
Chen Guodong had already gone to the street to find someone to borrow money.

There is only Zhang Qiang's family in the East House.

Mother Zhang was crying for a long time that no one answered the West House, and when she was tired of shouting, she simply went to lie down on the two benches in the East House.

Anyway, when I go back to town, I don't have money to cure my legs, and I have to be called for debts.

It is better to eat and drink in Chen Guodong's house, pestering the Chen family to treat her son's legs.

Of course, this year's incident was also unexpected by the Zhang family.

At the beginning, Zhang Qiang's wife jumped into the river because she couldn't bear the domestic violence, and although everyone in the town didn't say it, they all knew that no one dared to marry, so she dragged the matchmaker to this high-distance Tengtou village to say the matchmaker.

In order to wait for Chen Qingshan and Chen Guodong to be old and unable to move, the Chen family has no successor except for a fool, and they occupy all the family property and land and then take their wives back to the town.

Who would have thought that the fool of the Chen family was not stupid, and had learned to do business to make money

! What makes people even more puzzled is that Chen Xu can make a lot of money in Rongcheng, why did her family Zhang Qiang go over and directly break his leg

? The more Zhang Mother thought about it, the more depressed and uncomfortable she became

! The responsibility for the consequences now rested on Chen Xu!

If he continues to be stupid, how can Zhang Qiang learn from him to do business, and now he owes a debt, and his leg has been broken!"

"If Zhang Qiang's leg can't be cured, our family will depend on the Chen family for the rest of their lives!" said Zhang Mu angrily.

Father Zhang sat on the side, looking at the mother-in-law on the bench, without saying a word.


Someone stepped into the house.

The two subconsciously glanced up.

Finding out that the other party was Chen Qiannan, it was called a disappointment.

Mother Zhang even glared at this useless daughter-in-law with dissatisfaction, turned around and continued to sleep.

Father Zhang also lowered his head and did not dare to reason.

When he was not in front of the Chen family, Zhang Qiang never gave Chen Qiannan a good face, and Chen Qiannan couldn't fight back, scolding and not returning the mouth, that was called a submissive.

At this time, even if the two saw Chen Qiannan enter the door with a wooden stick, they didn't take it seriously at all.

Chen Qiannan didn't have the energy to care about these two, whizzed into the back room with a wooden stick, closed the door with his backhand, and plugged in the deadbolt.

Zhang Qiang was lying on the bed, and his right leg, which was in pain all the time, simply made him unable to sleep.

When I heard someone come in, my heart suddenly felt excited, and hope was ignited.

Maybe it was Chen Qiannan who made Chen Xu agree to treat his leg and send him to the hospital!

However, when he saw that the only person who came to the bed was Chen Qiannan, his excited face suddenly collapsed, his brows frowned, and he asked her, "Did you tell Chen Xu?"

Chen Qiannan carried a wooden stick in his hand, approached the bed, and replied indifferently, "Said." When

Zhang Qiang heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly supported his body and prepared to get up, "Did he agree?"

After speaking, he noticed the guy in Chen Qiannan's hand.

He raised his head and looked at Chen Qiannan suspiciously, a sense of foreboding welled up in his heart, and he felt that it was impossible, and asked her, "You, what are you going to do?" A

sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Qiannan's mouth, "What for? Of course, kill you beast!" As

she spoke, she had already raised the wooden stick in her hand, aimed it at Zhang Qiang's right leg, and smashed it fiercely!

When the sound came, Zhang Qiangqiang was shocked, and the sharp pain in his leg struck, and he immediately widened his eyes and screamed miserably!

"Ah, Chen Qiannan, you ——!crazy"


Zhang Qiang didn't say anything, and he was smashed on his waist again.

He looked at this woman who was almost red-eyed, and finally completely panicked, and laboriously moved his body to dodge.

But now that he is still covered in injuries with a wasted leg, he can't dodge at all.

I could only watch Chen Qiannan, who had gone crazy, smashing down on him with a wooden stick, and his waist, chest, and arms crackled and beaten, and he screamed and grinned in pain.

I don't know how many beatings, Zhang Qiang endured the pain in his body, curled up on the bed, held his head in his hands, his mouth was already full of fishy sweet blood, and threatened loudly, "Don't fight! Don't fight! Hit Lao Tzu again and immediately spit out the dirty things you did with Lao Tzu!" Chen

Qiannan threw a stick on Zhang Qiang's arm, sneered and said, "The old lady doesn't know what you're talking about? The old lady hasn't done anything dirty with you, Chen Xu said, if your mother dares to dare to dunk the basin on me, directly sue you for slander, let you go in and lock you up for a few years!"

After speaking, he spit out a bubble of saliva into the palm of his hand, rubbed the wooden stick, raised it high, and returned all the anger and grievances endured these days to this beast!

He didn't know what happened specifically, he only knew that Chen Xu must know about him and Chen Qiannan, and these two cousins were now out of breath in one nostril.

That's why Chen Qiannan dared to be so arrogant and not afraid that he would stab him, but also sue him for slander!

Zhang Qiang dared to mention it again, he could only break his teeth and swallow into his stomach, desperately screaming for help.

Father Zhang and Mother Zhang had already reacted, and slammed the wooden door of the back room

! "Chen Qiannan, what are you doing!

"Fa, what happened?" she asked, looking at Toya with a blank look.

Chen Xu hugged his hands to his chest, looked calm, and smiled back, "It's nothing, your fourth cousin deals with some family affairs." "

Huh?" Before

Ye Wanyu could react, Chen Qingshan and several others also heard the movement.

One by one, who still had the mind to watch TV, immediately got up and ran to the East House.

"What is this doing?" Chen Qingshan ran into the East House and immediately shouted.

Chen Xu was afraid that he would not be able to control the scene later, so he let Ye Qingyu stay at the door, and followed a few people into the door.

At this time, Zhang's father and mother Zhang had already hit and kicked on the door of the back room, and as soon as several people entered the door, the wooden door was kicked over by Zhang's mother.

A large group of people poured into the back room.

Zhang Mu hummed and rushed to the side of the bed, and at a glance, she saw Chen Qiannan, whose hair was messy, and who was still holding a wooden stick in her hand to hit Zhang Qiang, and immediately burst out, "Chen Qiannan, what are you doing!"

When Father Zhang saw that his son was beaten, he was also angry and followed his mother-in-law to strike together.

However, before the two could pounce behind Chen Qiannan, they were pulled by the collar from behind, and they couldn't advance for half a point.

Chen Xu grabbed Zhang's father and mother with both hands, looked at Chen Qiannan, who was still beating up endlessly, and said loudly, "It's almost enough, stop." Chen

Qiannan heard Chen Xu's voice, and Zhang Qiang made up a stick on his body, before he stopped, and did not forget to take a sip of saliva on him before retreating.

"He~tui!" Chen

Qingshan looked at Zhang Qiang, who was curled up and whimpering on the bed, and then looked at his granddaughter, who was covered in hair, and froze for a moment before he shouted at Chen Qiannan, "You, what are you doing?"

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