"Okay sister, your eyes are really accurate, this is the fattest chicken in me."

Chen Xu took a picture of the rainbow bridge, making the women laugh, and when Chen Xu tied the chicken, he asked for another dollar of eggs.

Chen Xu was also cheerful, and immediately gave an egg to someone.

"Sister, thank you for your support, if you know a friend, remember to introduce you."

"Oh, yes!"

the smile on the woman's face never stopped, and she happily paid to carry the chicken and egg and walked away.

The people watching around could not bear it, they could grab the fat chicken early, and the fatter the more profitable!

As soon as the woman's front foot left, a wave of people rushed up in front of Chen Xu's stall, competing to start grabbing.


, this one, I want this!" "Grab me a duck, I want this."

"Oh, step on my shoes, boss, I'll get me a chicken and a duck."

Chen Xu had long been accustomed to this situation, and he smiled enthusiastically, greeting one by one.

Chen Guodong was not embarrassed to say hello loudly, and when he saw the guests rushing up, he was stunned, and he quickly helped the guests catch chickens and ducks and pick up eggs.

The tractor master originally wanted to step forward to help, but Chen Xu was worried that there were still goods on the car, afraid of being stolen, so he asked him to go back to the tractor and guard.

A wave of guests left, and Chen Xugang followed Chen Guodong to move a few cages back to the stall.

Many cleanly dressed Rongcheng locals had already heard the news and rushed to this side when they saw Chen Xu's stall here, and rushed to this side.

Chen Guodong originally thought that they came too late, and everyone else had finished selling the New Year goods, and I am afraid that they would not be able to sell much today.

At this time, I saw the crowd running, and my face was full of surprise.

"How many people are there?"

he exclaimed, excited.

Chen Xu smiled, "There are fewer people on the black market, not necessarily because everyone has bought enough New Year goods, but the stall owners have no good things to sell." "

Now as soon as he comes over with hundreds of chickens and ducks, as long as someone buys them and walks out, naturally someone will know that there are still good things here."

Chen Guodong suddenly realized, "No wonder, no wonder those few people just now forced you to lower the price and you didn't reduce it." "

It turns out that his eldest nephew has already made wishful calculations!

Chen Guodong was simply ashamed of himself, and he was also convinced by Chen Xu's admiration.

This is a business, ten of him is not enough for his eldest nephew.

The two simply said a few words, and they were surrounded by the guests who heard the news, even if they heard 5 yuan a chicken, they did not hesitate at all.

5 pieces one by one others bought, how could they not buy it.

When you can't celebrate the New Year, other people's big fish and meat, eat white rice with green vegetables at home!

Chen Xu and Chen Guodong almost did not stop this busy work.

At noon, the three of them also ate the sweet potatoes brought by Chen Guodong, and they kept going to three o'clock in the afternoon like two spinning tops.

Chen Xu packed the last lame duck with more than two pounds and six leftover eggs to sell to the guests, and then stopped.

Such a busy work, Rao is a big winter, several people sweat a lot.

Throwing the cage onto the tractor, Chen Xu was about to beckon the two to leave, but he saw that not far away, seven or eight tall people with bad faces were looking towards them.

At this time, Chen Guodong was completely immersed in the joy of selling all the chicken and duck eggs brought today, earning one hundred and eighty-four yuan a day, and did not know anything about the few people who approached behind him.

He touched his bulging pocket and asked Chen

Xu, "Xiao Xu, will we come again tomorrow?" This money is too good to earn, if he can come for another day, it will be more than a hundred yuan!

Chen Xu stretched out his hand, pulled the collar, raised the volume and said with a smile, "It is estimated that it will not work tomorrow, my cousin said that he must send a batch to their armed forces department first, and they will definitely be the main ones." When

Chen Guodong heard this, he was stunned.

How did he not know that Chen Xu had a cousin or was from the armed team?

If it was before, listening to Chen Xu's words, Chen Guodong asked with iron determination.

But after spending a day with his eldest nephew, he also found that Chen Xu never talked nonsense, and many words were even more subtle.

Although he didn't quite understand why Chen Xu suddenly said this, after being slightly stunned, he also smiled and said, "Oh, how did I forget about this!

After getting into the car, before the tractor master started the car, he asked Chen Xu, "Do you want to deliver to the armed forces tomorrow?"

The latter listened to Chen Xu's wrong tone, how dare he delay, and quickly drove away.

When leaving, the tractor master and Chen Guodong noticed that the few who caught up and stopped and stared at the people on their side, reacted, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

The tractor master even slammed on the accelerator and quickly drove the car away with a puff of smoke.

Several people watched the tractor disappear from sight, and their faces were terrifying.

", it's really a person of the armed team? It's hard to see a fat one who has something to do with

the armed team?" "That's no way, in case the people of the armed team really move, they have to vomit out before they have time to digest it, and they are 100% caught squatting in the bureau, and there is no good fruit to eat when they go in."

No wonder you dare to bring so many things over to sell, it turns out that there is a backstage!" "

Hey, I still think that kid is quite a thief, or else, let's follow up and take a look?" "That is, I

think that kid seems to have seen us just now and deliberately scared people." Several

people were simply itchy, not only afraid of the "cousin" in the man's mouth, but also felt that the other party was bluffing, and really did not want to miss such a "fat sheep".

Not long after the tractor left, the two 28 bicycles quickly followed the place where the tractor had disappeared.


Leaving the black market, Chen Xu asked the tractor master to drive the car to Ruyi Street and went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Come to the store, take out the TV ticket, and say hello to the clerk.

When the latter saw this TV ticket, he quickly took it with both hands and enthusiastically introduced it to Chen Xu.

In this era, on the Rongcheng side, people who can get TV tickets have unusual backgrounds and are not good to greet.

Chen Xu listened to the clerk's introduction for a while, and chose a "Panda" brand black-and-white TV set with a total of about 14 inches.

Although there are also color TVs now, they are basically in more advanced cities like the magic capital of Hong Kong City.

Handing the fee of 380 yuan to the salesman, the other party took it with both hands, quickly put the TV into the box, and handed it to Chen Xu with both hands, "Your TV set, the corresponding accessories are also inside."

Chen Xu smiled and stretched out his hand to take it, greeted him, and left the store.

When he came to the door of the store, he saw two familiar figures under the telephone pole not far away, and he stopped and stood for several seconds before getting into the car with the TV.

Not far away, the guy who had been watching here for a long time was busy patting his companions.

"Brother Dong, the TV, one is hundreds, this is a big fat sheep, let's rush him!" As

soon as the young man's words fell, the back of his head was caught off guard and he was slapped.

"Rush you ringgit, this man is what the can we rush?"


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