Xu Shirong never expected that he would be planted in the hands of Liu Na.

He also knew that relying on Liuna, the little girl herself, it was impossible to have the courage to dare to calculate him.

All the

way to the Magic Capital Public Security Bureau, Xu Shirong accepted the reality that he was calculated, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how to contact the contacts in Hangcheng and have the opportunity to fish himself out.

Until, when he came to the Public Security Bureau, he saw the man known as Secretary Liu negotiating with Chen Xu and the policeman, and after seeing the policeman's respectful attitude towards the secretary, he judged with his years of experience that the person behind the scenes who wanted to move him was not simple, and the whole person was completely in despair....

The person behind this place who is called the secretary is the head of the authority.

Thoroughly seeing reality, Xu Shirong no longer has any illusions about his future, like a deflated balloon, at the mercy of waiting to accept the punishment of the law.

On the contrary, Shi Yuzhen couldn't accept the current situation at all, and she had been shouting injustice since she came to the Public Security Bureau, and all kinds of eyes with Liuna asked Liuna and the police to explain to her.

But Liu Na was completely disappointed in this mother, did not intercede for her, did not relent, and cooperated with the police to tell Xu Shirong and his wife what they did to her.

Her request is very simple, she must severely punish Xu Shirong, a beast.

When Chen Xu followed Liuna to cooperate with the police officers to investigate and question, when he left the police station, it was already dark.

Liu Tianyang has not returned to Liu's house, and such a big thing happened today, and Chen Xu is not worried that Liu Na will go home alone or at school, so he simply took people back to the western building.

Considering Liuna's privacy issues, Chen Xu did not plan to tell her family what happened today.

After all, in this era, girls value chastity reputation more than anything else.

Fortunately, several elderly people in the family also tacitly did not inquire more.

Ye Wanyu greeted Liuna even more warmly and generously, and did not ask more about why the two came back together so late.

She trusts Chen Xu one hundred percent.

In addition, Liuna's mood is not very right when she sees it, and the old people in the family also told her today that Liuna came to Chen Xu crying in the afternoon, and she is even less likely to suspect randomly.

Half past nine in the evening.

The couple settled Liuna and went back to the room, and Chen Xu took the initiative to whisper to Ye for the first time, "Wife, tell you, today Liuna encountered a very tricky matter, and it has now been solved." Ye

Wanyu looked at Chen Xu and explained seriously, even if he didn't think about it, he couldn't help but want to tease it.

She did not respond to Chen Xu at the first time, but pretended to be cold, and then went directly to the wardrobe to get a bathrobe, and said lightly, "Well, I see."

Chen Xu saw Ye Qingyu's reaction, a little surprised, did not react for a while, thinking that his daughter-in-law was really sulking with him, quickly strode forward, reached out and took the bathrobe in Ye Wanyu's hand, blocking her, "Wife, are you angry?" However, it was this question that Chen Xu caught the not very obvious smile on Ye Qianyu's

face, stunned, and quickly reacted.

Dare to love his daughter-in-law and tease him.

However, Chen Xu did not debunk it at the first time, but put the plan into account, so he looked at Ye Whispering innocently and reverently.

Ye Wanyu was looked at by Chen Xu, and his heart was a little hairy, he was afraid that he would not be able to control being seen through, turned around, and hugged his chest with his hands, "What do I have to be angry about, I'm not angry!" Chen Xu looked

at the person who was on the top of the foreplay, and only felt that he wanted to laugh.

He held back a laugh, stretched out his hand to hug the person from behind Ye Qianyu, and the dog bear coquettishly, "Wife, don't be angry, come to my husband to kiss a few mouthfuls to dissipate the anger."

Ye Wanyu felt the touch coming from his neck and shrunk his neck, "You... Why are you, who said that you kiss me to deflate

my breath?" "This smelly dog bear, too narcissistic, okay!"

"Ah? can't you dissipate my breath?" Chen Xu pretended to be innocent, and then seemed to react to something, and picked the person up, "Then I'll change to something else and do something that my daughter-in-law loves to do with me."

Ye Wanyu only found that something was wrong with the situation, and saw Chen Xu holding himself and walking to the side of the bed, flapping his legs indiscriminately, "No, no, I don't love... At least, at least take a bath first..."

Chen Xu showed a triumphant smile on his face, held the person in his arms and turned around, striding towards the bathroom, "Okay, then take a bath first!

Ye Wanyu said: "..." Ye

Wanyu originally just wanted to tease Chen Xu, but he never expected that he would tease his own people.

The activity of the little couple ended in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, the new bed is strong enough and silent, and Chen Xu is very happy today.


The next day.

Taking advantage of the gap between breakfast, Chen Xu also told several people in detail about Su City's affairs.

"Now that the old man is still being treated in the hospital, I plan to take Whisper and a few children to see his old man later."

Ye Qingyu heard Chen Xu's words, thought about it, and said positively, "Yes, in ten days it will be the National Day, otherwise how about we go together during the National Day long holiday?" Xiao

Yuer listened to the words of the adults at the dinner table the whole time, and when she heard that her parents were going to take her out with her younger siblings, she raised her little hand happily, "Okay, yes, Yu'er is going to see Grandpa!"

Xiao Nianyu didn't understand at all, which didn't prevent her from following along, and her little hands happily slapped on the table, "Wow

cool wow wow cool!"

Chen Xu looked at a few cute children and daughters-in-law, smiled heartily, and nodded cheerfully, "Okay, then it's decided, when the National Day is off, let's go to Su City together."

As soon as Chen Xu's words fell, the cheers of two small milk balls immediately sounded in the restaurant.


The next few days.

Chen Xu devoted himself to several companies under his hand, and every day was busy and fulfilling.

Without Xu Shirong's threat, Liu Na has returned to school and lived a normal life.

Under the arrangement of Chen Xu and Wu Wenjun, this matter did not show a trace of wind.

Xu Shirong's east window incident, Hangcheng immediately removed his hat and severely punished, together with the accomplice Shi Yuzhen.

Xu Shirong faces at least ten years in prison, while Shi Yuzhen also has to be imprisoned for at least half a year.

So in the next days, Liuna will live very cleanly.

Today, there are three days left before the National Day.

Chen Xu had just begun to prepare for the family to go to Su City.

What was surprising was that a news suddenly came from Su City, which disrupted his original itinerary.

Yu Ailian called, and Old Master Xia's condition suddenly deteriorated, and he was sent to the rescue room, and the situation was not optimistic!

After Chen Xu learned the news, he didn't have the heart to stay longer, greeted his family, and directly embarked on the trip to Su City alone.


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