Chen Qiannan's eyes were red again.

I regretted my stupid behavior before.

Ye Whispered such a good girl, but she almost hurt her for her own selfish desires and jealousy.

Even, she began to struggle with whether to accept Ye Qingyu's help.

If later she knew that she had calculated her, and she personally helped the person who calculated her to heal her leg, how uncomfortable it would be.

The more Chen Qiannan thought about it, the more he felt afraid, and hurriedly raised his head.

However, before she could speak, Chen Xu first whispered to Ye and said, "You go into the house, I'll tell my cousin."

Chen Qiannan was stunned.


that Chen Xu's face and tone had eased, Ye Wanyu was overjoyed in his heart, and looked up at him, "Do you want to help your cousin too?" Chen Xu

looked at the person who was staring at him, pretending to be serious, "If you delay any longer and don't go back, maybe I will change my mind." "

Let's go!"

Ye Wanyu dared to delay, greeted, and hurriedly walked away bypassing Chen Xu.

Chen Xu looked at this person who buried his head and walked away, and his heart jumped again, and he hurriedly whispered a reminder, "Slow down, slow down!" Chen

Qiannan: "..."

I don't know how, this time she suddenly felt that she was a little redundant.

Ye whispered back to the door of the Westinghouse, and Chen Xu called Chen Qiannan aside, looked at her red and swollen face, took a deep breath, and said coldly, "For that kind of beast, is it worth asking for someone so without dignity?"

Chen Xu looked at this haggard and embarrassed woman, and his tone was still softer.

This is also the mildest time in the past few months, when Chen Qiannan listened to Chen Xu talk to her, she couldn't react for a while.

Chen Xu saw that Chen Qiannan did not speak for a long time, and continued to ask her, "Is your face beaten by that beast?"

Chen Qiannan hesitated for a moment, and saw Chen Xuding staring at her, as if he could see through her at a glance, he could only lower his head and whispered back, "Yes, but... It's normal for a man to hit a woman.

Chen Xu did not believe Chen Qiannan's set of rhetoric at all, and asked her, "Can you be the one who tolerates men's domestic violence?"

When I was a child, my strength was not as good as that of the original owner, and I did not fight with the original owner, and I was beaten by the original owner more before I grew up to converge a little.

That is to say, the man of the Chen family can make her converge.

Chen Qiannan was surprised by Chen Xu's question, and quickly lowered her head.

Just as he wanted to find a new explanation, Chen Xu's serious inquiry came again, "Are you threatened by him?"

Chen Xu asked and looked at her fixedly.

Chen Qiannan was not like this in the days when she first married Zhang Qiang, the tiger was very good, and Zhang Qiang had to look at her face.


it weren't for the threat, with Chen Qiannan's character, the other leg would have been broken for him?

Chen Qiannan never expected that Chen Xu would suddenly ask such a question, and he chuckled in his heart, raised his head, and saw Chen Xu's sharp eyes.

Her heartbeat accelerated abruptly, and she secretly clenched her fists, and she even had the urge to spit out all the things that Zhang Qiang threatened her.

When Chen Xu saw Chen Qiannan's reaction, he immediately confirmed it and continued to say to her, "You are so anxious about his leg, he must be threatening you, anyway, I can't cure his leg, you might as well confess to me directly, maybe there is room for maneuver." "

Chen Qiannan was originally a little hesitant, listening to Chen Xu say this at this time, thinking that horizontal vertical is also death, it is better to tell Chen Xu directly, death hurts faster!"

But, you, if you want to hit me, wait until I'm done. Chen Qiannan said with an unnatural face.

After all, it was she who designed Chen Xu, and with Chen Xu's character, she would definitely beat her on the spot when she knew it.

Chen Xu also reacted at this time, guessing what Chen Qiannan was going to say.

However, he didn't say anything, and nodded cooperatively, "Good." Seeing

Chen Xu nodding, Chen Qiannan made the consciousness of being beaten, and then in a row, Zhang Qiang instigated her to design Chen Ou to insult Ye Whisper, and then Zhang Qiang used this incident to threaten her domestic violence and vomited all the things in her brain.

"That's all.

After she finished speaking, she didn't dare to look at Chen Xu's eyes, and she was ready to be beaten.

Chen Xu now knew that her own cousin, not only wronged him for insulting Ye Whisper, but also framed her with his own hands, and he was definitely angry and wanted to beat someone.

However, she was beaten so much by Zhang Qiang, and she was not afraid of today's meal!

However, next, Chen Qiannan's sandbag-sized fist did not greet it, but ushered in a low question.

"So, only you and Zhang Qiang know about this matter, right?" Chen Xu sighed silently and asked aloud.

Chen Qiannan was not surprised at all when he saw that Chen Xu was not surprised at all, and he was stunned before nodding blankly, "Ah, as far as the two of us know."

She only reacted, feeling Chen Xu had long known that she and Zhang Qiang took Ye Whispering to his bed to design his business? Chen

Xu hugged his arms with both hands, looked at his stupid cousin, shook his head and couldn't help but complain, "Sister, you are too good to fool." "

Ah???" This sudden voice suddenly made Chen Qiannan a little overwhelmed, and she didn't understand what Chen Xu meant by this.

Chen Xu was also quite patient, and continued to say to her, "On the second day of your wedding, the villagers came to check my room, and the whisper was not in it, Zhang Qiang said that he designed us with you, how did it design, you said you didn't do it, does he have evidence?" "

What if he drank too much and was confused, or this time he went to Rongcheng and was beaten in the brain, talking nonsense?

Then there are only Zhang Qiang and Chen Qiannan.

Chen Qiannan didn't admit it, Zhang Qiang had no evidence, and no one paid attention to breaking his throat, but he could also put a slander on him and send him in.

When Chen Qiannan heard Chen Xu's words, she froze for a while before she reacted completely

! Yes

, why was she afraid of him

! She didn't admit it herself, Chen Xu said no, the villagers also witnessed it, Zhang Qiang called the sky and no one believed it!


Qiannan suddenly reacted, and with Chen Xu's support, thinking about the suffering and grievances suffered these days, Zhang Qiang's majestic and disgusting face, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, the more angry she became!

instantly restored the previous tiger energy, after looking at Chen Xu.

Immediately, he walked towards the East House with a wooden stick, and his teeth crunched.

Chen Xu saw Chen Qiannan leaving with a stick and an imposing attitude, holding his hands to his chest and showing a satisfied smile on his face.


women of the Chen family are not so easy to bully.



In order to make the big guys look good, the table is changed today! It's updated a little earlier!

Don't be too impressed, the big guys !!

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