the woman on the ground, Ye Yuanshan and Ye Jingsi, who were with Lu Meiyun day and night, could recognize people at a glance.

Ye Jingsi recognized Lu Meiyun, her little heart could not withstand this shocking visual stimulation at all, and when she saw her mother Lu Meiyun for the first time, she screamed out in shock, and her eyes fainted.

Ye Yuanshan was also frightened by this face for a moment, reacted, rushed to the woman at the first time, and at the same time quickly took off his coat and covered her, before helping the woman to sit up, and even pulled the hair off her face in disbelief, and when he saw that dirty but extremely familiar face, his heart was shocked!

It's his wife....

This is...... What happened

! A tinnitus sound followed, causing Ye Yuanshan's brain to appear for a short time!

Everyone around was also shocked and whispered.

"Meiyun, this is meeting a bad person, this is a big New Year, how can it happen to this!"

"Yes, yesterday, the entire imperial capital was shocked and did not find anyone, and now it is actually thrown to the door.

"Oh my God, Meiyun, what happened? Strong..." Before

the passerby could say this, he was shocked by Ye Yuanshan's eyes that seemed to be about to kill, and immediately closed his mouth.

Ye Yuanshan wrapped Lu Meiyun tightly, immediately supported his already exhausted body and mind, hugged Lu Meiyun and strode away, while admonishing the people around Shensheng, "Meiyun is not a big deal, today's matter, I hope you don't say a word, otherwise you will bear the consequences." "

The people who live in this vicinity, who don't know Ye Yuanshan's energy and connections, as soon as he said this, one by one almost instantly recognized.

"I didn't see anything, grocery shopping.

"I didn't see it either, so I continued to go to the park to do tai chi."

"I'll go to work.

"Me too. "

Everyone quickly greased the soles of their feet and ran away.

Ye Jingsi was also helped by the family Ding and was taken into the yard.

While Ye Yuanshan carried Lu Meiyun back to the house, his forehead was bruised, and he clenched his teeth, and he felt extremely humiliated!


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