"A planet-level breakthrough can actually cause such amazing phenomena in the world. This woman is extraordinary."

Outside the space, there are ten figures floating quietly. They have different shapes, most of them are humanoid creatures.

But there are also aliens.

At this time, the leader of the twelve figures said.

The transcendent forces in the entire galaxy seemed to vaguely respect him.

"Oh? It's just a planetary level. How can a woman from this abandoned land be able to catch the eye of Brother Wang?"

"Yes, things have happened here. If Brother Wang is willing to move, you can follow me to the Hehuan Star Area, where there are as many planet-level beautiful women as the Hengsha River."

Among the twelve figures, several people conformed to the Tao.

After all, planetary levels are not uncommon in the universe.

Even many interstellar races with powerful bloodline talents have avenue runes engraved on their bodies from the day they are born.

If you are born at the planet level, you will naturally be at the starry sky level or star sea level when you reach adulthood.

And this royal brother, the eldest son of a prince in the Galaxy God Ruins,

It is a life form with superior bloodline talent. When it reaches adulthood, it is almost a star sea realm powerhouse.

At this time, he is not yet an adult, but is still in the growth stage.

He doesn't need to practice much on weekdays, but with his natural growth of age, he has become a starry sky level.

Races in the entire universe are divided into infancy, growth, adulthood, peak, and old age.

Therefore, there is really nothing surprising to them about a planet-level native.

"What do you know? Don't compare those vulgar fans with her. It's been a long time since I've seen a native with such amazing talent. What if I told you that this woman's life breath is less than thirty years old?"

The alien surrounded by everyone sneered.

It was a young man in a white robe, with an extraordinary appearance, but he looked the same as a human being.

He was also wearing clothes that resembled those from ancient times on earth. He was dressed in Hanfu and had an astonishing aura.


Some of the heirs of the major families around him had not yet reacted, looking at each other in confusion.

What happened to becoming a planet at the age of thirty? What about those who are planet-level from birth?

Is this worthy of making Master Shenzi so excited?

"No wonder Brother Wang is so shocked..."

One creature actually understood, with a look of surprise on his face.

"I believe you have all read the information about the Abandoned Land when you came here. The indigenous people on this living planet are limited by their own racial talents. Logically speaking, when they reach adulthood, they are only a person who cannot even reach the first level of the cosmic energy level. Fragile life form.”

"Now, there is an indigenous person who has broken through the 100th level of the cosmic energy level and reached the planetary level. Do you know what this means?"

A first-born creature with double horns, a humanoid creature, with a light of wisdom in its eyes, took over the topic and said:

"It means that she has broken the limits of her own race, and has broken the limits of her race a hundred times... Such a creature... her racial talent and bloodline will no longer be a constraint on her, she will be a true genius, and her future future is immeasurable. "

His name is Chenze, and he comes from the Bisu family. He is one of the most powerful forces in the entire galaxy.

Different from the other people who came who were just descendants of the big family, Chenze was the only designated heir of the big family here, and his status was completely different.

"Chenze would like to congratulate Brother Wang here for meeting this Qilin girl in such a desolate place... If he can successfully take her under his command... he will surely add another star general to Brother Wang."

Chenze said, his gentle appearance makes people feel like spring breeze.

The descendants of several other major forces also echoed here.

He looked like he was the only one who obeyed.

There is no way, this prince's apparent identity is the most astonishing among the second-generation dignitaries of the gods, even worse than Chen Ze, the heir to the first family.

There are three princes in the entire Galaxy God Ruins, namely Prince Qisha, Prince Tanlang, and Prince Pojun.

He is the youngest son of the Lord of Greedy Wolf, Greedy Snake.

Since the Lord of the Galaxy does not have any descendants, the force behind Snake is the Galaxy God Ruins itself.

More importantly, the Lord of the Galaxy has spoken, and whoever can obtain the inheritance of Xiu Gou Nv will personally accept them as disciples.

From the perspective of discerning people, given the close relationship between the Lord of the Galaxy and the Lord of Greedy Wolf,

Isn't it just to recruit the greedy snake as a disciple? A wording that was deliberately found?

You know, the Lord of the Galaxy has not accepted a disciple for hundreds of thousands of years.

The only disciple he accepted was the Heavenly Lord who walked out of the abandoned land.

At the beginning, the Lord of the Galaxy trained him as his successor.

After the death of the Heavenly God, the Lord of the Galaxy never accepted a disciple again.

But now, he actually wants to accept a disciple again,

Does this mean that the Lord of the Galaxy is starting to cultivate a new heir again?

Therefore, it is very important for the Lord of the Galaxy to accept a disciple.

Once this greedy snake king brother obtains the inheritance of Xiu Gou Nu, his future will be limitless.

Therefore, the descendants of a group of superpowers naturally respect him.

However, there are also several descendants of superpowers,

He was flattering on the surface, but disdainful on the inside. There was an inexplicable luster in his eyes from time to time, as if they were communicating behind the scenes.

Several people secretly looked at each other and looked at Chenze, as if waiting for his next move.

Obviously, this alien team seems to be mainly composed of the son of the prince and the Lord of the Greedy Wolf, Snake.

But behind the scenes, there is also Chen Ze, the heir of the first family, the Bisu family.

After all, in terms of real status, Chen Ze is not inferior to Snake.

There is only one heir to the family, but the prince has many children.

If Snake loses the inheritance of the Xiu Gou female lord this time, his status will plummet and he may never become the next Lord of the Greedy Wolf.

On the contrary, if he gets the inheritance of the female lord, the power of the entire Bisu family will reach its peak again.

So both of them are determined to get the inheritance of the Xiu Gou female lord, and the two forces are confronting each other openly and secretly.

They have different thoughts and ulterior motives.

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