Ye Wanyu's mood calmed down, and Chen Xu confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her body, before he was completely relieved.

Otherwise, this scared, the psychological condition is poor, I am afraid that the child in the belly will be on the spot....

Chen Xu couldn't think about it.

He climbed onto the bed quickly, hugged Xiao Yu'er to the pillow, turned around and got out of bed, and whispered to Ye, "I'll stuff all the mosquito nets under the mattress later, make a bunk next to it, sleep with you, and if there is any discomfort, tell me immediately."

Ye Wanyu was in a much better mood at this time, and felt that he was too gaffe just now, shrunk into the quilt, covered his slightly red face, and said with a hard mouth, "I won't be afraid." "

Mosquito nets fenced, perhaps... Rats won't come in.

The main thing is that Chen Xu hit the floor, how cold is that?

Even Ye Wanyu didn't know it, she was already starting to feel sorry for people.

Chen Xu stuffed the mosquito net around the bed along the mattress, looked at the person in the bed with red brows, and said noncommittally, "Are you afraid that I don't know?"

And Ye Wanyu's current situation, there is no adult around, it is strange that she can fall asleep.

Ye Wanyu nestled in the bed, and when he heard the man's words, his heart throbbed, and he was silent.

If he wasn't there, she might really be afraid.

Soon, Chen Xu laid the floor and slept directly on the side of the bed.

"You go to sleep, I'm right next to you." Chen Xu put his hands on the back of his head and said to the person on the bed.

"Hmm..." After a moment, the girl's soft response came over.

Chen Xu originally wanted to force himself to wait for Ye Whispering to fall asleep, but he also slept in seconds, and with a lot of effort, he didn't last for ten seconds, his eyelids closed, and he immediately fell asleep.

Instead, Ye whispered, turning over and over and sleeping unsteadily on the bed.

It's not that I'm too worried about the mice coming back, but now it's winter, Chen Xu sleeps on the floor, will it be too cold?

Until, there was a rhythmic breathing sound by the bedside, and Ye Wanyu found that he was worried too much.

Confirming that Chen Xu was asleep, she gently moved to the side of the bed, turned sideways, a pair of smart and clear eyes, through the warm yellow light, carefully swept over the man's tough silhouette, and her cheeks heated up slightly.

How to look at it, the more ... I think it looks good....


Chen Xu was woken up by a knock on Westinghouse's door.

After all, this floor is really cold, even if there is a quilt, his back is still cold, and he can't sleep deeply.

Hearing the movement, Chen Xu sat up and turned his head to look at the person on the bed for the first time, before quickly getting up and walking out of the inner room.

Outside the house.

Before dawn, Chen Guodong picked up the kerosene lamp, raised his hand to knock on the door a few times, paused for a moment, and just raised his hand to knock again, the wooden door was opened from the inside.

Chen Guodong was very energetic, and as soon as he saw Chen Xu, he spoke, "Ah, Xiaoxu, it's almost four o'clock, the tractor master has also arrived, it's time to go." "

Yesterday thinking about going to Rongcheng today to earn money, excited, nervous, excited, all kinds of emotions intertwined, Chen Guodong almost didn't sleep all night.

Just now, the tractor master knocked on the yard door, and he quickly got up to open the door.

"Okay, I'll pack up and go right away.

Chen Xu greeted someone and hurried back to the back room.

He didn't have anything to clean up, that is, Ye Qingyu slept too far aside, and he would fall off if he didn't pay attention.

"This nizi, such a wide bed, why did she come to sleep on the side."

Chen Xu murmured in his heart, lifted the mosquito net, and the people on the bed slept soundly.

Rao was asleep, but the smell of books between his eyebrows did not dissipate at all.

He leaned over slightly, stretched out his hand, and gently picked the person up from the side of the bed.

The unique fragrance poured into the tip of his nose, his soft body, and the appearance of sleeping soundly and well-behaved made him feel a little ape-hearted, giving birth to an urge to bully fiercely.

I also unconsciously emerged that the two had a passionate and crazy night in this bed...

Chen Xu quickly stabilized his Dao heart, did not let himself remember any more, put the person in the middle of the bed, and tightened the quilt for the big and the small, and made the mosquito net.

It's past four o'clock now, it's almost dawn, the lights are on, and the mouse is too timid to come back.


Four and ten.

The tractor stopped on the road behind Chen Chunlong's house.

Chen Chunlong also got up early, and as soon as Chen Xu and a few people came over, they quickly followed and carried the chickens and ducks in the cage onto the tractor.

And spread a thick layer of thatch on top.

The New Year is getting closer and closer, and there are more and more bandits on the halfway, so if you can do more precautions, you can do more.

After loading the chicken and duck, Chen Xu did not delay, greeted Chen Chunlong, and set off for Rongcheng.

This way.

It's pretty peaceful.

Although there was a wave of bandits in the middle, the other party recognized at a glance that it was the driver, and the tractor master who intercepted and released the potatoes transported was instantly bored, and silently squatted back into the bushes.

They risked their lives to do this, potatoes are not worth much.

After stopping more than ten times, I found that this person was transporting potatoes and directly pulled people into the blacklist.

When the three arrived in Rongcheng, it was already past eleven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, there are not many people selling New Year goods on the black market and stalls selling New Year goods.

There are only two stall owners, both selling some rice and flour grain, and chickens who are only a month or two old.

At first glance, the family has sold out of poultry, and these chicks are also pulled out to earn money.

Chen Xu took Chen Guodong and the tractor master, found a wide stall, moved part of the chicken and duck cage down, and began to sell.

And the local chicken and duck with more than two pounds in his cage soon attracted the attention of many people.

In particular, a few big sisters and uncles who had not yet arrived in the New Year immediately surrounded them.

"Young man, how do you sell this chicken?" asked a cleanly dressed Mediterranean uncle in his 40s.

Chen Xu directly took out a chicken from the chicken cage, causing the chickens in the chicken cage to cluck.

He leaned the chicken towards the uncle and said to the other party with a smile, "Big brother, my chicken is fresh and alive, at least two catties, or an authentic earthen yellow chicken, five pieces a piece."

He said and pointed to the duck cage on the side, "The ducks are more than two and a half pounds, and they are also five pieces, and the eggs are all fresh, and it is no problem to put them for a month or two, one dime a dime."

Chen Guodong on the side was slightly stunned when he heard Chen Xu's words.


listening to Chen Xu's introduction, the Mediterranean uncle also raised his eyebrows, "Big man, yesterday I came to buy chickens for only 4 yuan a piece, how to get to you, directly 5 yuan!

After the uncle finished speaking, he immediately angrily threw his hands away and walked to the next stall.

Chen Xu was not affected in the slightest, and said to everyone, "Everyone, now that the New Year is closed, everything is expensive, my chicken was also purchased at a high price from the mountains far away, five yuan a piece, I really didn't make any money, if you think it's expensive, you can not buy it." "

Before Chen Xu came over, he really planned to have four pieces and five pieces, but now looking at this situation, in the next few days, I am afraid that there will be no chickens and ducks for sale on the black market."

He came out to do business, not to engage in charity, and to earn more if he could.

Moreover, if there are fewer vendors, his side is more likely to be picked up by bandits, and the high risk also has to be rewarded.

Many people originally thought that Uncle Mediterranean, Chen Xu would reduce the price, but they didn't expect that people would not reduce the price and not say, and their attitude was quite tough.

"Young man, it's not me who said you, you are too expensive, if you can't sell it, if you keep it in your hands, you will lose more money."

"It's a big deal, we'll come back tomorrow, maybe it's cheaper for someone else." "

That is, now this black market is not as lively as a few days ago, if you don't lower the price and increase the price, wait for the loss of money!"

Several people were coaxed, and seeing that Chen Xu was still unwilling to reduce the price, he immediately turned and left.

Chen Guodong saw that people walked several at once, and he immediately panicked, and hurriedly turned his head to look at Chen Xu.

If people are too expensive, he, he can do it one by four!"

Chen Xu smiled, "Everyone go slowly." "

In business, there is no reason to be pinched by customers.

Chen Guodong

: "..." Everyone: "..." Several

aunts who had been watching from the side, silently, saw that Chen Xu didn't seem to have the slightest intention of lowering the price, and they hadn't bought New Year goods in their hands.

And these chickens are all 5 pieces each, but some of them are almost three pounds.

If they buy it earlier, one is almost three pounds, and it is not a loss

! The first aunt locked her eyes on the largest and fattest chicken in the cage, and quickly stepped forward, "Oh, bring me one, I want this one!!"

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