"Master, the Haoyue family has sent the reinforcement materials to the space zip code. Please pay attention to check them."

Su Mo had just reached the entrance of the inheritance place.

The next moment, Tomoko's voice came again.

"It's pretty fast... Such efficiency..."

Su Mo was slightly surprised.

Immediately, following Sophon's prompts, he penetrated his consciousness into the void and connected to a special space.

Looking at the items placed in different spaces, Su Mo immediately took them into his system space without hesitation.

"Ding, you got the Phoenix Armor."

"Ding, you got the Thunder God Armor."

"Ding, you got the Flame Divine Sword."

"Ding, you got the cosmic fruit power"

"Master, the Haoyue family has replied to Qingyue's email and has intercepted it."

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

Su Mo asked while looking at the properties of the equipment.

Every piece of equipment made him feel hot inside.

[Name: Phoenix Armor]

[Level: Xinghai level]

[Attributes: Defense increased by 100 times, level +100. When below the Xinghai level, the host can fight across a realm. When at the Xinghai level, the host's combat power can be increased by 30%. 】

[Skills: Burning the World, Phoenix Nirvana, Rebirth from the Fire, Automatic Repair...]

[Evaluation: The armor that condenses the power of the Phoenix contains a trace of the law of fire. It is rumored that it was the first prize winner in the last star war. It is extremely precious. 】

"What a good thing... This equipment is just right for Luo Xi's wife to use."

"It seems to be a defensive type of armor."

Looking at the attributes of the Phoenix Armor, Su Mo nodded with satisfaction.

[Name: Thunder God Armor]

[Level: Xinghai level]

[Attributes: Defense increased by 100 times, level +100. When below the Xinghai level, the host can fight across a realm. When at the Xinghai level, the host's combat power can be increased by 30%. 】

[Skills: Heavenly Punishment, Thunder King, Thunder God Coming to the World, Automatic Repair...]

[Evaluation: The armor that condenses the power of the God of Thunder contains a trace of the law of thunder and lightning. It is rumored that it was the first prize winner of the last Star Wars. It is extremely precious. 】

"This piece of equipment is more offensive."

"Well, that's right. These two pieces of equipment... are destined to us... and they are still lovers..."

Su Mo sighed.

The level of both pieces of equipment can be directly increased by 100, making him finally feel that he has the ability to protect himself when facing the descendants of the twelve major superpowers.

Obviously, this is a piece of equipment specially prepared to protect low-level cosmic experts.

When you reach the Xinghai level, the increase in armor is not that big.

"Master, the email said: Material support has been delivered. Among them are many pieces of war trophies won by the Son of God in participating in the Battle of Star Territory. Two pieces of equipment of Star Sea level quality and three pieces of Star Sky level quality. If you need support, please call Young Master. Any instructions."

Tomoko's voice came over.

"Okay, then change the reply message to: The Hidden Killer Clan has been contacted, and they are on their way on horseback..."

Su Mo nodded clearly, thought for a while and said.

"Yes, Master."

Tomoko replied, quickly organizing the message and sending it to Qingyue.

On the other side, Qingyue, who was walking towards the teleportation gate, did not stop at all even though she had received the message.

It seemed that he had anticipated this incident. He had already accurately calculated the speed at which the family would respond to news.

This speed was a few seconds slower than he expected, so there was nothing surprising.

At this point, he casually accepted the information.

However, the moment after accepting it, his calm expression was obviously stunned: "On the way here on horseback? What kind of horse? Is this another new model of star battleship?"

Qingyue was a little confused,

"It can't be the kind of horse that the indigenous people of the earth have, right?"

Qingyue thought about it and couldn't recall which star battleship company had produced a spaceship of this type.

In the end he could only mutter.

The only information he could remember about horses was the information he had obtained when scanning the earth's indigenous cultures.

Horse culture has always been an important part of the earth's culture. It has been linked to the culture of war since its birth.

Occupy a link in the long history of the earth.

I haven’t seen that when people on earth are having friendly exchanges and greetings with their companions, they all like to say: Your horse is gone...

"It shouldn't be..."

Qingyue shook her head to herself again,

This horse has nothing to do with the horses in Star Wars.

"Is fashion reincarnation?"

Qingyue could only think of this,

If you don’t understand it, just don’t think about it anymore.

Now that we have contacted the Hidden Killer Clan, everything is easy to talk about.

The number one assassination race in the Galaxy God Ruins personally took action,

These two natives of the earth naturally cannot escape the fate of being hunted.

Thinking of this, Qingyue raised her head, looked at Su Mo and smiled, with a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

At the same time, Su Mo just raised his head, looked at Qingyue and smiled like a spring breeze, and an incomprehensible light flashed in his eyes.

The facial expressions of the two people were surprisingly consistent at this moment.

Qingyue: "How can this native of this earth still laugh? I'm afraid he doesn't know what kind of fate awaits him, right?"

Su Mo: "Is this alien Erbi? He was tricked and he still laughed so happily?"

The two sighed inwardly, with a hint of hidden sympathy in their eyes.

After looking at each other, the smiles on their mouths deepened,

As if they were old friends who had not seen each other for many years, their eyes looking at each other became more friendly.

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