A great war wiped out the whole world.

Only Su Mo was left.

Mu Yuluo, Yin Jiao, Xuan Yue... they all left...

His former partner disappeared without a trace, making Su Mo feel a boundless loneliness.

Most of the old friends in the past were limited by their talents and could not go any further.

As their longevity approaches, they are already aging badly.

Su Mo also gave them some powerful medicines to help them prolong their lives.

But mostly to no avail.

The woman who once taught Su Mo how dangerous the world of cultivation was, and how women could not be inferior to men, finally found an ordinary mortal to marry...

"Xiao Mo, with my aunt's qualifications, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the end of the immortal road in this life..."

"It's better to let my aunt find the joy of life in her limited life..."

When Zhao Yaxuan smiled, her elegance remained the same as before, and she seemed to have made some kind of decision. At this moment, her appearance seemed to be ten years younger, and she seemed to have let go of some shackles in her heart.

Obviously, she found the joy of life...that is love...family...

A mortal's lifespan is less than a hundred years, but with Su Mo's help, he gave that man a hundred years of life!

After all, he could not withstand the decay of time and aged badly.

During this period, my aunt Zhao Yaxuan actually chose to accompany him for a little while... as she grew older.

When I see my aunt who used to love beauty the most, she would often pester him and ask: "Xiaomo Xiaomo, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" Now, she has abandoned the appearance she once cherished.

Su Mo was moved for a moment.

He felt a little bitter in his heart, and a figure appeared inexplicably in his mind...

My aunt has gained her love, but what about him... when should we get together again?

When Zhao Yaxuan's husband died completely.

When the aunt wanted to go with her husband, she was rescued by Su Mo.

"Xiao Mo... you shouldn't have saved me... you wasted the elixir..."

Zhao Yaxuan smiled helplessly, but she was living well after all, but there was less light in her eyes...

Zhao Yaxuan chose to take care of her husband and raise her children at her most prosperous age.

As a result, even if Su Mo forced her to live longer and fed her countless powerful medicines, her cultivation would remain at the foundation-building stage for the rest of her life.

But with her qualifications, if she hadn't chosen love in her prime and wasted her time practicing, she could have reached the golden elixir stage...

The lifespan of a foundation-building monk is only three hundred.

In the first two hundred years of her most glorious life, she chose to give her time to her husband.

She chose to give her time to her children for the next hundred years.

The way she looked at the child seemed to be looking at Su Mo when she was a child, and also seemed to be looking at her former lover...

When her children also started a family, married a wife and had children, they formed a prestigious clan of immortal cultivators.

When Zhao Yaxuan was already very old and her children and even her grandchildren were surrounding her in a circle,

When she was dying, she sent away a group of children who kept crying.

She was old and alone in her room, as if she was waiting for death and something else.

Finally, a figure in white fell silently in front of her, and her cloudy eyes revealed a long-lost smile.

"Xiao Mo... don't waste medicine on me..."

"In this short life, I can see you again, and I am... very content..."

Su Mo's body paused, and he watched quietly without saying anything.

Zhao Yaxuan's wrinkled mouth raised a satisfied smile, and she murmured breathlessly.

Chatting with Su Mo about home affairs and the past.

Her hair is now gray, her grace is gone, and her appearance is no longer the same as before.

In the next hundred years, Su Mo gave her some elixirs from time to time... As a result, she lived for another hundred years...

Now, she is finally old and disfigured, reaching the end of her life...

"I can finally go find him..."

Zhao Yaxuan's eyes ignited with a long-lost look, a light that made Su Mo lose his mind.

That was the light that had disappeared since her husband passed away two hundred years ago.

In the silence of the next two hundred years, when Su Mo thought he had disappeared long ago,

It was at the last moment of his life that he burst into flames again.

It turns out that the flame called love... has never disappeared, and will only become more intense as time goes by! Timeless.

Zhao Yaxuan's soul left her body and slowly floated out of her old body.

She unexpectedly regained her former appearance again, with unparalleled beauty and fair skin. She smiled like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.


A light door opened wide in the void, and in the light door there was a surging river of life and death. The souls were flowing around, endlessly.

I saw a figure walking out step by step on the bank of the River of Rebirth.

That was Zhao Yaxuan's husband. He was scratching his head as before when they first met, with a simple and honest smile on his lips.

"You idiot, long time no see."

Zhao Yaxuan smiled silently, saying goodbye after not seeing each other for a long time.

With Su Mo's current level of cultivation, he could see clearly at a glance, and all souls passing away could not escape his eyes.

When Zhao Yaxuan's husband passed away two hundred years ago, she asked Su Mo to bring him back from the past life and wait for his wife to go through reincarnation together...

Su Mo agreed, but what awaited him would be two hundred years of waiting in the dark, and the wasting of his soul and body. The man has no regrets...

The two looked at each other and smiled, seeming to have a good understanding.

They thanked Su Mo, waved to Su Mo, and said goodbye to Su Mo...

The two of them joined hands, stepped into the light door, and headed for the River of Rebirth...

Su Mo pursed his lips and said nothing. An unspeakable emotion blocked his chest.

He couldn't vent it, disturbing this world.

He was a little confused for a while,

He was actually alone.

His last relative in this world also died, and no one could call him Xiao Mo anymore...

He witnessed the life and death of his relatives with his own eyes.

He stepped out of the room and came to the sky! He was in a panic, but a little relieved.

That day, the bottleneck that had not been loosened for a long time finally loosened!

The calamity clouds in the sky rolled in, and the entire sky was shrouded in endless thunder calamity. He was dressed in white, and in the thunder calamity that continued to fall, he stepped into the calamity period...

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