Sioux City.

Doorway to the rescue room.

The Xia family and all the children, except for Zhou Lanzhi, were all sitting or standing, with solemn faces waiting for news from the old man.

With a rush of footsteps, Chen Xu also arrived at the door of the intensive care unit and met with Yu Ailian and Xu Donglai's family, who were waiting here.

"Uncle Donglai, mom, how is grandpa doing now?" Yu

Ailian's eyes were already crying red, and when she saw her son coming, she shook her head in dismay, "Still rescuing, I don't know, I didn't take good care of my father..."

Yu Ailian said this, her heart full of guilt.

She also couldn't figure it out, obviously she had already seen the second family, how could Xia Yuzhong's condition still deteriorate?

Xu Dong came to see Yu Ailian depressed, and stepped forward to be relieved, "The old man's condition is repeated, this is not something you can control, he will be fine."

Xu Donglai's words fell, and the young woman holding a two- or three-year-old child on the side also nodded, "Yes, Aunt, don't worry, Yin Yin's father will definitely try his best to rescue the old man, and the old man is also a Jiren who has his own celestial phenomena, and there will be no trouble." "

The woman who spoke was Xu Donglai's son-in-law.

And her husband, who happens to be one of the top doctors in this hospital, has just returned from academic exchanges in the past two days, and is now rescuing Mr. Xia in the rescue room.

Although Chen Xu still didn't know much about the specific situation, he was afraid that Yu Ailian's emotions would be too emotional and affect his body, and he also said with relief, "Mom, don't worry, I will deal with everything in the future, and I will deal with anything to help."

Li Chunxing on the side heard Chen Xu's words, but he rolled his eyes and slandered in his heart, "To put it mildly, isn't it that I am worried about the family business of the old Xia family, and the weasel gives the chicken a New Year's greeting, and it is not safe!" Not only Li Chunxing,

Xia Changming and Xia Qiucia also disdained Chen Xu's attitude.

In their eyes, Chen Xu's mother and son were worried about the Xia family's business and the cat crying and fake compassion.

Chen Xu didn't care at all what the Xia family thought of him.

After waiting for a moment at the door of the rescue room together, Chen Xu suddenly remembered the old man's repeated and sudden illness, and decided to go to the ward to take a look.

Xu Donglai heard that Chen Xu was going to clean up in the old man's ward, and he also followed along, and also brought his granddaughter Yin Yin.

Yin Yin's mother is now convenient to go to the toilet, and the task of taking care of the little one naturally falls to Xu Donglai, the grandfather.

Chen Xu was afraid that Xu Donglai had been holding the little guy tired, so he simply took the little one from Xu Donglai's arms.

The little guy also did not recognize the birth, which may also be the reason why Chen Xu was already the father of three children, not only was he not afraid of him, but the little hand was naturally on his shoulder, and Chen Xu was allowed to carry him to the ward where Xia Yuzhong lived before.

At this time, in the ward, the nurse sister was at the bedside, changing the old sheets and quilts.

Chen Xu hugged Xiao Yinyin and entered the door with Xu Donglai.

However, just after entering the ward, after staying for a few seconds, Xiao Yinyin began to cough uncontrollably, and buried her little head in Chen Xu's arms uncomfortably.

Chen Xu looked stunned, reached out to pat the little guy on the back, and at the same time looked at Xu Donglai inquiringly.

Xu Donglai thought that the little guy was choked by saliva, and also reached out and gently patted her back, "Did you choke Yin Yin?" Xiao

Yinyin covered her nose uncomfortably, coughed up tears, and reached out to point out the door while crying.

Where did Chen Xu and Xu Don dare to delay, and quickly carried the little one to the door of the ward.

The wind in the corridor blew over, blowing the surrounding air a little fresher, and the little one's cough eased a little.

Chen Xu looked at Yin Yin, and then looked at the ward, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he asked Xu

Donglai, "Uncle Xu, what is going on with Yin Yin?" Xu Donglai took the child from Chen Xu's arms, also confused, and said, "Yin Yin is allergic to dust, but in this hospital ward, there should not be such serious dust." Like

her mother, his little granddaughter has been allergic to dust since she was a child, and when she arrives in a dusty environment, she will cough badly, stay longer, and her body will be red and itchy.

And as soon as Xu Donglai's words came out, the next moment, he and Chen Xu were slightly stunned, subconsciously glanced at each other, and looked at each other.

"Hmm? Xiaoxu, big brother Donglai.

Without waiting for the two to speak, a gentle voice came over, interrupting their thoughts.

Zhou Lanzhi came to the door of the ward with an enamel basin, saw the two, and greeted softly.

Chen Xu heard the sound, turned his head to see the other party, his gaze fell on the enamel basin in Zhou Lanzhi's hand, stayed for a moment, and greeted, "Great aunt, I said why didn't I see you at the door of the rescue room just now, you are here." When

Zhou Lanzhi heard this, he sighed and said, "Isn't this dad's condition again? I'll come over to wipe his bed, if he comes back, there will be a clean environment."

At this time, the nurse was holding the changed sheets and covers out of the ward, saw Zhou Lanzhi, and said in a loud voice, "Comrade family, the sheets have been changed into clean ones on my side according to your requirements, and you will tell me later if there is anything wrong." When

Zhou Lanzhi heard this, he nodded with a smile, "Howler, hard work."

After greeting the nurse, Zhou Lanzhi greeted Chen Xu and Xu Donglai, and went to the ward with water.

When walking past the two, Xiao Yinyin rubbed her nose again, couldn't help but sneeze twice, and buried her face in Xu Donglai's arms.

Chen Xu and Xu Donglai looked at Xiao Yinyin's reaction, and looked at each other, although they did not open their mouths tacitly, they reached the same consensus in their hearts.


After several hours of rescue, Xia Yuzhong was finally out of danger and arranged a new sterile ward.

This time, Xia Yuzhong's condition deteriorated very suddenly, and the hospital did not find the reason for the sudden deterioration of his condition for a while.

Xu Donglai's son-in-law Wang Zhuo asked the nurses to settle the old man, talked about some precautions with the Xia family, went out for a while and turned back, gathered the Xia family together, and told everyone.

Now that the old man is not out of danger, let the Xia family must keep the air in the old man's ward, and cannot carry any dust that is not conducive to the old man's physical recovery into it.

Otherwise, the old man may not be able to hold out for these two days, and he will never return to the sky.

The doctor's advice made the Xia family seriously realize the seriousness of the matter.

After deliberation, it was unanimously decided that in the past two days, except for the doctors and nurses who took care of them, everyone would not enter the ward to have too much contact with the old man, so that the old man could pass this dangerous period first.

Yu Ailian has always thought that the old man's condition has deteriorated this time, and he must be inseparable from the second family, and since the doctor issued the isolation order, he has been guarding the door of the ward the whole time, completely preventing Li Chunxing and Xia Fuxiong from having the opportunity to get close.


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