(This chapter reveals foreshadowing, which is a bit brain-burning. Friends who didn’t read the book carefully may not understand it. You can look through the previous article to find clues. If you really don’t understand it, don’t worry too much. Just read the plot. Okay, I hope brothers will be lenient with the ratings o(╥﹏╥)o)

"Who is Zhao Ziluo? I am...Xuanyuan Luoyun...brother Su Mo..."

Xuanyuan Luo Yun's beautiful eyes trembled and she said with a confused expression.

"Yes, you are indeed Xuanyuan Luoyun at this time, but there is Zhao Ziluo living in your body."

"To be precise, it's Zhao Ziluo's evil personality."

Su Mo said in surprise, looking at Xuanyuan Luoyun with a touch of pity in his eyes.

"Evil personality?"

Xuanyuan Luoyun's eyes were full of confusion.

"You are seventeen years old this year, but if you think about it carefully, you have only retained the memory of ten years, and you have no memory of ten years ago."

Su Mo said.

"I really don't have any memories from ten years ago..."

Xuanyuan Luoyun said after being stunned for a moment, looking downcast.

"You are the adopted daughter of the Xuanyuan family. Xuanyuan Xiaotian picked you up when you were 6 or 7 years old, and your memory only lasts for this day."

This was the result that Su Mo found out after he became a human queen and consulted Xuanyuan Luo Yun's files.

He was also shocked at that time. It turned out that Xuanyuan Luoyun was not Xuanyuan Xiaotian's biological child.

"Do you often fall asleep for no reason and then come to places you don't know about?"

Su Mo said.

"I do sleepwalk a lot."

"This isn't some kind of sleepwalking."

Su Mo shook his head and said.

"The reason why you are unconscious is just because the evil personality in your body is in control of your body."

Su Mo said.

Xuanyuan Luoyun's body suddenly stiffened, and at this moment, her whole body was trembling continuously.

"So...why don't you come out yet?"

"When we met before, the demonic aura that attracted me was actually coming from you."

When going to the Oriental Family to receive the inheritance,

That demonic aura was so powerful that even Su Mo felt frightened.

But when Su Mo arrived at his destination, he only found an incredibly weak bear.

The evil spirit is like a flash in the pan, disappearing out of thin air.

And if it weren't for Xiong, then only Xuanyuan Luoyun would be left...

And Su Mo remembered clearly that the bear's eyes were looking at Xuanyuan Luoyun from the beginning to the end.

And the fear when looking at Xuanyuan Luoyun was far greater than when looking at Su Mo!

The seeds of doubt began to be planted from then on.

And once you have a target of suspicion, it will be much easier to investigate.

"I personally taught Zhuge Qingyun the Nine Nether Fire Formation. Let alone three months, it will not be a problem to trap a few demon saints for three years. You destroyed the formation, right?"

Su Mo said again, his tone cold.

Zhuge Qingyun's formation trapped the three demon saints for more than three months, but when Xuanyuan Luo Yun arrived,

The formation declared broken,

When the formation was broken, no one noticed that a wisp of spring breeze happened to blow by.

This is actually Su Mo's sword intention when he takes control of the situation, the spring breeze sword intention...

All traces are too obvious...

"Did you lure the demon saint over to Su Kun?"

"The Human Emperor of the Dongfang Family lost so early, wasn't it because of your secret hand?"

"And you are also the one pretending to be the Gongsun family..."

Xuanyuan Luoyun wanders around the major battlefields, like a cunning hunter, harvesting prey one after another.

And countless wisps of spring breeze passed through the battlefield, watching all this quietly.

But at that time, he was restrained by four demon emperors, and he was thousands of miles away, but he was unable to help.

"You also killed the Human Emperor of the Xuanyuan Family, right? And that crazy Supreme Elder..."

Su You said something shocking, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he slowly revealed a secret.

three months ago.

"I'll go ask the ancestor to come out of seclusion."

Xuanyuan Luoyun said lightly,

An elder who was going to deliver a message was speechless for a moment and was about to refuse.

But the next moment, when he looked into Xuanyuan Luo Yun's dark eyes, he was speechless.

Xuanyuan Luoyun entered the back mountain of the Xuanyuan family and went straight to the ancestral court!

With his status as the young head of the Xuanyuan family, the journey was smooth.

"Ancestor, are you dead?"

"If you are not dead...Luo Yun comes to ask the ancestor to die!"

A sinister and charming voice sounded throughout the cave.

No one knows what happened that day,

I only know that in the end, Xuanyuan Luoyun walked out safely,

There was still anger in his eyes that had not receded, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, indicating that he had suffered serious internal injuries.

"You seem to be afraid of me?"

After coming out, Xuanyuan Luoyun looked pale and smiled a little sickly.

His dark eyes looked at the Supreme Elder with interest.

Licking the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth,

The Supreme Elder was trembling and wanted to speak, but couldn't.

Because a frightening aura emanated from Xuanyuan Luoyun's body, suppressing him so much that he couldn't breathe.

"You should be afraid of me..."

The corners of Xuanyuan Luoyun's mouth raised a strange arc, and she smiled softly, her voice low and hoarse.

Xuanyuan Luoyun walked straight past the Supreme Elder without killing him.

But when the Supreme Elder breathed a sigh of relief, a dark demonic aura penetrated into the Supreme Elder's mouth and nose amid his horrified expression.

Since then, the Xuanyuan family has had a crazy Supreme Elder.

And the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family never appeared again.

And why did Su Mo suspect Xuanyuan Luoyun... Naturally, he found out about this Supreme Elder.

Although the Supreme Elder was crazy, every time he looked at Xuanyuan Luoyun, the fear that was about to overflow was too obvious.

and. Only this Zhao Ziluo has an evil personality,

With this strength and the motive to kill the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family...

Therefore, the support from the Human Emperor of Xuanyuan Family has not arrived for a long time...

As Su Mo finished speaking,

Xuanyuan Luoyun didn't speak anymore, slowly lowered her head, her expression unclear.

But an increasingly weird aura began to leak out of his body.

"And these four demon emperors were also attracted by you, weren't they?"

Su Mo said.

This valley has a natural barrier. It is impossible for the four demon emperors to find this place for no reason.

Unless it was "Zhao Ziluo" who tipped him off from the beginning!

The time and place where Xuanyuan Luoyun was threatened by Bai Shang was too coincidental.

Why did Xuanyuan Luoyun break into this area for no reason? It happened to be the day when Bai Shang and the others took action.

What's even weirder is that it's like rushing up to threaten Bai Shang.

If Xuanyuan Luoyun hadn't reached some kind of agreement with Bai Shang in advance, Su Mo wouldn't have believed it.

Judging from a single clue, it may not be obvious, but when all the clues are connected in series,

It couldn't be more obvious.

"Do you want me to continue? Zhao Ziluo's clone?"

Su Mo said word by word, his expression extremely cold.

There was a faint gleam of light in his eyes, revealing the luster of seeing through everything.

The dark aura on Xuanyuan Luoyun's body reached its extreme level and was extremely weird.

She slowly raised her head, her beautiful and charming face looked sickly pale,

Her eyes completely lost their sparkle at this moment.

From the original blue gemstone, it turned into absolute darkness like a layer of ink rendered.

Her sick smile was like a poisonous Hibiscus flower, coquettish, sick, deadly, and hoarse:

"Keke, you are indeed Brother Su Mo, but this only confirms that I have been doing harm to the human race. How can you confirm that I am related to that Zhao Ziluo?"

Xuanyuan Luoyun had a strange look on her face, her beautiful face had a haunting and enchanting charm, and her face was pale.

At this moment, she seemed to be a different person, pointing at Zhao Ziluo in the distance and asking.

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