Just broke up with the empress, stepped on the ant to upgrade

Chapter 170: Decision-making on the Strange Beasts

With a bright and grand fireworks, the crisis of alien beasts that had besieged earth civilization for an entire era was resolved.

Alien beasts are the biggest enemies of mankind after the disaster.

The population that once forced humanity dropped sharply from seven billion to two billion.

It once forced mankind to give up countless territories and was forced to curl up in a corner of the Eurasian continent. It had to build high city walls.

He once personally pulled mankind down from the throne of the self-proclaimed master of the earth, and clearly told all the people on earth... You may also be prey...

It is this kind of enemy that has repeatedly forced the earth's civilization to a desperate situation... and even had to flee its homeland and flee to Mars...

And now...

It is ended...

With the arrival of a person...

It was an understatement, ended so casually... everything seemed ridiculous... but because it was him, it seemed reasonable...

The earth has entered an era of rapid development.

With the demise of the Alien Beast Emperor, the entire Alien Beast tribe began to face human encirclement and counterattack.

Soon, under the leadership of a group of powerful people in the Tianquan realm and the Yuheng realm,

The realm of alien beasts began to shrink,

In just three months, humans took back a large amount of territory and the American continent.

Human beings no longer need to curl up within high walls, but can enjoy the scenery of the earth at will.

You can play as much as you want on the beach and enjoy the beautiful wind and sunshine. You no longer have to worry about strange animals falling from the sky or swimming out of the deep sea to visit unexpectedly.

The mutant beasts that could be seen everywhere in the past were all slaughtered in a short period of time.

But it is unrealistic for humans to completely exterminate alien beasts.

Because exotic beasts are the result of the natural evolution of ordinary beasts in a short period of time due to the influence of the aura environment.

Unless humans completely destroy and reshuffle the entire ecological chain, except for slaves raising some harmless animals as blood food,

All other alien beasts that pose a threat to humans will be slaughtered to extinction.

But there is a problem. After being nourished and evolved by spiritual energy, most of the alien beasts pose a threat to humans.

In other words, humans have to wipe out almost 90% of the species on the earth in order to sit back and relax.

However, doing so will cause great damage to the earth's ecological environment, will cause the earth's civilization to regress, and is not in line with the principle of protecting species diversity.

In the end, the highest level of mankind held a round table meeting and voted.

In the end, Su Mo will make the final decision...

In fact, the voting part is just a formality and can be omitted...it is just to provide some reference opinions to Su Mo.

The real decision-making power still lies with Su Mo...

After all, Su Mo had just saved the earth at this time and was a well-deserved savior and the uncrowned king of earth civilization.

Nowadays, Su Mo's personal power is high enough to influence the life and death of a civilization... Some worldly powers no longer apply to him.

Therefore, we can only push Su Mo to the altar.

Su Mo is already the sword master of the entire earth!

Have the final decision-making power on all major issues of earth civilization! And a veto!

The sword wielder of the earth means the Sword of Damocles suspended on the earth’s civilization.

It has the most sanctioning power, trial power and decision-making power!

In addition, a series of honorary titles are attached.

But Su Mo had no intention of fighting for anything. These strange things were added by the higher-ups of humans themselves.

Su Mo usually prefers to be a transparent person who lives behind the scenes.

So... Regarding the final verdict on the alien beasts... Su Mo directly rejected all the suggestions from the top human beings...

Instead, it launched a global vote to allow humans around the world to participate in this decision-making, instead of just a few high-level officials deciding on this matter.

Among them, qualified citizens without any criminal record have the right to one vote.

Scientific researchers who have made significant contributions to the human race, as well as warriors and soldiers who have made significant contributions to the front lines of the battlefield to defend their country, have the right to vote from three to five votes...

In the end, with the participation of all mankind, the result of the judgment on the alien beasts is:

All human beings vote to select a group of alien beasts that they hate deeply and put them on the must-kill list.

At the same time, some groups of exotic beasts with relatively gentle and cute personalities are selected for long-term domestication and captivity.

After some voting, about half of the entire alien beast was gone, which shows the public's hatred for the alien beast.

At the same time, some groups with potential threats and strong social attributes will be eliminated, causing the alien beasts to fall apart internally and unable to form greater affiliation and cohesion.

As for the remaining 30% of the alien beasts that survived, they were forced into the restricted area of ​​life, and the seven alien beast mountain ranges were established to undergo a long-term process of natural breeding and domestication.

At the same time, the number of alien beasts is always controlled to a certain number.

This is a racial war, so there is no mercy at all.

When ordinary human beings do not have the strength to fight against alien beasts, they can only try to minimize the threat of alien beasts to ensure the safety of ordinary people.

And the reason why 30% of the alien beasts are left behind is just to avoid causing the earth's civilization to regress again.

At the same time, humans are constantly alerted to themselves through alien beasts, so that human civilization can further hone itself.

After all, whether humans are taking a spiritual test or a technology test,

Alien beasts are a good research direction.

Technology and development require the bodies and even organizational structures of alien beasts to conduct countless experiments.

If you want to practice spiritual energy, you can't do without killing and trials along the way.

If a warrior wants to grow, he must go through countless life and death trials and countless battles.

Among them, the life restricted area where the alien beasts are located will be a good place for trials and training.

It sounds inhumane...but this is the consequence of the complete failure of the race war.

If Su Mo didn't exist, what would greet humans would be the food of alien beasts and the end of all mankind.

The failure of one race will only lead to complete and irreparable disaster.

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